The violent earthquake undoubtedly attracted the attention of the god of death, and many captains flashed in the air in an instant, staring at the trembling Jingling Court with shocking eyes.

Visible to the naked eye, terrifying cracks ripped apart the earth, and buildings collapsed in an instant. In just a short time, one-third of the Jingling Court collapsed directly.

Even in Liuhun Street and other places, the vibrations that occurred were not worse than Liuhun Street. At this moment, I don't know how many souls were seriously injured or even died.

"Call the ghosts, and control the earthquake for me!"

Just when many captains were shocked, an old voice that suppressed anger came, which shocked everyone, and quickly looked over, and saw Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai standing in the air at some point, his wrinkled face full of expression. anger.

"The captain of Uzhihualie, let the fourth division dispatch all the souls and go to Liuhun Street to rescue the souls!"

After giving the order, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai immediately said to Uno Hanaritsu who appeared in the air.

Different from the previous order, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai respected Uzhihualie very much, and did not use the tone of command.

There is no doubt that this is because of Kaido, and even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai has to give face.

"No problem, Captain, this is exactly what the Fourth Division does!"

Uozhihualie crossed his hands in a serious way, with a solemn look on his face.

Even without the words of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, Uzhihualie would have sent the Fourth Division to rescue. In the face of such a natural disaster that could cause huge casualties, even the god of death could not ignore Liuhun Street.

However, is this really a natural disaster?

Mao Zhihualie looked at the sky with some doubts, and said with some doubts in his heart.

Since the establishment of Jingling Court for thousands of years, there has never been a so-called earthquake, let alone such a large-scale earthquake.

This undoubtedly refreshed the three views of many gods of death, and it was precisely because of this that many captains did not react at the first moment.

However, Uzhihualie didn't think too much, but directly called up the fourth division and began to go towards Liuhun Street.

In all parts of Jingling Court, as the vice-captain of the Sparrow Department performed the ghost road and passed the order to all parts of Jingling Court, members of the ghost team were dispatched one after another, using the power of ghost Tao to destroy the collapsed Jingling Court. Start to settle.

At the same time, there were many (Wang Nuohao) gods of death consciously following in the footsteps of the Fourth Division, heading towards Liuhun Street.

After being silent for hundreds of years, the thirteenth team of Guardians, which was fully functioning at this moment, showed amazing action. In just over half an hour, they gradually controlled the scene without further deterioration of the situation.


Looking at the Jingling Court that gradually stopped collapsing, as well as the torn apart wilderness and the collapsing Liushun Street in the distance, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's face was extremely gloomy, and he had some guesses, and the anger in his heart almost burst like the sun. generally.

The incomparably hot spiritual pressure radiated out, and the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere rose involuntarily, which was shocking.

Something happened to the King Ling!

Only with this possibility, will there be a big earthquake that affects the entire Soul Society.


ps: By the way, how many people are watching now?Can you take a bubble in the book review section? |ω`).

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety-Seven The Wrath of Youhabach! (first update)

"What the hell is that guy Ichibei doing!!"

Holding the cane tightly in the palm of his hand, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai looked extremely cold and solemn, his body exuded a terrifying spiritual pressure, and the incomparably hot aura made the surrounding atmosphere faintly distorted.

There is no doubt that the reason why the Spirit King had an accident must have something to do with Team Zero.

With a history that has existed for more than two thousand years and is almost equivalent to the main department of the army, how could Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai not know the character of the main department of the army?

"Mr. Yuan Liuzhai, what's going on!?"

Beside him, Shirou Ukitake, who had a pale face, stepped forward and asked with a puzzled face.

"Why did an earthquake suddenly occur in the Soul Society?"

At this time, he and Jingle Chunshui, two proud disciples, dared to step forward to ask Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, and the others did not dare to touch the bad.

"Ling Wang has an accident!"

The old pupil stared at the proud disciple in front of him, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai said lightly.


Shirou Ukitake changed color instantly, and even the captains standing behind him also changed their faces, and they were full of shock. They never thought that it would be the Spirit King who had an accident 270.

You must know that once the Spirit King has an accident, the consequences will be a catastrophe like the sky and the earth.

"Teacher, is this true?"

Shirou Ukitake asked with a trembling tone, because once the Spirit King really had an accident, the entire Soul Soul Realm would be destroyed, and the rest of the two realms would not be much better.

"The King Spirit hasn't really happened yet. According to my estimation, he should have been attacked!"

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai shook his head. If there was an accident with the Spirit King, the corpse and soul world would not only be an earthquake, but a complete collapse, which would not be able to be suppressed by mere ghosts.

"But even if nothing happens, it won't work if it goes on like this!"

Having said that, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's face became serious, full of solemnity.

"You must go to the Lingwang Palace to investigate the situation!"

As soon as these words came out, Shirou Shirou and other captains frowned. Except for Team Zero, who else can go to the Lingwang Palace?Unless a 'king key' is created.

"Would you like to ask that person?"

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