But soon, Kurosaki Yixin suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and secretly laughed at himself for being worried. After all, Kurosaki Masaki still has the power of a Quincy, far from the current Kurosaki Yixin, who has no resistance. Ordinary Daxu meets Kurosaki Masaki, and there is only one dead end.

Of course, if Kurosaki knew his gentle and kind wife wholeheartedly, and at this time, he was with a man in front of his son, after engaging in a love-making activity called Son's current crime, would he be so angry that he would vomit blood?

"Well, if that's the case, I'm going to go to those guys!" Seeing Kurosaki Yixin's happy expression, Urahara Kisuke shook his folding fan helplessly and said lightly.

"If something happens, you can go to the Urahara store and look for Grittsusai!"

"As long as the problem is not too serious, I believe he can easily solve it!"

"A dignified ghost, Taoist priest, of course, is not a simple person!"

"Well, as long as you know, I'm leaving!"

The voice of the conversation gradually fell, and Kurosaki looked intently at Kisuke Urahara who had gone away, sighed softly, turned around and walked towards the house.

'I don't know if Masaki brought Ichigo home! '

On the way home, Kurosaki was thinking about his gentle and beautiful wife and lovely son. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He couldn't help but speed up and rush home.

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, a strange laughter sounded abruptly, reverberating in the surrounding environment, suddenly making Kurosaki Isshin's complexion change greatly, and his mind suddenly became alert.

Although he lost the power of the god of death, Kurosaki Isshin could still vaguely feel the ominous Reiatsu that suddenly appeared around him, that was—



ps: I would like to thank "Li Cunxiao of the General's House" for the [-] reward. Wow, I'm really moved. This is the first [-] reward. Thank you very much! (T_T)/~~

The following are still advertisements, I hope you don’t blame me for advertising often, after all, the other party is my brother, and he is pestering me, so I can’t refuse——

My brother, Mengxin anchor, live broadcast on Penguin E-sports, id is God King R, eight seasons of glory Han Xin (Mengxin does not understand) An anchor that combines strength and amusing (just listen to it), welcome everyone to pay attention or have a look! (ω).

Chapter [-] Love is a light! (Second more)

'what happened! '

Kurosaki was on guard, his eyes vigilantly glanced around, his forehead was faintly sweating because he was too nervous.

However, unfortunately, due to the loss of the power of the god of death, no matter how vigilant and searching Kurosaki was, he could not detect the other party's trace.

Void and Death God are the existence of spiritual bodies. Except for people with spiritual power, they cannot see the existence of each other.

At this time, Kurosaki Isshin was in such a situation. Without the power of death, he couldn't even see the trace of Xu.


The strange laughter still echoed around, and that strange voice was extremely strange in the empty alley.

If it weren't for the day and not the night, this weird laughter would be enough to scare away countless people.

Of course, Kurosaki Yixin naturally knew that the other party was not a ghost, or as "Nine Zero Seven" said, a different kind of ghost.

'Where? '

Kurosaki was on guard, his eyes full of solemnity.

'not good! '

For a split second, the super intuition brought by the battle experience suddenly felt a terrifying murderous aura, which shocked Kurosaki and suddenly rushed to the side.


A violent roar sounded, and the ground where Kurosaki was standing before instantly collapsed, and two huge animal-shaped footprints appeared, with a depth of more than ten centimeters.

It is conceivable that if this blow were to step on a human body, it would be enough to directly step on the human body into meat sauce.

'Damn bastard! '

Feeling the pain coming from all over the body, Kurosaki couldn't help but scolded secretly, full of suffocation.

If it was changed from the past, when he still possessed the power of death, such a weak and weak, he could kill with a single knife, how could he be so embarrassed? !

Faintly, Kurosaki Yixin regretted losing the power of the god of death.


The strange laughter continued to come, as if mocking, with a harsh tone.

"Where can you hide?"

The strange voice said so, and in the next second, Kurosaki was instantly terrified, and he quickly used his hands and feet to crawl forward frantically, with a very embarrassed figure.


A huge paw print appeared on the ground in an instant, and the splashing stones smashed Kurosaki Yixin into a grin, causing a sharp pain.


Like a cat playing a mouse, the weird laughter didn't kill Kurosaki Isshin in one breath, but slowly teased him. Every blow was deliberately missed or the opponent escaped, but the splashing stones still hit him. Kurosaki was in pain.

All of this made Kurosaki extremely angry. After all, he was once a powerful captain-level death god, but he didn't expect to be chased and killed by a dummy at this time.

Boom boom boom...

In the quiet and empty alley, the sound of vibrating continuously rang out, a middle-aged man in a suit was dodging in embarrassment, but the ground cracked strangely, leaving paw prints. Such a scene is enough to make any ordinary person Some scalp tingling.

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