Kaido, who already has guesses in his heart, is not surprised, but Horton, Fan, zero, 2b and others are a little surprised by the luck of Kaido and others, and they have obtained two extremely rare Devil Fruits, ancient and phantom beasts in a row. .

"Hey, Kaido boss, they are!"

At this time, Jack noticed Horton and Fan who were standing respectfully behind Kaido, and Zero and the others who were standing beside Kaido. He was a little surprised.

"Oh, nothing, they are also my subordinates now, as for the two of them, they will be your mistresses from now on!"

Kaido said to Jack indifferently, then waved his hand, ignoring the two women whose faces were flushed with shame by the word Mistress, and waved.

"time to go."


Half an hour later, it was near the port of the Jack Pirate ship.

"Okay, get things on board, Jack."

Running at a slow speed, looking at the pirate ship less than 2 meters ahead, holding the two girls zero and [-]b in both hands, Kaido, who enjoyed the strong and refreshing feeling of the two girls' beautiful bodies rubbing against him, faced his body lightly. Jack, who was carrying a huge bag, said.

Behind him, Horton and Fan followed closely.

"Oh, I found you!"

At this moment, the dazzling golden light quickly condensed in the air of Kaido and the others, forming a golden human shape, followed by a wretched voice.

"Eight-foot Qionggouyu!!!"

Chapter [-] Three Lieutenant Generals

five minutes ago.

On the turbulent sea, three huge warships slowly advanced, and the port of the Chambord Islands was in sight.

When these three behemoths appeared, the pirates and people on the port of the Chambord Islands exclaimed and panicked. Frightened!

"That's a large warship of the Navy, and the Vice Admiral is coming!"

"The Vice Admiral is coming!"


In the blink of an eye, the entire port panicked, especially those pirates, who were even more frightened and fled in a hurry. Although they didn't know what the navy was going to do, as long as they were pirates, they would naturally be attacked.

Therefore, in just a moment, the entire port was empty, and there was no half-person figure.

On the deck of the huge warship, Polusalino, with a wretched face and a young appearance, stared cynically at the Chambord Archipelago.

Today's Polsalino has not yet become a general, so he does not yet have the title of Kizaru!

"Lieutenant General Porusalino, we are approaching the Chambord Islands, are we ready to land?" A major trotted over and respectfully asked Porusalino for instructions.

"Oh, oh, then log in!"

Still cynical, Polsalino ordered.

"I'm looking forward to seeing that "monster" who can conquer Jack!"

With a playful tone, Polsalino raised a meaningful smile.


At the port of the Chambord Islands, three huge warships were docked at the port.

A well-armed navy soldier stood neatly and uniformly on the deck, waiting to start fighting at any time, each with their heads held high and their eyes sharp, gathered together exuding a powerful aura like a sharp sword, making people daunting.

The navy elite of the navy headquarters is not at the same level as the navy of the branch, each one is enough to equal ten.

"Everyone is logged in!!"

As three huge large warships were docked at the port, several voices, either cold or playful, came out.

"Ta Tata..."

Following the orders of the three lieutenant generals, a navy elite named the headquarters marched neatly together, ran off the warship at a trot, and lined up neatly in rows on the port where no one was seen. like a flood of white.

Every soldier holds his head high, his eyes are sharp, and he has a suffocating aura. This is a hero with a hundred battles!

The imposing manner of the iron-blooded blood and the sense of oppression rushing toward the face shocked many local residents and pirates who were hidden in the corners of the port or secretly observed on a pirate ship.

"Aiya, it's been a long time since I've been to the Chambord Islands!"

It wasn't the yellow clothes that came later, but Polusalino, who was wearing a normal lieutenant general's costume, stepped off the warship, a little cynical, and with that extremely wretched face, people couldn't help but want to punch him.

"Lieutenant General Polsalino, now should be the time to go to Area 25."

On the other side, with a knife on his waist and a hideous scar on his face, Lieutenant General "Ghost Sword" with a fierce face walked over and said coldly, his tone was cold, and he was a little dissatisfied with Polsalino's attitude .

"Yes, if the young man who subdued Jack didn't know that there was a conflict with the Tianlong people, it would be troublesome!"

With a cigar in his mouth, Lieutenant General Luo Qi, with a very serious face and a cloak of justice, also said lightly.

"Lieutenant General Polsalino, although you are one of the candidates for generals, please be careful, after all, this is related to the safety of the Tianlong people!"

Holding his chest in his arms and holding a cigar in his mouth, Lieutenant General Luo Qi stared at area 25 with incomparably serious eyes. If something happened to the Tianlong people who were nobles in the world, even Lieutenant General would not be able to get out easily, at least he would be punished.

"Oh, I know, I'll get serious!"

Polsalino raised his hand reluctantly. He was a little helpless to the two serious colleagues. Although he was the owner of the top-notch natural-type Glitter Fruit, his strength was at the level of lieutenant generals, and he could be said to be in the top ranks.

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