There was no warning. In the next instant, Kaido broke through the atmosphere, and his huge body like a demon roared out in an instant. The speed soared to the extreme in an instant, breaking through the layers of atmosphere, and came to Lan Ran in an instant, punching Boom down.


The terrifying power shook the entire space, and a ring-shaped sound wave instantly spread to the entire sky.

'not good! ! '

When Aizen had a bad premonition in his heart, Kaido had already crossed a distance of thousands of meters and came to his side, and immediately punched him, and the unparalleled power directly shattered his whole body. The bones blasted him to the infinite earth.

boom! !

The earth collapsed, and as the blue dye fell, the still intact earth in the distance collapsed nearly a hundred meters wide in an instant, like a tiankeng.

 283 Bang!

The soldier's head guard, Ibei, didn't react yet, but Kaido had already slapped it with a palm. The palm, which was almost one meter huge, was like a monument, and slapped it directly on the head guard's body, like a baseball. , shoot it directly to the ground.

Boom! !

The roar continued, and a terrifying gully was blasted out by a soldier from the main army, and appeared on the boundless earth.

In just an instant, the two were crushed instantly, and this process was less than a tenth of a second.

Boom boom boom!

Shortly after all this was done, there was a terrifying vibration in the atmosphere. It was a sonic boom that only surpassed the speed of sound, which means that Kaido's speed has far exceeded the sound.


Kaido took a deep breath, and instantly formed a small storm in the air, the surrounding atmosphere was absorbed in one breath, and even a short vacuum was formed.

Today's Kaido, even if it's just a breath, can create an amazing natural disaster.


In the next second, Kaido broke through the atmosphere, like a rapidly falling meteor, blasting towards the earth.

boom! ! !

An incomparably violent tremor sounded, accompanied by a shrill scream, and the boundless earth collapsed again.


Chapter [-] The confidence of Ichigo Kurosaki!

The broken boundary is a space that is overlapped by several broken spaces and surrounded by time torrents. The density of time is 2000 times that of the outside world.

It can be said that the passage of one hour outside is equivalent to three months inside, and the time gap can be said to be quite large.

However, despite having such a powerful ability, in order to prevent imaginary creatures from invading the corpse soul world, every seven days in the broken world, there will be a torrent called "Shutu". If it is on, it will be bounced to a time outside the time axis that is extremely far away from the boundary.

Generally speaking, they will be bombed to a hundred years away, which will cause them to be unable to bear the body and collapse and die.

In this situation, even captain-level Death Gods cannot avoid it, unless there are dozens of lower-level Death Gods who use special methods to inject spiritual pressure into fixed kutu, so that they can survive for a long time in it.

"Even so, isn't it okay?!"

In the broken world, Urahara Kisuke in a green coat tightly squeezed the folding fan in his hand, his face extremely ugly.

In front of him, there is a circular mirror hanging in the air, reflecting the distant battlefield, from which you can clearly see everything that happens on the battlefield.

It's just beyond Urahara Kisuke's expectations, even if it is the perfect fusion of Bengyu, Aizen, who has reached the final fusion stage, and the strength of the main army, Ichibei, who have devoured the power of the Spirit King, are still defeated by Kaido. Roll easily.

Such a powerful force far exceeded Urahara Kisuke's expectations, making him extremely uneasy.

Bengyu is one of his final cards. If such power can't help Kaido, he is really helpless.

'Fortunately, I still have a final hole card! '

Thinking of this, Urahara Kisuke narrowed his eyes and stared at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo no longer had the green appearance before, with long hair, mature and handsome face, and incomparable determination. His expression, he was wearing a black robe——

Swallow solution!

After taking Kurosaki Ichigo away, Urahara Kisuke took him directly to this fragmented world. Using Aizen's Zanpakutō, he hypnotized the forty-sixth room in the center, and asked him to send hundreds of Shinigami to use Reiatsu in turn. Fixed mites so they have plenty of time to train here.

Under the circumstance that the time density is [-] times that of the outside world, after the reckless training of Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Ichigo abolished the original power of death, re-developed the original real power in the body, and mastered it. After understanding the solution, his strength soared to the level of a captain in an instant.

And all of this took only about half a year, from which we can see how terrifying the potential of Kurosaki Ichigo is.

In the following time, Urahara Kisuke and Kurosaki Ichigo took turns to fight with Kurosaki Ichigo, in order to train Kurosaki Ichigo's fighting awareness and experience. After ensuring that he met the requirements, Urahara Kisuke let him start. Final practice.

The last crescent moon rushes!

This is the most powerful force of Kurosaki Ichigo, and it is also what Urahara Kisuke looks forward to the most and relies on the most, even on top of Aizen's collapsed jade.

"I hope you don't disappoint me"!"

Urahara Kisuke murmured in a low voice, his face full of ruthlessness and ruthlessness.

"Urahara Kisuke, is it really useful!"

The vicissitudes of life came from the side, and Kurosaki Isshin, who was wearing a death tyrant outfit and had regained the power of the god of death, came from behind, his face was extremely complicated.

"It's that Aizen and Ichibei are not the opponents of that person."

He looked at the scene in the mirror image, and he could clearly see how the monster with a body size of nearly ten feet, like a demon, was crushing Aizen and the main soldier, Ichibei.

The powerful strength of the two is so fragile in front of each other, just one punch and one kick will destroy all the attacks of the two, and even the bodies of the two have been directly blown up more than once.

If one of them had not possessed the power of collapse jade and possessed the resilience of an almost immortal body, and the other had been continuously resurrected with the power of calling out his true name, then the battle would have been over long ago.

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