Staring coldly at the seriously injured, with a horrified expression on his face, there was Akita Hakugen, Kaido said slowly, his golden eyes flashing coldly.


The terrifying power around his body erupted, Kaido stepped forward, and his figure instantly appeared in front of Yuzhaotian Bogen, raising his hand and pressing it directly.

The Ninety-sixth: One-knife cremation! !


Chapter [-] Beheading one after another! (third more)

boom! ! !

The scarlet flame long knife pierced the sky, the flaming flames dyed the entire sky red, and the destructive power filled the sky, and the terrifying high temperature was enough to make people's complexion change greatly, and they were extremely horrified.


Under this terrifying attack, Yu Zhaotian Boxuan only had time to let out a scream before turning to ashes in the raging flames.

"There is Zhao!!!"

"Damn bastard, actually killed Yuzhao!"

"Death to me!!"

When seeing Akita Hagen vanished by Kaido's attack, several members of the Masked Army roared, their expressions full of sadness and anger, especially the nearest Saruaki Hiyori, who was directly liberated. Zanpakutō, slashing towards Kaido.


Entering the virtual state, the spiritual pressure is comparable to the real captain-level Saru Kaki Hiyori roared, and the Zanpakutō directly slashed a slash, trying to cut Kaido in two.

"Humble ants!"

Looking at the slashed Saruaki Hiyori indifferently, Kaido looked indifferent, raised his finger and pressed the opponent, there was a terrifying force condensed, and it would burst out in the next moment, crushing the ants in front of him.


In the distance, Hirako Mako's eyes instantly turned red, and he roared angrily. He stepped 260 feet and rushed towards Kaido frantically. The pale mask was like a ghost, full of madness.

However, no matter how crazy he was, it was too late.

"Tweet! Red Princess!"

On the other side, Urahara Kisuke's expression changed greatly, and he raised his hand and cut out a scarlet crescent moon, trying to stop Kaido.

Jiu Nanbai and others who were close to each other also shot, trying to stop Kaido, but it was too late!

boom! ! !

With one finger pressed, a terrifying power burst out in an instant, forming a terrifying beam, which instantly crushed the Saruaki Hiyori into pieces, and then ran through the ground without changing, directly tearing out a deep beam. gully.

Breaking the Way No. [-]: Bai Lei!

After beheading Saruaki Hiyori, Kaido didn't change his expression, pointed one finger at the crescent slash, and a white lightning pierced through the sky, instantly tearing the slash and changing Urahara's face. Kisuke's body penetrated.


Urahara Kisuke, whose body was penetrated, did not show blood, but burst directly, like a balloon. Obviously, this is the avatar he (bdbc) made with props, not his real body.

"Ahhhh!! You bastard!!"

An angry shout came, and a girl wearing a white tights and a white mask on her face rushed over, her white fists slammed frantically, like a frantically jetting machine gun, fast and fierce.

bang bang bang...

The white fist madly landed on Kaido's chest, who did not resist, and a dull voice sounded one after another, which was enough to easily smash an Achucas-class attack, and landing on Kaido's chest was like a small stone falling into the sea. , except for a little sound, it has no effect.

"You should be glad that you look good!"

Allowing the opponent to attack his body, Kaido said with a calm face, and then he pointed out a finger like lightning and pressed it directly on Jiu Nanbai's mask. The terrifying power swept out instantly, shattered her mask, and She was knocked out and smashed heavily on the ground in the distance, falling directly into a coma.

Of course, compared to Saruaki Hiyori, who was beaten to the point where he was beaten to the point of no slag, Kunan Bai, who was only in a coma, was much better.

"Break him, Iron Lacewing!"

A violent wind hit, and a girl with braids, glasses, and a sailor suit was seen swept across with an exaggeratedly large, spear-shaped weapon with a flat-blade head.

"Yatomaru Liza!"

Kaido pinched his fingers and caught the giant blade with ease, his golden eyes staring at the girl wearing the mask, sighing a little.

"You are the person I like the most in the Masked Army!"

As soon as these words came out, Risa Yatomaru couldn't help but widen her eyes and looked a little shocked, but before she could react, Kaido's fingers with the giant blade gently tugged, and the terrifying force directly pulled the girl. come over.

"But at this time, please take a nap!"

After finishing speaking, Kaido raised his finger and pressed the girl's mask, smashing her mask in the same way, and then a terrifying force knocked her out, fell to the ground in the distance, and fell into a coma.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

At this time, like a beast in a state of despair, Hirako Mako roared frantically and rushed in front of Kaido, holding a Zanpakutō and beheading Kaido.

The terrifying Reiatsu was vented out by him unscrupulously, and Hirako Mako, who fell into a state of madness, exerted his own strength to the limit.

"Have you been swept away by anger!"

Looking at Hirako Mako who had lost his mind and rushed forward with pity, Kaido said indifferently.

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