Bambi Aita's brain suddenly froze, her delicate pretty face was full of astonishment, and she couldn't come back to her senses for a while.

However, Bambi Aita, who quickly understood, felt a strong humiliation hit, and couldn't help but get angry, and couldn't help roaring: "You bastard!"

Members of the dignified Star Cross Knights were treated as pets?

Bombieta, who was so angry that she was almost irrational, was about to explode with Reiatsu, and wanted Kaido to do her best. However, just after the Reiatsu was activated, a strange force suddenly emitted from the collar around her neck, restricting all her Reiatsu. , and even the power of the hands disappeared.

"what happened?!"

Bambi Aita couldn't care less about her anger at this time, but looked at her hands with some anxiety, and the strength she depended on for survival disappeared. This situation almost made her collapse.

"What about my power?!"

Bombieta waved her hands frantically, trying to use her abilities. ... But what disappointed her was that no matter how crazy she was, she still couldn't use her power. She could feel it, but she couldn't use it at all. This kind of discovery almost made her collapse.

As a member of the Star Cross Knights, Bombietta naturally knows the cruelty of the invisible empire. If she just fails, she will be executed... It is conceivable that if the news of her loss of power spreads, there is only one death that awaits her.

"Yes... it's you, right, exchange my power back!"

Suddenly, Bambi Aita, whose face was full of panic and madness, suddenly grabbed Kaido's feet and said insanely. The pretty face was no longer coquettish, but full of panic and madness.

"Yes, I did it!"

Staring playfully at the panicked Bambi Aita, Kaido had an iron chain in his hand. In Beata's posture, Kaido was like-- a bitch on a leash.

"Your power has been limited by me, little Bumby, I will obediently be mine in the future...〃`..."

Speaking of this, Kaido's mouth evoked a malicious smile, and his mouth opened and closed.

"Little bitch!"

how is this possible……

Hearing this, Bambi Aita was not only not angry, but sat directly on the ground with her buttocks wide open, her bright eyes tarnished, as if she had been played badly.

At this time, Bambi Aita was completely desperate, and a deep sense of helplessness came to her heart, which made her have an urge to cry.

The tragic appearance of the holy soldiers who had been tortured and killed by her in the past suddenly appeared, which made her panic, for fear that she would follow in the footsteps.

'Hey, shouldn't it be directly broken! '

Seeing Bambi Aita's appearance, Kaido couldn't help but wrinkle every day, and became a little worried in his heart.

It's not that Kaido likes her, but that it's a bit disappointing if such a good bitch breaks.

'But the scenery is good! '

Although he was a little worried, Kaido didn't say anything. Instead, he stared at Bambi Aita's splayed legs with interest, nodding from time to time, looking like an evil villain.

"It turned out to be black lace, really bold!"

Kaido couldn't help but sighed, with his amazing eyesight, he had already seen through Bambi Aita's legs: even a few hairs were clearly seen.

Flying sickle feet!

Just when Kaido sighed, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared beside Kaido, like a ghost, and then a white fist slammed straight over, and the seemingly fair and weak one brought a violent wind, making people feel even at a loss. There is no doubt that the other party can knock down an entire building with one punch.

This is the terrifying strange force that pulls mountains and rivers, coupled with the lightning-fast attack speed, this is an extremely terrifying punch!


A dull sound shook all directions, and the terrifying air wave swept out in an instant, and almost didn't lift the lost Bambi Aita. Fortunately, even though the collar exuded a mysterious power, it protected Bumble Aita.

I saw Kaido stretched out a white palm in an instant and grabbed the white fist directly. The terrifying strange force was instantly absorbed, and he didn't even shake at all, as if he had caught a feather instead of being able to. A terrible fist that smashes buildings and smashes through mountains.

"How is that possible?! A hand blocked my fist!"

Seeing this scene, Rao was so calm and gentle that Minina's eyes widened, and she lost her voice in shock.

Minina's holy text is "p", and the symbolic power is "power". She possesses a terrifying and strange power that ordinary people can't imagine. One hand is enough to lift an entire building.

Such a terrifying power, if placed in the world of One Piece, would be enough to rank the entire world. Except for the sea kings and elephant masters in the deep sea, no one could compare.

And if such a terrifying force is condensed into a small fist, it is enough to generate a terrifying force that blasts through the mountains.

However, this power is still too weak compared to Kaido!

".ˇAre you surprised? Minnie!"

With a chuckle, Kaido stretched out a finger in an instant, the speed was extremely fast, and it hit Minina's forehead like lightning. Suddenly, a majestic force spread all over Minina's body, causing her to kneel directly. , his face was extremely painful.

"Very good, so that's another little bitch!"

Knocked Minina to the ground, Kaido smiled playfully, and once again showed a collar and put it directly on Minina's neck.


Minina's face suddenly turned pale, her pretty face was full of panic, just like Bambi Aita, the strength of her whole body could not be used at this time, which made Minina panic, and she was no longer calm as usual.

"There's only one left!"

Seeing the subdued Minina (Li Nuo's), Kaido raised his head and looked at the other side who was preparing to attack Candice, jokingly said.

"The family just needs to be neat and tidy! Little Jiadi!"

"Come here quickly!"

Hearing Kaido's words, Candice, who was condensing the thunder attack, trembled, and directly dispersed the thunder, her body subconsciously took a step back, and her pretty face was full of panic.

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