Arisawa Ryuki is very smart. She has known from a long time ago that the man in front of her, the teacher she adores is not a simple person.

Even though Kaido revealed the new world to them at this moment, although Aizawa Ryuki was shocked and inconceivable, she quickly woke up and thought of many things.

She knew that Kurosaki Ichigo could barely be regarded as her good friend. The two had known each other at a karate gym since they were young, and they often exchanged ideas, but the former was far from her opponent and was often beaten and cried by her. .

Of course, this is not the point, the point is the power that Ichigo Kurosaki masters, the extraordinary power that Kaido calls "the God of Death", which is definitely not something Ichigo Kurosaki was born with.

At least, before this, Kurosaki Ichigo did not have this kind of power, because Arizawa Ryuki and Kurosaki Ichigo have fought against each other for many years, and it is certain that he has absolutely no such power before.

It is obvious that this power can be acquired the day after tomorrow, and Kurosaki Ichigo may have suddenly possessed this power some time ago. 020

Coupled with the fact that Kaido suddenly showed them this whole new world, does it mean that Kaido intends to impart this kind of power to them?

As soon as he thought that Kurosaki Ichigo could have this kind of power, Ryuki Arisawa, who was as competitive as a man, began to get excited.

She yearns for extraordinary power and an extraordinary world, and Kaido can clearly see this from her eyes that are burning with fiery flames.

Therefore, Kaido evoked an evil smile for a long time, raised the girl's chin with his right hand, and stared at her with noble golden eyes, "Of course, and it's very easy."

The golden pupils were like two rounds of warm but not dazzling suns, which firmly attracted the girl's eyes. The handsome face had an evil smile, which made the girl's heart pound.

"Old... teacher!" Facing Kaido's actions, Yu Ze Longgui, who had always been boyish, was suddenly a little shy: he became embarrassed, and there were two blushes on Bai Jingying's face, which was extremely cute.

"It's so cute!"

Looking at the shy and cute face, Kaido whispered to himself, then lowered his head and kissed those thin lips, enjoying the girl's fragrance.


The sudden attack made Arisawa Ryuki's eyes widen.

But soon, her body was paralyzed: soft, leaning: leaning on Kaido's arms, weakly meeting: co-authoring.


Seeing this scene, the master craftsman Qianhe on the side suddenly shouted, his face was full of envy and jealousy, like the howl of a defeated dog, even Liluka's face was quite envious.

"I want it too!!"

The screams full of envy did not reach the two of them, and it was not until Arisawa Ryuki couldn't hold on anymore that Kaido let go of her.

"How's the taste!" Looking at the eyes: Meng, pretty face: red Youze Longgui, Kaido smiled evilly, his face full of jokes, "Longgui."

For Kaido, who has almost nothing to do, flirting with cute girls has become his daily routine.


Hearing Kaido's ridicule, Yuzawa Longgui suddenly screamed, and his face kept blushing, without the heroic spirit and carelessness he had before, just like a steam girl.


"Okay, the next thing is business."

After a period of slapstick, Kaido clapped his hands and his face became official.

After listening to his words, the faces of the girls also became solemn, especially Long Gui, who looked at Kaido with excitement and longing.

Inoue Orihime and the master craftsman Qianzuru will not talk about it first. The former has awakened his power under the guidance of Kaido, while the latter is not particularly interested in superpowers, and only wants to keep up with Kaido.

Only Yuzawa Longgui is the real desire to be obsessed with extraordinary power, that is, to desire power, but also to catch up with Kaido.

"Next, I will create a dimensional space, and you will train your abilities in this dimensional space in the future." Seeing the serious faces of the women, Kaido's expression remained unchanged, and he explained slowly.

"Mr. Kaido, what is dimensional space!?" At this time, the craftsman Qianzuru raised his hand and asked Kaido curiously.

Of course, rather than being curious, it would be better to say that she simply wanted to talk to Kaido. The sparkling eyes and the expression like a female cat in heat were enough to explain everything.


To this, Kaido did not respond, but snapped his fingers gently, and in an instant, the world changed, and the world was distorted.

In the sight of the girls, the whole world distorted directly, the light, sight, etc. quickly disappeared, the whole person seemed to be caught in a dark world, and could not see anything.

"this is?!!"


A second later, when the girls regained their sight, what caught their eyes was the incredible universe starry sky.

All around are full of stars twinkling in the sky, not like when looking up at the starry sky, like a spot of light in the sky, but magnified thousands of times, like spheres rotating in the starry sky, like a real planet. generally.

This is an incredible miracle, a mighty force like changing the world and opening up a whole new world.

"This is the dimensional space!!?"

"It's too exaggerated, it's like opening up a universe." All the girls watched the world a little bit, and their feet stepped on the void under their feet. At this time, they were standing in the boundless void. Without a foothold, they felt a little uneasy for a while.

"Don't worry, it's just a small virtual space." Kaido smiled and clapped his hands when he saw a few girls looking uneasy, and explained.

"The stars you see are just condensed fakes, only the size of a basketball."

"Furthermore, the next step is that you will cultivate in this dimension."

"By the way, the time flow rate of space is 10:1 compared to the outside world, which means that one second in the outside world is equivalent to ten seconds here!"

"Furthermore, in this space, you won't get hurt, at most it's just a little pain." Having said this, Kaido evoked a slightly malicious smile.

"Girl, keep going!"

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