Not far from him were Fan and Horton, whose faces were gloomy and ugly.

If they didn't hide just now, under the dense and terrifying beam attack, even if they didn't die, they would be seriously injured.

This is the terrifying nature of the scintillating fruit of the natural system. A little careless, even a powerhouse at the level of a lieutenant general, will be directly hit hard, or even killed.

"Isn't this Mr. Fan? I remember that you are the guard of Saint Rollos!"

Ignoring Jack, Polsalino turned his head to look at Fan, and asked in a rare and serious tone.

It is a matter of Tianlong people, even Polsalino, who has always been cynical and likes to be lazy, must be serious.

"Hey, can you tell me why you are here?"

Moreover, the personal bodyguard of the Heavenly Dragon Man, Rolle Rose, actually appeared with Jack and the others, which made him a little uneasy.

"Who knows, maybe it's dead!"

With a sneer, Kaido said playfully, his long black hair fluttered in the wind, and his slender and strong body carried a terrifying sense of oppression.

"Jack, come here, protect zero and 2b, remember, if they make a mistake, I will screw your heads off."

After flexing his muscles and bones at will, Kaido's face became cold, staring closely at Kizaru in the air, and said lightly to Jack and the others not far away.

"As for me, let's get rid of this wretched yellow monkey first!"

An abyss-like terrifying aura gradually appeared on Kaido's body, and his dark eyes were filled with a dazzling cold light, like a terrifying demon that was about to erupt, with a terrifying might, making people terrified and sweating.

"Yes, Boss Kaido!"

With a loud roar, Jack, Fan and Holden rushed over at an astonishing speed, and soon approached Kaido's side.

"Oh, so scary!"

Porusalino pretended to be panic, but his wretched face became serious. Then, he stretched out the index finger of his right hand and pointed at Jack and the others, and the dazzling golden light began to condense.

"Since you don't want to say it, then kill you!"

The scorching and terrifying beams kept condensing and could burst out at any time.

"Yellow monkey, you should pay attention to yourself first!"

Before the words fell, Kaido's body turned into an afterimage and disappeared instantly.

"Don't die!" In the next instant, Kaido's body appeared on top of Kizaru's head, and his right foot was instantly covered in pitch-black color, with an incomparably stern aura, stepping towards Kizaru's head. Go, with a grim smile on his handsome face: "Polusalino!"

If this kick is solid, even Polsalino will be severely injured on the spot.

"So fast!!"

Polsalino frowned violently, his right hand stopped condensing the beam, and without thinking about it, his right foot with dazzling golden light greeted him in an instant.


The jet-black right foot that fell from the sky collided with the right foot with the dazzling golden light.


Air waves visible to the naked eye emerged in mid-air and swept all around.


The violent air waves swept out and ravaged everything around them. The buildings not far away were directly blown away by the terrifying air waves, and a large number of gravel and wood were thrown into the air, even if it was far away from the sea dozens of meters away from the port. The pirate ships were all affected.

"Wow wow wow..."

Even standing on the ground more than ten meters above the air, they were all affected by the violent air waves. Zero and 2b had their hair flying, and the whole person was almost blown away. If it wasn't for Zero eating the fruit, their strength would have increased greatly. It is estimated that they have been blown away by now. fly.

"What a terrible collision!"

Jack and the others, who stood in front of the two women zero, looked at the two people in the air with solemn expressions, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Chapter [-] Battle of Polsalino

ps: Kaido's title is still the beast from the original book, or it needs to be changed. Give me an opinion!


A strong air wave swept the heaven and earth, and a figure was trampled to the ground, with a fierce momentum, it smashed heavily on the ground, bringing up dust all over the sky.

"Oh, what a terrifying speed and amazing strength, it really deserves to be a "monster"!"

Somewhat caught off guard, Polsalino, who fell to the ground with a foot, stood up a little embarrassedly, staring at the roof that fell somewhere in the port with a surprised expression, as if praising Kaido.

Immediately, the wind turned suddenly: "However, speed is power!"

The dazzling golden light began to emerge, and Polsalino said with a playful look in his eyes.

"I don't know if Your Excellency Kaido has been kicked by the speed of light!"

Before he finished speaking, in an instant, Polsalino was instantly elementalized, turning into a photon and disappearing in place.

"call out!"

The figure appeared behind Kaido in the blink of an eye, swept out with his right foot, kicked Kaido's head violently, and returned the previous movements to Kaido.

"Light speed kick!!"

The dazzling golden light was extremely dazzling, and the violent right foot kicked violently in an instant.

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