"Master, is O'Hara Island here?"

Standing up, zero asked curiously.

"Well, not only is it time, but the time is just right!"

Kaido stood up and his eyes were extremely sharp. Although he was thousands of meters off the ground, he still looked at the monster-like eyesight and easily saw everything on O'Hara Island.

I saw twenty large warships quickly approaching O'Hara Island in the distance, and I saw Nicole Olvia confronting CP9 chief Spandain and others.

"Nicole Olvia, Demon Slayer Order!"

Whispering softly, Kaido laughed, maybe after today, the Navy will suffer heavy losses again.

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Zero leaned up. She didn't have Kaido's eyesight, so she was naturally a little puzzled by Kaido's self-talk.

"It's okay, it's just a coincidence that the sigh came." Kaido said lightly, without explaining anything.

"I'm going down first."

After speaking, Kaido jumped down from the height of a thousand meters under the shocked eyes of the two women Zero.

ps: It's messed up, and I won't touch the line next time _(:з"∠)_

Chapter Thirty-Nine Nicole Olvia

ps: I'm desperate, it's useless to change Chapter [-], and it's useless to put it in the works, tsk!

The capital of scholars - O'Hara.

in a certain forest.

"What happened to the naval headquarters warships parked on the sea!"

A woman with long silver hair and the same appearance as Nico Robin, Nicole Olvia pointed a gun at the three people in front of her, and said with some gritted teeth.

"Oh, you guy, you know a lot!"

The commander of cp9, Spandain said in surprise, as if he was surprised, but his expression was filled with indescribable sarcasm.

"For a warning!"

"The lives of scholars in O'Hara, known as the capital of scholars all over the world, should be enough to deter archaeologists who are exploring the 'blank hundred years'!"

Standing up, Spandyne opened his hands and said somewhat exaggeratedly.

"What did you say?! Could it be?!"

Holding the gun, Nicole Olvia was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Okay, I don't have time to spend with you!"

It's just that Spandyne waved his hand, did not mean to explain to Olvia, and said indifferently.


Before the words were finished, a huge voice came from the air, as if something was falling quickly from the sky, causing several people to raise their heads in astonishment.

call out! ! !

With a loud voice, a figure fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed, but after a while, it fell to the forest on the side.

"Boom!! Kacha!!"

A huge explosion sounded, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a strong air wave swept out, carrying a lot of smoke and trees, like a wave rushing towards the surrounding.

"Wow wow wow..."

A strong wave of air swept in, blowing Spandain almost flying away, making him scream in panic, and hurriedly hugged his subordinates with both hands, for fear of being blown away, even Olvia stuck a gun in the On the ground, they barely supported themselves from being blown away. Only the two CP9s were not afraid of the mere air waves, but they also looked at the place where the silhouette fell with a dignified expression.

"What it is?"

"Like one person!"

The two cp9s looked at each other and saw the uncertainty in their respective eyes.

"Hey, what is it that dares to make Uncle Spandyne so embarrassed!"

When the air waves calmed down, Spandayin let go of his hands, let go of his subordinates, and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, you, go and have a look!"

Spandyne pointed at a cp9 and said in a harsh tone.

"Yes, my lord!"

The cp9 didn't get angry because of Spandyne's harsh tone, but just responded lightly, and disappeared in place in a flash.

"Hmph, even though I didn't get rid of you because of the fall of something unknown, Nicole Olvia! However, you still can't escape." Olvia said with a wary face.

"Get rid of……"


A figure flew upside down in front of Spandain, smashing heavily into the distance, setting off a large amount of smoke and dust, interrupting his words again.

"what happened!"

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