The terrifying sword pressure of the sky suddenly illuminated the whole world, turned into a crescent moon, tore apart the boundless earth, and slashed towards Mao Zhihua.

A sword splits the ground!

Even if it is far inferior to the Sen Luo sword that split the Soul Realm, it directly splits a crack that exceeds [-] meters, and spreads to the crack at the end of the line of sight, which makes people tremble.

However, this sword did not cut through the eight thousand flowers of Maozhiliu.


The flower of the Uozhihua with violent killing intent appeared beside Kaido like a ghost, the blood-colored sword slashed out wildly, and the terrifying sword pressure rushed towards Kaido with blood all over the sky, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky and making people shudder.


The brows were slightly wrinkled, Kaido's figure disappeared in an instant, and the turbulent blood water directly submerged a large area of ​​land and melted directly into blood water.

"Why don't you fight back!"

Uzhihualie stared at Kaido coldly, her pupils exuding terrifying killing intent, the whole person seemed to be in a terrifying killing state, and said coldly towards Kaido.

boom boom-

Without waiting for Kaido's response, the curved blood-colored blade in Yaqianliu's hand slashed wildly, covering Kaido's figure like a violent storm.

'Have you fallen into a lust for murder? '

Kaido's figure is like a wisp of misty smoke, moving in the air to dodge the slash of Unohwa Hachikyu, frowning at Unohwa Hachiryu, his golden eyes narrowed slightly. .

"Why don't you show your sword intent!!"

The terrifying murderous aura of Uzhihua Baqianyu was exuding from his body. At this time, he was like a peerless Shura who killed tens of thousands of people, exuding a terrifying murderous aura that was not inferior to Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, causing Kaido to change color slightly.

"Do you want to die in my hands!!"

Eight thousand streams, all ten directions are destroyed! !

Seeing that Kaido still hadn't fought back, a blood-colored light flashed in Maozhihua's black eyes, and the blood-colored blade slashed wildly. All shrouded, the terrifying sword pressure cuts the four directions.

The terrifying blood poured into the entire space, making it unavoidable, which made Kaido finally change color, and then slashed out with a sword, directly smashing this amazing swordsmanship.

"In that case, let this sword defeat you completely, Lie!"

Raising his hand and smashing Yuzhihua Baqianliu with a sword, Kaido stared at that coquettish, blood-colored poppy-like, deadly but sweet face, and sighed slightly.

boom! !

Kaido lifted his foot out, and the sword intent soaring to the sky swept across the four directions, and the unparalleled sword power flooded the entire dimension world, almost suffocating the flower of the egg.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

This is the realm of swordsmanship that is enough to kill the gods by stepping into the realm of the gods.

Staring at the shocking 卯花八千里, Kaido's eyes were indifferent, his long silver hair fluttered in the wind, like a god in the dust, and then he slashed out with a sword.

Senluo Kendo · Instant Youth!

This is an extremely splendid sword, this is a splendid sword of time that cuts off all the long time and turns it into an instant!

No matter how high you are, you are a god, and you have an eternal lifespan. As long as you have not transcended the long river of time, you can kill it with a single sword.

Zhaohua is fleeting, and youthful in an instant!

Cut down the eternal time and turn it into a shocking sword in an instant!

When everything was over, Uno Hana Yachiryu lay down on the ground——


"Is this a higher level realm? It really deserves to be you!" The petite body lay weakly on the ground, the long black hair was scattered on the ground, and at this time, a sword cut directly out of the 卯zhihuaba. Qianliu looked at Kaido with dazed eyes, and showed a rare weak posture, returning to the original Unoohana.

"Lie, I won!"

After dissipating the sword of all things, Kaido stepped forward, helped Mao Maozhi Hualie up and sat on the ground, his golden eyes stared at her with a hint of self-satisfaction.

"Hmph, you won... little guy!"

Staring at Kaido, who was a little proud, Uzhihualie smiled helplessly, raised his slender jade-like palm, and caressed Kaido's cheek with a maternal brilliance.

With Kaido's age, he is indeed a little guy for Uno Hana.

"Congratulations, you conquered me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Mao Zhihualie felt a strong force coming, which made her cry out in surprise. The next second she was lying on the ground again, and then the strong male smell came, and Kaido's tall body directly pressed down. ( ) came up.

"I want you, Lie!"

Said hoarsely, Kaido didn't put his mouth on Unohakalie's lips (), and walked with both hands.

'I can't do anything about you! '

The eyes revealed such a meaning, Uno no Hana Lie embraced Kaido with both hands, and accepted everything from him tenderly and adoringly, with a maternal brilliance, just like a gentle mother.

In this broken battlefield, another battle has just begun


ps: Push, down flower sister, race high! ! .

The three hundred and eighteenth chapter Tianzhu chariot (sixth more)

In the early morning of the vertical sun, Jingling Court, the place of the first team.

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