Soon, Spandain dragged the two unconscious subordinates and left quickly.

"Okay, Miss Nicole Olvia, let's talk about it now!"

Looking at Olvia, who is almost identical to Nico Robin, Kaido said with a hint of playfulness.

"What are you trying to say?!"

Nicole Olvia raised the shotgun in her hand and looked at Kaido with a very wary expression. Although Kaido saved her life, she had no gratitude in her heart. After all, Kaido was in front of her. In front of him, he threatened Spandyne to press the demon slaughter order.

Nicole Olvia felt extremely bitter in her heart when she thought that O'Hara was very likely to be destroyed by the Demon Slaughter Order.

And what the other party did to Spandyne also made her shudder a little. She didn't understand why Spandyne, who was so frightened at first, suddenly called the other party an adult.

Obviously the other party is still the sinner who killed the two lieutenant generals.

"Don't point at me with that toy!"

Kaido frowned and said with some displeasure. With a flick of his finger, an invisible energy popped out, and it was instantly thrown away.


The shotgun flew out of his hand, causing Nicole Olvia to scream, and hurriedly backed away, looking at Kaido with some fear.

"This is a warning to you to point a gun at me!"

Shrugging, Kaido said casually, and lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot. In Nicole Olvia's somewhat surprised eyes, the hard ground surged like waves, and instantly formed a large chair.

"Okay, let's talk about it next, after all, the demon slaughter order is coming soon, and time is running out."

Sitting on the large chair, Kaido crossed his right foot, looked at Nicole Olvia's graceful body recklessly, and said lightly.

"what on earth do you want!"

Although she was extremely anxious, Nicole Olvia knew that she could not resist the man in front of her, so she had to suppress her anxiety and said in a hasty tone.

And with his hands around his chest a little uncomfortable, Kaido's unbridled gaze made Nicole Olvia a little uncomfortable.

"Don't worry too much, if you're worried about O'Hara, just relax, I didn't pay attention to the mere slaughter of demons!" Looking at the anxious Nicole Olvia, Kaido casually Said that, for the upcoming slaughtering order, he ignored it.

"Heh, although you have defeated three lieutenant generals, this time there are five lieutenant generals and tens of thousands of elite naval soldiers. Do you think you can beat them?"

Nicole Olvia sneered, although she knew that Kaido was extremely powerful, she still couldn't help sneering.

"If you can't fight, you'll know soon!"

Kaido didn't care about Nicole Olvia's taunting, and said indifferently, clasping his fingers casually.

"Now it's about O'Hara's fate, and your Nicole Olvia, and your daughter Nicole Robin's fate!"

The understated words fell into Nicole Olvia's ears, but it was like thunder, which shocked her.

"What did you say?! How do you know my daughter?!"


On the boundless sea, ten large naval warships were quietly docked on the sea not far from O'Hara.

The huge steel battleship is like ten steel monsters. Around the huge hull, rows of pitch-black gun barrels shone with deep light, making people shudder.


At this time, in the cabin of the large warship, some old phone bugs suddenly made a loud noise, which immediately alerted the navy on the warship.

"Quick, the slaughtering order is activated!"

"Come on, everyone is in place!"

"Go and inform the lieutenant generals, be ready to bombard at any time!"

On the warship, many navies quickly gathered together. Although they were a little flustered, they still moved quickly without any pause.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan! The Demon Killing Order has been activated!"

At this time, on the deck of a large warship, a colonel ran over and respectfully said to a man in casual clothes, a cape, and sunglasses lying on a sun lounger.

"Ah! You want to notify me of this trivial matter?!"

At this time, there is absolutely no calmness of the future Aokiji General, and the current Lieutenant General Kuzan took off his sunglasses with some dissatisfaction and roared angrily.

"Yes Yes!"

The navy captain responded in a panic.

"what did you just say!"

After a little roar, Kuzan put on his sunglasses and asked nonchalantly.


The colonel was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered and replied loudly.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan, the demon slaughter order has been launched. Now the warship is approaching O'Hara with all its strength, and is ready to bombard at any time. Please go to command."

"Devil Slaughtering Order?! Is it still activated after all!"

Kuzan was startled, and then said helplessly.

"Everyone is ready to bombard!"

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