"The invisible empire may not be discovered by Jingling Court. At this time, there is not a large number of unfamiliar spiritual pressures in the invisible empire, only one strange spiritual pressure!"

"I speculate that it is very likely that a captain-level death god accidentally discovered the invisible empire, and then sneaked in alone and clashed with Bambi Aita and the others!"

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Yu Gelan regained his usual calmness and analyzed in a calm tone.

"Yu Gelan is right, the invisible empire should not have been discovered yet!"

Hearing Yu Gelan's analysis, some people responded with approval, obviously agreeing with Yu Gelan's words.

"Yu Gelan, what should I do now!"

A member of the Star Cross Knights asked in a deep voice.

"Let the three go over again, and be sure to capture the intruder. If you can't do it, you can kill it directly!"

Yu Gelan said decisively, her tone full of coldness. ...for the safety of the invisible empire, even if it cannot be captured alive, it must be beheaded.

"Okay, let me go!"

"I am coming too!"

"Count me in!"

Soon, three members of the Star Cross Knights stood up and said to Yu Gelan.

"Well, you go!"

Seeing this, Yu Gelan did not refuse, but nodded and said calmly.

"Try to catch it alive, if you can't do it, just kill it directly. You must not let the opponent escape!"

Looking at the three, Yu Gelan said solemnly again.

"no problem!"

Looking at the back of the three of them leaving, Yu Gelan looked calm, and her cold eyes were full of murderous intent. For the sake of the invisible empire and Youhabach, Yu Gelan would never allow the invaders to live.


"Ah ah ah..."

At the same time, on this side of the battlefield, Candice screamed in the sky, and the terrifying spiritual child was scattered like a hurricane, blowing away the surrounding snowflakes, revealing her figure.

It was still the same exposed outfit as before, but there was an arc-like five-pointed star on the top of the head, with multiple lightning-shaped wings behind it, and a pair of light green eyes full of electric light, like a thunder and lightning elf in the fallen world.

Beautiful, dazzling, sexy.

It makes people addicted, amazing, and makes people want to ravage her.

"It's so beautiful!"

Kaido couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Candice in a brand new look.

Originally, Candice was already the number one beauty, and her figure was quite hot.

However, Candice, who had unfolded the Eucharist at this time, added a touch of holiness and nobility in her beauty and sexuality, like a thunderbolt elf aloof.

Kaido couldn't help but want to tear her wings and crush her.


ps: Please subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Hanging and beating Candice (third more)

"This is my true strength!"

The noble body like a thunder and lightning elf danced in the air, the thunder and lightning wings behind Candice spread out, and her graceful figure stood in the void, looking down at Kaido from above.

"not bad!"

Staring at that beautiful figure, Kaido smiled indifferently, his golden pupils exuding a scorching glow.

"This gives me an even more urge to ravage you, little Jia-Ti!"

ravaged! ?

Seeing that Kaido saw her complete posture with her own eyes, but still said such words, a cruel smile rose on the corner of Candice's mouth, and the power brought by the Holy Body undoubtedly made her swell up.

"Then let's try it!"

Candice showed a cruel smile on her face. Her pretty face was full of killing intent. She raised her slender right hand and directly condensed a lightning-shaped longbow. With the full bow drawn, the terrifying thunderbolts gathered frantically, flashing with devastating power.

"Lightning explosion!!"

The terrifying lightning of five billion joules flickered wildly, forming a thunderbolt bow and arrow, flickering with terrifying power, making the scalp numb.

This is comparable to real lightning, the temperature is as high as 27000 degrees, and the penetrating power and destructive power are absolutely amazing.


With a calm shout, Candice's eyes were intertwined with lightning, and when she raised her hand, she shot out the thunder bow and arrow, like a real Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, swept through the layers of atmosphere, and blasted towards Kaido.


There was a dull thunder in the atmosphere, and the thunder bow and arrow shot through the atmosphere, like an aurora, passing through layers of space in an instant, and came to Kaido in an instant, and the gust of wind brought by the devastating thunder bow even blew Kaido's hair. , amazing.

"Well, thunder bow and arrow!"

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