Even in the battle with the three legendary pirate groups, the lieutenant generals of the navy headquarters will not easily fall, and now two in a row are enough to shake the sea, not to mention the generals such as Polsalino who have the strength of top lieutenant generals. Alternate, his escape shocked countless powerful pirates.

And the high and unscrupulous Tianlong people were attacked, which made countless people amazed.

In normal times, who would dare to provoke the Tianlong people?

Even unscrupulous pirates can only give in or avoid the Tianlong people when they encounter them. No one dares to do anything to the Tianlong people. Even the three legendary pirates in their heyday will not easily attack the Tianlong people. .

Because this is the result of serious provocation of the world government, enough to send out the navy headquarters to start a full-scale war.

"Hahaha, the navy can't do it, but two lieutenant generals were killed by an unknown soldier!!"

"Even Polsalino was defeated. It seems that the so-called candidate for the general is nothing special!"

"The navy is so useless, it seems that the uncle is going to sea!"

Countless pirates were clamoring in excitement, and even more ambitious people were gearing up to go out to sea.

A new world, a certain sea area.

Moby Dick.

"Dad, something big has happened!!!"

A young man with broken yellow hair rushed to the deck in a hurry. There, there was an incomparably tall man with a white beard like a crescent moon, full of muscles, and full of explosive power, sitting on a huge chair. .

Whitebeard - Edward Newgate, this is the name of this man, known as "the strongest man in the world", and the only remaining one of the three legendary pirates.

"Hey, Marko, don't panic, when will you be calmer!"

Whitebeard, who was drinking heavily with a wine jug in his hand, looked at the flustered Marco, and couldn't help but reprimanded him. He valued this son very much, and naturally he didn't want him to be flustered.

Whitebeard asked after seeing Marko stop and stand in front of him with a piece of news in his hand.

"What happened, Marco!"

To be honest, Whitebeard is also a little curious about what shocked Marko so much. His son is a phoenix fruit capable, his combat power is comparable to that of a lieutenant general, and he has seen several big scenes. A gaffe is no small matter.

"Dad, come and see!"

With that said, Marco handed the news in his hand to Whitebeard.

"Oh?" After taking the news, Whitebeard began to read it, and then Whitebeard's face became surprised. After reading the whole news, he couldn't help laughing.

"Ku la la la la! The navy suffered heavy losses this time. Two lieutenant admirals were killed in one fell swoop, and even the slippery loach of Polsalino was defeated!"

"Tsk tsk, this kid is not only powerful, but also courageous, even the Tianlong people dare to attack!"

When he saw Kaido attacking the Tianlong people, even Whitebeard was amazed by it and admired Kaido's courage. You must know that even though he was extremely disgusted by the Tianlong people, he would not easily turn to the Tianlong people. people shot.

This is not fear, but unnecessary, because once the Tianlong people are shot, it will inevitably lead to a full-scale war with the navy, and once the war begins, even if the white beard in his heyday is not afraid, it will undoubtedly make his crew, in his heart sons, many lost their lives.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, Whitebeard will not easily start a war against the Tianlong people.

Of course, if someone provokes him and takes action against his son, Whitebeard doesn't mind that the other party knows the anger from "the strongest man in the world"!

"Dad, the other party is so powerful. If he becomes a pirate, he will definitely go to the new world. Then..." Seeing that the white-bearded father didn't care, and even admired Kaido's strength and courage, Marco couldn't help but feel a little bit. anxious.

The current Marco is not the one from the future. He can calmly face the "red-haired", one of the four emperors, and the leader of the first battle team who fought with Kizaru - the Phoenix Marco!

Although the strength is still strong, there is still a huge gap compared to the future, and it is also not stable enough. Naturally, he is shocked by Kaido's strength, for fear that the opponent will threaten Whitebeard.

"Marco, my stupid son!"

Looking at the anxious Marco, Whitebeard threw away the news in his hand, sighed, and said domineeringly.

"Your father is the strongest man in the world. Your worries are unnecessary!"

Today's Whitebeard is in its heyday. It's not even twenty years later. The Whitebeard with wounds all over his body and dripping drippings is truly "the strongest in the world", and he is naturally fearless in his heart.

In a certain area of ​​​​the Great Channel, a pirate ship is slowly advancing. On the mast, a skull pirate flag with red double knives is flying.

"Redhead" Pirates!

This is a very famous pirate group in the first half of the current great waterway, and it is also one of the "red-haired" pirates group of the future four emperors.

"Wow, Captain, it's a big deal, come and see!"

A man with yellow hair, holding a piece of news in his hand, yelled at the red-haired man sitting on the edge of the boat.

"Jesus cloth, what's wrong?!"

The red-haired man, Shanks, asked in surprise, and some of the other pirates looked over curiously.

"Captain, take a look!"

Jesus cloth ran over and handed Shanks the news in his hand.

"Huh, it's amazing, this guy!"

After reading the whole news carefully, Shanks called out in surprise, and Ben Beckman and others who leaned over to watch were also extremely shocked.

"Hahaha, little ones, the other party is so powerful, our red-haired pirates can't be left behind!"

Shanks threw away the news, stood up, and laughed out loud.


The entire sea, countless forces, all focused their attention on Kaido and others, either looking forward to it, or maliciously, all watching the ending of Kaido and others!

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