It is not difficult to control bipolarity.

"Thank you, Mr. Kaido!"

Rukia took it with a smile on her face, and then with a snap, she kissed Kaido's face.



"It was suppressed and turned into a bird!"

"By the way, the bipolar has been taken away!"

The people who were watching everything all the way, only then came back to their senses, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Bipolar is the most important execution tool in Jingling Court, and it is also an extremely terrifying weapon, especially when it just showed its terrifying power. If it was taken away by Kaido like this, it would really make them feel distressed.

Of course, even if Bipolar was taken away, they didn't dare to ask Kaido to come back, and they even asked the other party not to get angry and destroy Jingling Court.

After all, they sent Kaido's woman to the execution stand.

"It's really powerful!" Aizen pushed his glasses and looked at Kaido frantically, with a very excited expression.

"Only in this way can I be interested in challenges."

Boom! ! !

As soon as the voice fell, a loud bang broke out, shaking the entire Jingling Court. Under everyone's horrified eyes, tens of thousands of meters of spirits were instantly swept away, forming a terrible storm of spirits, a few hundred meters away. The huge giant palm condensed in an instant, and then patted Kaido directly.

The atmosphere shook, the huge giant palm swept across the sky, suppressing the entire void, and the unparalleled terrifying pressure crushed the entire space.


The weak and weak Rukia was the first to bear the brunt. Facing this terrifying slap, Rukia groaned, her face flushed, and some couldn't bear the terrifying pressure.


Seeing this, Kaido's eyes turned cold, and he snorted, dispelling the terrifying pressure, and Rukia's face recovered. Then Kaido opened his fingers, and a small flame ball was ejected by Kaido's fingers and melted in the air. For the majestic fireball, he slammed into it.

This is all the flames that had taken the bipolar before, and was compressed by Kaido, with a very terrifying power.

boom! ! !

Two terrifying attacks collided in the air, and an astonishing explosion broke out instantly, forming a terrifying wave of fire that swept the surroundings.

At this moment, I don't know how many buildings were directly smashed, and even the barren hills under my feet cracked countless cracks, crumbling in the aftermath.


"This attack!!?"

"Who is it!"

Being swept away by the terrifying aftermath, many captains could only barely resist, and some weak vice-captains, such as Omaeda and others, screamed and flew out.

Only a few people such as Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, Aizen, and Uzhihualie were able to block this terrible aftermath without changing their faces.

Looking at this palm, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai narrowed his eyes even more, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Thousand-mile palm?"

The palm in front of him is very similar to that one, whether it is Reiatsu and moves, but what makes Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai suspicious is that the power and strength of this palm are far from the strength of the soldier's main department, Ichibei. .

"Yeah, it's the palm of a thousand miles to the sky!"

At this time, Aizen's playful voice entered Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's ears, and what followed was——



Chapter [-]: Yamamoto Yuan Liuzhai, who is out of the game

The sound of sharp blades piercing through flesh and blood sounded.

In the angered face of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, a Zanpakutō pierced his heart, and scarlet blood flowed down the snow-white blade, which was extremely dazzling.

"Your combat power is really too much trouble, here, I can only ask you to retire first!" Standing behind Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, Aizen said slowly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Yuanliuzhai!!!"

"Aizen!~!! You bastard!"


The captains who witnessed all of this shrank their pupils, their eyes were splitting, and they shouted angrily, especially Shirou Uzumaki and Chunshui Jingle, their faces were extremely hideous, almost wanting to bite people.


At this moment, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai shouted angrily, and a fiery and extreme spiritual pressure was released from him, like a sun appearing, and an infinite terrifying explosion instantly enveloped the surrounding, violent flames almost _ Burn everything.

boom! ! !

The terrifying explosion swept the entire barren hill in an instant, and the super terrifying high temperature of up to [-] million degrees directly melted the entire barren hill and spread out towards the surrounding area at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the entire Soul Realm was enveloped in a terrifying temperature comparable to the core of the sun. The water in the entire world was evaporated to a degree visible to the naked eye, and even the spirits between the atmosphere were no exception, and gradually evaporated and disappeared.

The residual fire sword, the strongest Zanpakutō of the flame element, once again revealed a terrifying figure.

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