"No, it's not over yet!" Urahara Kisuke let out a low roar, his pale face full of hysteria.

"As long as I am alive, as long as I am alive, one day I will be able to study a way to kill Kaido!"

Urahara Kisuke murmured, as if he was hypnotizing himself, with a strong madness.

"No need to struggle, Urahara, it's all over!" Kurosaki sighed with one heart. He straightened his waist, his eyes became extremely sharp, and he stared straight ahead.

"Besides, he has already come, and it is impossible for us to escape."

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke's body was shocked, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, he subconsciously squeezed the folding fan in his hand, and looked up.

Then they saw Kaido with silver hair fluttering, standing in front of them, stepping on the void, dark golden eyes staring at them indifferently, without the slightest emotion.

"Urahara Kisuke, Shiba is one mind."

Kaido said this, his tone was indifferent, like the cold wind in the extreme north, as cold as ice.

"Huh... I'm Kurosaki Isshin!"

Taking a deep breath, Kurosaki Isshin's eyes were sharp and he slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō from his waist.

"Kurosaki? No, Masaki has nothing to do with you anymore, you are no longer qualified to be surnamed Kurosaki." Kaido shook his head indifferently and said directly.

This made Kurosaki breathless, staring at Kaido with intense resentment and anger.

It was the man in front of him who took away his lover and daughter, killed his son with his own hands, and now deprived him of his surname. Such hatred was difficult to quench even if the waters of the five rivers and four seas were exhausted.

"Don't look at me like that, if you want to blame it, you are too weak!" Kaido said coldly, then turned to look at Kisuke Urahara.

"And you, Urahara Kisuke!"

Urahara Kisuke's heart tensed, and he subconsciously held Kuji, his body was so tight that he might burst out at any time.

Even if he knew that he was not Kaido's opponent, he would try his best to leave a wound on Kaido's body.

"To be honest, you didn't disappoint me. It was a good decision to let you go."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke's eyes narrowed, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart, and he said coldly.

"Do you think it was really because of Ye Yi when I let you go?" Kaido smiled playfully.

"All of this is just for you to send Bengyu to Aizen. Ye Yi's agreement is just a coincidence."

"Thank you for not only sending Yoichi to my bed, but also nurturing Ichigo Kurosaki!"

Kaido stared at Kisuke Urahara, whose face was blue, and said maliciously.

"As a chess piece, your performance makes me very satisfied!"


Urahara Kisuke roared in a low voice, and a terrifying spiritual pressure burst out from all over his body. .

This level has surpassed the limit of the captain level and reached a higher dimension.

"Show your strongest strength, and I will bury you!"

Kaido folded his hands together, and then slowly opened it to both sides, condensing a long sword, as if everything was in it, and the mystery was boundless.

"Looks like this will be my final blow!"

Shiba sighed with one heart, and the terrifying spiritual pressure burst out frantically, forming a vast white tide as if it materialized. Urahara Kisuke's eyes became firm, and he pulled out the red princess from the waist 983, and the gorgeous and terrible red glow began. agglomerate.

"Crescent moon sky rushes!!"

"Cry, Hongji!"

It sounded almost at the same time, and two terrifying crescent moons, one red and one white, formed a huge slash, slashing the boundless earth and roaring towards Kaido.


Kaido was silent, watching the attack of the two, he raised his long sword, and immediately cut it down.


The sky and the earth cracked, and a terrifying canyon opened directly in front of it. It was nearly [-] meters wide and stretched for thousands of meters. It was extremely terrifying.

As for the two?As early as the first time, it was terribly annihilated, and not even scum was left.


Kaido scattered the long sword, clapped his hands, and said in a relaxed tone.

"At this time, Zero and the others will also suppress Jingling Court." Looking into the distance, Kaido said to himself.

At this stage of the field, the power of the entire Death God world has almost been pushed by him, and the only thing left is the King of Quincy Exterminator.

"Yuhabach, you are the only one left!"

Kaido muttered to himself, and as soon as he stepped, he instantly crossed a distance of tens of thousands of meters and disappeared in place.


Chapter [-] Departure, New World

Time flies like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

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