Ye Ling stood with her hands behind her back, her figure was like a fairy, her bright eyes looked at the boundless earth, and her beautiful face had a hint of memory.

This is the pattern of the world of the red dust in Ye Ling's impression. As the "author" who created the entire fantasy world, Ye Ling has a vision that is almost like God, knows the countless secrets of the entire fantasy world, knows the background of many forces, and knows many ruins. The presence.

This is Ye Ling's reliance, and it is also Ye Ling's confidence in reaching the top.

The original Peacock King did not have these, and he was able to break into the realm of the ancient kings in just five hundred years when the golden age came, and overwhelm countless evildoers.

And Ye Ling, who has inherited all this, as a "god" who opened up the entire fantasy world, has a god's perspective, and holds countless secrets and "resources", how could it be inferior to the Peacock King?

"In this life, the emperors can't stop me, the immortals can't go against me, the immortality can't stop me, even the supreme giant who looks down on the eternity will bow to me!"

At this moment, Ye Ling's bright eyes shot out a dazzling light. Originally, the body that looked so delicate and beautiful, like a weak and beautiful youth, suddenly burst out with an incomparably powerful aura. The supreme demon emperor who has reached the top is looming behind Ye Ling.

At this moment, Ye Ling completely merged with the will of the roaring world of the Peacock King, truly regardless of each other, becoming a real one.

At this moment, it seemed as if the terrifying coercion that surpassed the heavens and the earth swept across the four directions. In a trance, Wan Yaoling, which spanned tens of millions of miles, seemed to have appeared like an unparalleled demon emperor. The incomparably strong coercion swept across in an instant. Disappeared, as if it had never appeared, but it still attracted the attention of countless big demons.


"So strong, so domineering!"

"It's just like the arrival of a supreme demon emperor. It's not powerful, but it is so overbearing that it makes people tremble!"

"That direction is Peacock Hill!"

"Could it be the Peacock King?"

"What a Peacock King, what a younger generation, it seems that I, Wan Yaoling, will be a supreme demon emperor in the future!"

At this moment, Wan Yaoling, which is tens of millions of miles across, did not know how many terrifying monsters opened their eyes. Among them, there were terrifying and unparalleled monsters. At this moment, they all stared at Peacock Ridge with terrifying eyes. direction, the coercion contained in it is trembling.

All of them are big monsters capable of arrogantly roaring across the Eastern Territory, and many of them are not weaker than the mighty, and there are even unparalleled existences that are far superior.

Wan Yaoling, as a top-level force that can be ranked alongside the Eastern Holy Lands and the Great Emperor Family, naturally has a terrifying "background" that can deter the people of the Eastern Region. Otherwise, the eighteen demon kings on the bright side are not enough. Look.

In the east of Wan Yaoling, the Qinglong Ridge, which spans thousands of miles across the land, is on the top of the endless mountains, and a magnificent azure palace tower stands here, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, like a azure dragon looking down on the world, a strong dragon command. Heart trembles.

This is the territory of the Qinglong King, who ranks second among the Eighteen Demon Kings.


At this moment, in the depths of the palace, a majestic middle-aged man sitting cross-legged in a secret room suddenly opened his eyes, and two terrifying beams pierced the atmosphere, as if they could penetrate everything.

"This terrifying aura that surpasses the world!"

The middle-aged man's face was extremely gloomy, his eyes were staring at the distant place, and his heart was shaking—

Because that place is Peacock Hill!

"Could it be the Peacock King!"

The middle-aged man is the second giant who reigns over the tens of thousands of miles in the east of Wanyao Mountain, controls the life and death of thousands of demon clans, and reigns supreme - the Blue Dragon King!

This is the real king of slashing the Tao, even if he is more than [-] years old, but to be able to achieve the body of a king in this era of the end of the law, he can definitely be regarded as a generation of arrogance.

If it is placed in the golden age, there is an [-]% chance of being able to achieve the honor of the ancient great sage.

"Not good!"

With an extremely gloomy face, the Qinglong King said slowly, as the second-ranked demon king in Wan Yaoling, the relationship between the Qinglong King and the Peacock King is not good, and it can even be said to be extremely bad.

When the Peacock King returned to Wan Yaoling with his shocking reputation decades ago and became one of the Eighteen Demon Kings, it was the Qinglong King who stopped him, and even a subordinate of the Qinglong King, a powerful demon king was directly attacked by the Peacock King. Beheaded, let him step on the body of the demon king to achieve the position of the eighteen demon kings.

Even the third-ranked Demon King of the Peacock King fought against the Qinglong King. With his powerful body, he injured the Qinglong King who had just stepped into the realm of the king at that time, shaking the entire Wan Yaoling in one fell swoop. Three Demon Kings.

It can be said that if the old monster, the first demon king, had not stopped it, I am afraid that the angered Qinglong King would have shot and killed the Peacock King at that time with all his strength.

It was at that time that the Liangzi of the two sides forged, so that the Qinglong King did not want to kill the Peacock King all the time.

In recent years, due to the relationship between the two demon kings, Peacock Ridge and Qinglong Ridge have often had frictions, which is no longer a secret in Wan Yao Ridge.


Chapter [-] Beast Kaido

In the year of 1499 in the Haiyuan calendar, the great waterway, the uninhabited beast island.


On the vast beast island, the roars of huge beasts came one after another, shaking the entire island, making people numb and shudder.

This is...Moscow Beast Island, also known as the Island of the Dead.

True to its name.

It is filled with a large number of huge and ferocious beasts, there are huge saber-toothed tigers, giant mantises that are more than one meter high, cut stones and iron like nothing, and even more than ten meters. kind.

It is a veritable island of death. Even a lieutenant general does not dare to stay here for a long time, and even dare not get too close to the center of the island, because the beasts here are too powerful, even a lieutenant general, once it is too large. Near the center of the island, it will also be swallowed by the beast overlord entrenched in it.

In the past, countless pirates and navies have landed on this island, trying to conquer this island, but without exception, all fell down, so the island of death became famous.


A loud, earth-shattering sound echoed in the center of the island, shaking the entire island like a thunderous thunder, and provoking the roars of countless ferocious beasts. However, it is surprising that the beasts with extremely ferocious nature heard a sound. After the loud noise, all of them lay on the ground, shivering, as if they were afraid of something.

Such a sight is unbelievable.


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