Said with a hint of annoyance, Katakuri is the only strong person present who can match him. If Katakuri is lost, Tianyasha and Doku alone may not be Hawkeye's opponents.

"Come on! That monster is coming!!"

Katakuri looked extremely frightened, as if he had seen something terrifying.

"What's coming?!"

Marco asked with some doubts, even Hawkeye's eyes were slightly condensed, and he seemed to be a little puzzled.

Then, as if to explain the confusion to Marco and the others, a violent sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a huge figure like a demon descended from the sky, hitting the ground heavily.

ps: The five shifts are over, and the promise is fulfilled!

Starting from four o'clock, for a full nine hours, the eyes were uncomfortable and the people were tired!

For the sake of my hard work, how about giving me a little reward! _(:з"∠)_.

Chapter [-]: Desperate monsters, phoenixes killed in seconds (first)


The terrifying vibration swept across the island, and the earth collapsed in an instant. The smoke and dust filled the sky, and cracks split open in four parts.

"Gulu, what's going on?!"

"It seems that something has fallen!?"

"What's the matter with this unease coming from the bottom of my heart!!"

Shock, fear, anxiety and other emotions lingered on the phoenix Marco and others. Looking at the huge body looming in the smoke, they were sweating slightly because of their strength, and an unbelievable guess rose in their hearts!

"... Here comes a terrifying monster!!"

The sharp golden eagle eye shrank to the extreme, the eagle eye held the black knife tightly, his expression was extremely solemn, his body was tense, and an uncontrollable trembling "eight seven zero" came from the bottom of my heart.

No matter how strong or lonely one's heart is, just facing that figure, one will feel trembling and fear from the bottom of his heart, without caring about sexual problems.

No matter how ferocious a mouse is, it will feel trembling when facing a cat, and even a monster-level powerhouse like Hawkeye will tremble and be afraid when facing that figure.

"Looks like I came just right!"

The thick smoke slowly dissipated, Kaido's huge body like a demon was completely revealed, and a pair of tyrannical and cold eyes looked down at Marco and the others, and said slowly.

"Hundred, Hundred Beasts Kaido!!!"

Thick horror flooded his face, and Marco involuntarily took a few steps back and lost his voice.

Kaido, the most powerful monster quietly set foot in the new world, if this news is spread out, it will be enough to cause a huge earthquake and make the Pirate Alliance headed by Whitebeard tremble, and they will do their best to correct it.

"This, this is really a super monster!!!"

Unable to suppress the fear in his heart, even if he was as arrogant as Doflamingo, he would break out in a cold sweat, not daring to be as arrogant as before.

After all, he is just arrogant and arrogant, not an idiot. He naturally knows that he can't be too arrogant in the face of a monster like Kaido, otherwise he will definitely be shot to death directly.


"It's that monster!!"

"He actually came to the new world!!"

A group of pirates who watched from a distance had their scalps numb, almost about to explode, looking at Kaido in horror, their feet could not help shaking.

"It's Lord Kaido!!!"

In the distance, "Strange Cat" Hall was extremely excited, his whole body was trembling, his eyes almost glowing, as a loyal fan of Kaido, when he saw Kaido, he almost screamed with excitement.

"Marco the Phoenix, Katakuri, the Head of the Stars, Mihawk the Eagle!"

Slowly inspecting the strongest three people present, Kaido said calmly, as for Doflamingo and others, Kaido ignored them directly. The mere ants are not worthy of Kaido's attention, even Marco et al. It was only because of Whitebeard and BIG-MOM and others that Kaiduo gave him a high look.

In fact, for today's Kaido, only this big swordsman like Hawkeye, the world's top powerhouse, is qualified to be in Kaido's eyes, and everything else is not qualified.

"If you take you down, Whitebeard and the others will go mad!"

The understatement of the sentence suddenly changed the faces of several people, especially Marco, who turned pale. He knew his father's temper. If he knew that he was arrested, he would definitely go shopping with Kaido directly, regardless of Kaido. No matter how powerful it is.

"Lord Hundred Beasts, I am willing to give up the Devil Fruit and the Supreme Sword, and dedicate them to you. Please look at Whitebeard's face and let us go!"

Marco bowed his head slightly and said respectfully to Kaido, facing monsters like Kaido, not to mention Marco, even if Whitebeard came, he would bow his head.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

Looking down at Marco and the others, Kaido said indifferently.

"Kill you to death directly, the thing is not mine!"

After finishing speaking, Kaido rushed out, surpassing the speed of sound in an instant, and slapped it directly, the atmosphere shook, a terrifying hurricane swept out, and a shocking force was gathering.


Marco changed color in shock, the blue flames burned and turned directly into phoenixes. The hot flames gathered, and in the blink of an eye, a blue storm swept across the sky and slammed towards Kaido.


There was no earth-shattering collision, the blue flame storm was directly smashed into pieces by a palm, and the blue flame debris slowly dissipated in the air...  


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