"Does that make a difference?"

Chapter 2 zero and [-]b

ps: Chapter [-] today, asking for flowers and rewards! ! !

"Of course there is, choose the first one. From now on, you will be my woman. You will be by my side all your life. You can please me and serve me!"

Saying that, Kaido showed a playful smile, looked at them with interest, and continued: "The second one is also my woman, but I will give you the power to become top powerhouses and have the ability to control your own destiny. Power, but you need to abandon everything in the past, become my people completely, and the process of choosing power, but it will be very hard and painful!"

Staring at Zero and the others, Kaido looked forward to their decision.

Compared with the first type, Kaido hopes that they will choose the second type, because then, he can truly cultivate them into the zero (zero) and 2b sisters in his mind, rather than a specious vase.

Although even if they choose the first one, Kaido will not force them, but there is no doubt that they will not have too much place in Kaido's heart, and can only be regarded as more favored women.

"Hey...I choose the second one!"

Taking a deep breath, Zero was silent for a while, then looked at Kaido firmly and chose the second option, although she knew very well that once she chose the second option, her future would be full of hardships and dangers. But after a despair, she understood that only strength is the truth that decides everything, only strength can control her own destiny, and only strength can... help the man in front of him who saved him from hell.

But she quickly continued to ask: "Master Kaido, can you spare my sister!"

Looking at Kaido with a look of anticipation, Zero was a little uneasy in her heart, for fear of angering Kaido.

Her sister is her only concern now. If possible, Zero wants her to live in peace forever. Therefore, even if it angers Kaido, she still wants to fight for her sister's freedom.

"Impossible, I want both of you!"

Reaching out and gently pinching Zero's chin, Kaido leaned over, and was only a centimeter away from the exquisite and beautiful face, and he could easily feel the fragrance that the other party spit out, Kaido said domineeringly, with a tone of disapproval in his tone. Doubt.

"For you, I will never let go in my life, you will never escape!"

With an unquestionable look on his handsome and rough face, he looked at Jieluo's beautiful red face and her soft lips, and said lightly as he resisted Kaido's kiss.

"And without me, do you think your sister can survive? Tianlong people won't let you go!"


"Sure enough, I was too naive!!"

With a wry smile, Zero said sadly. Although she already knew the result in her heart, she was still a little disappointed when she heard Kaido's answer. Extremely shy, I couldn't accept it for a while.

"My lord, I also choose the second one!"

At this moment, Jiemeng, who had been standing timidly behind, with short silver hair, suddenly stood up, looked at Kaido firmly and said.

"Clean Dream!!!"

Zero cried out anxiously, even if she couldn't fight for her sister's freedom, Zero didn't want her to choose a hard and dangerous path, but stood behind Kaido and enjoyed Kaido's protection and favor.

"Sister, I don't want to stand behind you all my life, and I don't want to be a vase, enjoying the protection of adults and sisters! I also want to have power, the power to protect adults and sisters."

Raising his head, Jie Meng looked at his sister and rejected his sister for the first time. With that awe-inspiring look, in a trance, Kaido even thought he saw Miss 2b.

"Clean Dream!!"

As if it was the first time she met her sister, Zero looked at Jie Meng absentmindedly, and then she couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Well, since you have decided, then I have no right to stop you!"

Zero, who looked a little helpless, did not continue to say anything, and could only agree. After all, this is her favorite sister, the path she chose, and as a sister, she didn't want to make her too embarrassed.

"Well, thank you sister!"

Jie Meng was a little happy to keep Zero's arm, showing a smile that hadn't appeared since the fall of the Océ Kingdom, which made Zero lose her mind for a while.

"Very well, since you all chose the second item, your names can't be used!"

Kaido clapped his hands, attracted the eyes of the two sisters, and continued, "Zero, from now on, your name will be zero, which means zero!"

"How about you, Jiemeng, it's called 2b!"

The random name, like a code name, made the two sisters stunned for a moment, some were dumbfounded, and some were dissatisfied.

Although they had decided to abandon everything in the past and handed over all their bodies and minds to Kaido, they were also prepared in their hearts, but they were a little dissatisfied when they heard Kaido changing their names so rashly.

"Don't be unhappy! I really like these two names!"

Seemingly aware of the dissatisfaction of the two sisters, Kaido said seriously: "Only these two names are the most suitable for you!"

This is what Kaido said in his heart. In his eyes, only the two sisters named Zero and 2b are the characters in his memory. Although treating them as game characters like this, I feel sorry for them, but Kaido doesn't care. !

The reason is because of strength. If you don't have enough strength, even if you really meet them, you won't be able to get them, you can only watch them being taken away.

Power is the foundation of doing whatever you want. Only with power can you do whatever you want!

And Kaido, who has power and unbridled capital, will not let his senseless morals bind himself. That is what the weak will do, and Kaido will not.

In his rebirth, Kaido has already decided to live unscrupulously as he wants. Otherwise, what does he have the power to do?

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

Looking at each other, the two sisters felt his attention from Kaido's tone, and the dissatisfaction in their hearts slowly dissipated. After all, they were still rescued by Kaido. If it wasn't for Kaido, they are now the Saint of Rollos. The slave girl, where is the qualification to bargain with Kaido?

"Well, now that it's decided, eat this!"

Saying that, Kaido threw the ice dragon fruit of the phantom beast in his hand to Zero, oh, it should be called zero now, and he didn't care that it was the legendary ice dragon fruit of the phantom beast.

"By the way, just call me master from now on!"

Out of bad taste in his heart, Kaido said with a smirk.

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