'The master is really evil, to have such an idea! '

Behind him, watching the touching scene of the mother and daughter meeting, Zero once again sighed at the evil of her master. If she had been a little confused about Kaido's purpose before, but after hearing the conversation between Kaido and Olvia, and the sight in front of her. For the mature, beautiful, petite and lovely mother-daughter flower, zero naturally knew the master's plan.

After the sister flowers, it is time to eat the mother-daughter rice bowl!

"I should do it too!"

Without paying attention to Olvia and the others, Kaido turned around, looked at the rain of cannonballs flying over again in the distance, and reached out to grab it.

"Ten times gravity!!"

The next moment, the atmosphere seemed to lose its color, twisted inconceivably, and the invisible and terrifying gravity pressed down on the pitch-black cannonball.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The shells that were bombarded with extreme speed suddenly fell down, hitting the ground heavily, smashing the ground into deep pits.

"You two protect their mother and daughter!"

After solving the shells, Kaido said lightly, and then his body flashed and disappeared in place in an instant.

On the coast, the warship is already close to O'Hara.

"What's the matter, the shell actually fell!"

"how is this possible?!"

"How is this going?!"

On the warship, the artillerymen shouted in shock, looking at all this in disbelief.

"what happened?!"

Kuzan stepped onto the bow and asked lightly.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan, the shell suddenly fell from the air for some unknown reason."

A colonel ran over and replied with some doubts.

"Suddenly fell?"

Kuzan frowned, a little puzzled.

"Huh?! What's going on?"

Suddenly, the entire sea was shaking violently, and the waves were rolling and surging, setting off bursts of waves.

Then, a huge vortex appeared under the warship, spinning frantically, and in an instant, ten warships were involved.


The huge waves rolled, surging, compressing, and finally forming huge water dragons, opening their mouths horribly, and slamming into the warship.

"Wow ah ah ah!"

"Why did a whirlpool suddenly appear on the sea!!"

"What's going on with these water dragons!"

Unpredictable, a large number of navies were involved in the huge whirlpool, and they all panicked and struggled frantically in the sea.

The ten huge warships were constantly spinning, the huge hull was shaking violently, and was almost overturned by the huge water dragon.

"damn it!!"

Looking at the sudden change, Kuzan's face was ugly. As soon as he stepped on his feet, his body suddenly rushed into the air. A large amount of ice appeared on his body, and an extremely cold freezing air was released.

The cold air made the atmosphere faintly frozen.

"Ice Age!!"

The terrifying cold air spread out in an instant, swept the entire sea in an instant, and froze the boiling sea.

The huge whirlpools, the ferocious water dragons, and the struggling navy were all frozen, forming lifelike ice sculptures.

The entire sea instantly turned into a continent of ice, and at the end of the line of sight, everything was frozen, and the terrifying cold air kept exuding, making people extremely cold.

"Don't be stunned, go down and save people!"

Landing on the warship again, Kuzan drank at the navy who had not returned to God, causing them to wake up like a dream, and they all went to find tools and ran towards the ice surface.

"As expected of a frozen fruit! The sea was frozen at once!" At this moment, a dull voice suddenly came, making Kuzan's face change.

"But it's useless!!"

"The Abyss of Ice!!"

Immediately, the entire ice surface vibrated violently, like a super earthquake, the ice surface quickly cracked, and a deep crack kept tearing apart, splitting the ice surface.

"Crack clap..."

The ice surface kept cracking, and the lifelike ice dragons collapsed in an instant, smashing down heavily, smashing a large number of frozen navy into pieces.


In Kuzan's shocked eyes, the ice surface swayed wildly, as if it was split open by an axe of a giant, and a huge abyss was torn apart.

The abyss is incomparably deep and bottomless, like a heavenly abyss. On both sides are ice walls that are dozens of meters deep and the incomparably deep sea water, which the warship ruthlessly swallowed into it.

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