The evening glow filled the sky at dusk, the sun was close to setting, and the whole sky was golden red, looking extremely beautiful.


The light wind blew slowly, blowing up the beautiful long golden hair like waves. The mature and beautiful young woman was leaning on the edge of the boat, looking at the sea in the distance.

"What are you thinking!"

The big hands wrapped around the slender waist [hmm], Kaido hugged Lu Jiu in his arms, rubbing his golden hair on his face, breathing in the scent, feeling the softness of the tender body in his arms. Huh] Soft, Kaido asked softly.

"Rayleigh came to see me!"

Her body trembled slightly, and Lu Jiu raised her head, looked at Kaido's slashed face, and said softly.

"Pluto Rayleigh? What is he doing with you?"

Raising his brows, Kaido said in surprise, but he was not too shocked. After all, Rayleigh was Roger's co-captain after all, but his most capable companion knew that Lu Jiu's existence was not unusual at all.

Of course, no matter what Rayleigh said to Lu Jiu, Kaido wouldn't care, because after five years, the woman in her arms had already completely put her heart on herself, and there was no sign of Roger anymore.

What's more, if it really annoys Kaido, Kaido doesn't mind killing a "Pluto"!

"He didn't say anything and supported my choice!"

The slender jade hand covered Kaido's big hand, and Lu Jiu said with a hint of guilt.

"It's just that he wants to take Ace and train him himself!"

"You promised?"

Holding the slender jade hand in the palm of his hand, and playing with [En] gently, Kaido reached out and lifted Lu Jiu's white chin, and looked at her playfully.

"Yeah! I agreed. Rayleigh is one of his most trusted companions. I am also very relieved to hand Ace to him. After all, you don't like him yourself!"

Shaking his head, Lu Jiu said with some guilt. The sharp-minded Lu Jiu could naturally see that Kaido didn't like Ace.

Therefore, after hearing that Rayleigh wanted to train Ace, Lujiu hesitated and finally agreed. After all, Rayleigh himself is not only powerful, but also Roger's best friend, which is of great benefit to Ace.

"No no no, I didn't dislike him, I just didn't care about it' 々!"

Turning Lu Jiu around and hugging her head-on, Kaido said calmly, Ace is not worth his hatred, not to mention Ace, even if Roger himself appeared in front of Kaido, Kaido also won't care.

Because Kaido has this confidence and strength.

"However, this is your decision, and I will not object, just leave Ace to him. If you want to see him, I can make you want to see him at any time!"

Holding Lu Jiu tightly, feeling the young woman's perfect body, Kaido said with a hint of anger.

"It seems we haven't been there for a long time!"

"Come here for once now!"

Acting domineeringly with both hands, Lu Jiu didn't refuse the chance at all. In fact, Kaido's knowledge has already shrouded the entire "King's Landing". Any disturbance will be known to Kaido, not to mention being able to board "King's Landing". No., without exception, are women, even Ace, without the consent of Kaido, can not board the "King's Landing".

It's impossible to be seen by anyone.


Lu Jiu replied softly, with a blush on Mei Yan's face, adding a touch of beauty, and she didn't know which thing she was answering, or both.

Soon, the moving sound of spring echoed on the deck, such as the soft meowing of cats, the wonderful spring light made people unable to take their eyes off, but unfortunately this scene is destined to be seen by no one.


Three days later, the bottom of the sea was [-] meters deep.

"Is this [-] meters under the sea? It's so spectacular!"

Robin put his hands on the edge of the boat, his eyes were shining, and he looked through the bubbles in amazement, looking at the deep sea outside, and all kinds of strange fish swimming by from time to time, exclaimed in amazement. Wearing black denim shorts and a denim top, the thirteen-year-old Loli's body showed another style.

"It's unimaginable that such a thin membrane can block the exaggerated pressure of [-] meters on the seabed. It's amazing!" Nicole Olvia, reaching out and tapping on the bubble, said in amazement, although the bubble was sturdy The extent, I had seen it before, but Olvia was still amazed.

"Well, after all, it is the only way to carry countless pirate ships across the red soil continent. If there is no ability, how can it be possible to create this magnificent era of pirates!"

On the side, the Nine Snake Emperor-Verna nodded in agreement and said that Verna was also a powerful pirate, who had also traveled through the Red Earth Continent and went to the New World, and naturally understood the characteristics of the coating.

".'Compared to this, I am more curious about the appearance of Fishman Island, and those mermaids. I heard that they are extremely rare and beautiful. Each one can be sold for hundreds of millions of dollars on the black market!"

2b walked straight over, her tall and perfect body became more and more sexy, and her voice carried a hint of curiosity. As for the mermaid, even though she used to be the princess of Oxi Kingdom, she had never seen it before, and she was still very curious in her heart.

"Mermaid! I really haven't seen it before, I don't know what it looks like!"

With a slender index finger on his chin, Robin said in a longing tone. He has not gone through the demise of his mother and O'Hara, and the perennial escape journey. Today's Robin is far less mature than in the original book, and he still takes a girl with him. childishness.

"Hmph, compared to this, the concubine is more curious about adding a few more mermaid sisters this time. You must know that someone is very lecherous!"

Hancock, who was young but already claimed to be his concubine, snorted and looked at the deck with some dissatisfaction.

"Well, I can already expect that scene (Qian Zhaohao)!"

Covering her face lightly, Olvia sighed and said that she already knew Kaido's character very well in O'Hara!

"Yes, Not Bad!"

On the side, Verna, who was also deeply experienced, nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I don't think Lord Kaido would do this!"

Blushing with shame, Robin retorted a little awkwardly. I don't know what he was thinking of, the girl's charming [hmm] body swayed.

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