Ise Nanao, who was peeling grapes for Kaido, stroked her forehead helplessly. She has seen this scene no less than ten times in the past month.

"Well, Lord Kaido!"

The murderous mouth was tightly held by Kaido, and the tightly suppressed Tiger Tetsuyongyin blushed, looked at Kaido shyly and timidly, a little overwhelmed.


With Loli riding on her cheeks, she felt the sweetness on her face, and the fragrant Kaido snorted softly, and with a pair of big hands, she held the armpits of Ba Qianliu lightly, and then lifted the petite Loli directly.

"Baqianliu, you are too naughty, you do it every time!" Kaido "Basixuqi" helplessly looked at Baqianliu with a smile on his face, and said a little angrily.

Although it is very comfortable for loli to ride on the face, but it can't be done in public—

At least two people should do it secretly in private!

"Hee hee hee... But Xiao Kai seems to like Baqianliu doing this!" The petite body was lying directly in Kaido's arms, breathing Kaido's breath, and Baqianliu's cute face was tinged with red. , Halo, said with a smile.

"And Xiaokai seems to want to do something lustful to Baqianliu!"

The smiling Yaqianryu burst out with an earth-shattering sentence, which instantly made the eyes of the girls become contemptuous, especially Ise Nanao, whose eyes were like ice, and almost fell out of ice.

"Although I know that Lord Kaido's desires and desires are very strong, he is a rubbish who thinks purely with his lower body, but I didn't expect you to want to attack a little girl like Yaqianryu, scum!!" Ise Nanao was cold. The face shows what a poisonous tongue is.

"Kaido... Your lord... This is not right!"

Toru Yuyin, who was leaning against the weight of Kaido and Yaqianryu, blushed as always, and said a little embarrassedly.

"Master Kaido, are you already so thirsty?!" The expressionless Nieyinmeng stopped and said calmly, then raised a pair of jade hands and stretched out to Kaido's lower body. , body, mouth said: "Since that's the case, let Yinmeng help you solve it!"

"Don't worry, no matter what means Kaida uses, Yinmeng and Yinmeng can bear it, and they will never be ruined!"

Speaking of shameless words, Nie Yinmeng put her small hands on Kaido, making the girls who were still young directly ashamed.His face turned red, and he felt a little overwhelmed, and even the gentle smiling face of Uzhihualie stiffened slightly.

As the highest masterpiece of artificial souls, Nie Yin Meng has been given to Kaido by Nie Yuli, so for today's Nie Yin Meng, Kaido is everything to her.

So, when Niyin Meng said that she would do this for Kaido, she would definitely do it.

" don't take it seriously!"

The onion-headed Kuchiki Rukia with a boyish personality on the side almost jumped up when she saw this scene, and hurriedly said in surprise.

"Aah, this kind of thing can't be done!"

Mao Zhihualie, who was on the side, smiled and said with a smile, but I don't know if it was an illusion, but everyone felt that an Asura-like murderous aura emerged from his body, forming a terrifying Asura evil ghost, which made people shudder.

"Stop Yinmeng, there are others!"

Kaido stretched out his big hand and grabbed Niyinmeng's hands directly, and then said helplessly.

Kaido also wants to do some indescribable things with Niyinmeng. After all, with Niyinmeng's superb body, coupled with an extremely coordinated and extremely durable body, it is indeed a kind of enjoyment.

But the problem is that there are still others, not to mention the Ise Nanao and the girls who have not yet won, but there is a super light bulb like Zeraki Kenpachi in front of him, Kaido is not generous to broadcast live to others——

Even if the opponent is a beast who only knows how to fight.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

Hearing Kaido's words, Nie Yinmeng said expressionlessly, then withdrew her hands and continued to massage Kaido.


"Zeraki Kenpachi, you really don't give up!"

At this time, Kaido looked at Zenggi Kenpachi who was standing in front of him, his whole body shrouded in terrifying Reiatsu, like a violent beast.

"It's been a few times!"

Kaido sighed helplessly. Ever since Kaido stayed in Jingling Court, Zaragi Kenpachi ran over and over again to challenge him. Each time he was directly beaten by Kaido and seriously injured, and then he relied on his exaggerated recovery. Li and the rescue of the fourth team, without two days of effort, ran over to challenge Kaido again.

In just over a month's effort, Zaragi Kenpachi has challenged Kaido no less than ten times, making Kaido a little impatient.

Not everyone has the spare time to fight with a guy who can shoot him easily. Even if he can raise his hand to crush the opponent, he will be harassed impatiently.

After all, there's really no point in beating up children...  

"Hahaha... It doesn't matter, as long as you are strong enough!" Zanpakuta said without caring, resisting the serrated Zanpakutō, and immediately opened his blindfold, like an abyss The general golden spiritual pressure spewed out, illuminating the entire courtyard, and unscrupulously distributed to the entire Jingling Court, immediately attracting the attention of countless gods of death.

"Captain Zakigi is going to challenge that monster again!"

"I don't know how long I can last this time!?"

"As expected of Zakigi Kenpachi, after being defeated no less than ten times, he can still persist in challenging that monster!"

Feeling the terrifying spiritual pressure that belonged to Zenggi Kenpachi, countless gods of death began to talk about it. In a situation like today, they have felt it no less than ten times in more than a month. From the initial shock, The habit so far.

They were so used to it happening that they even made a bet.

Even the many other captains sighed helplessly and ignored it. Even if they wanted to stop it, they couldn't do it, so it would be better to turn a blind eye, but Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai of the first team snorted dissatisfied.

"Haha, Kaido!!"

With a roar of excitement, Zanpakutō, Zanpakutō, charged towards Kaido like a beast. The terrifying golden spiritual pressure turned into a huge golden skull, almost suffocating.

However, this terrifying spiritual pressure, which is enough to shock the elite death gods, is like a drizzle to the girls, and they are obviously used to it.


He sighed softly, Kaido's eyes instantly sharpened, his golden pupils 2.6 flashed with terrifying pressure, he held Baqianliu in his right hand and raised his left hand directly, and a terrifying wave instantly condensed. .

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