The red scales that were originally covered with the body were now shattered by more than half, and the body was extremely huge, and the body with a very negative sense of pressure was covered with scars, and the pair of dragon wings on the back was even penetrated, leaving tragic scars.

The head-on resistance to Kaido, a blow that can penetrate a planet and destroy a planet directly, can't even erase the "dream" principle of Great Red. In fact, although Great Red's injury seems very serious Serious, but only minor injuries.

For such a strong person, this kind of injury can be repaired easily.

It can be seen from this point that the power of Great Red is stronger than the original book, breaking the original upper limit, otherwise it is impossible to block the blow of Star Extinguishing so easily.

According to Kaido's standards, the strength of the Great Red has reached the "doomsday" intermediate level, and in this realm, it can be regarded as a top powerhouse.

"It hurts..."

However, the scene that appeared in front of Kaido was extremely comical. The huge 200 dragon bodies of the Great Red were hovering and rolling in the boundless space.

The majestic voice at the beginning was replaced by a girl's voice that sounded extremely delicate, like a wounded ordinary girl, shouting constantly, which sounded extremely pitiful.

"what's going on?"

Kaido was speechless, looking at the great red dragon body, speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

Even he did not expect that under the huge dragon body of the Great Red, there was such a lovely voice hidden, like a moving girl.

"However, in that case, I can be a dragon knight again?!"

Suddenly, Kaido narrowed his eyes slightly, and his dark golden eyes stared at the red dragon, flashing with malicious light, which made the red dragon in the distance agitated, and the dragon pupil looked at Kaido vigilantly.

"You...what are you going to do?!"

The great red shouted, the voice lost its majesty, it became the questioning voice of a girl, and the tone was full of vigilance!

"doing what?"

Kaido evoked a smile, stepped forward, raised his hand and punched out, the brilliance of the sky shattered the space, and slammed into the great red.

"Ride you!"

In the infinite dimensional gap, another battle about the dragon knight broke out, accompanied by bursts of miserable screams.


Chapter [-] God-Devil War, Dragon God sneers

The underworld, as a dimensional world, the land of the underworld is not smaller than the human world, and it is different from the human world where most of the area is surrounded by the ocean, the underworld is almost all land and forests, only a few lakes, rivers and the like. .

This has also led to the fact that although the land of the underworld is similar to the human world, the land that can live in it far exceeds the human world. Moreover, as the underworld in myths and legends, there are many races in this world, among which the devil and the fallen The two most powerful forces of the angels ruled a corner of the underworld respectively.

Among them, the demons are composed of pure blood demons such as the four major demon kings and the seventy-two pillars, and the fallen angels are descended from angels, including the forces formed by many fallen angel cadres.

And the angels who are listed as the biblical gods, along with the demons and fallen angels, live in the heavenly realm and are ruled by the only supreme god, the god of the biblical gods.

I don't know how many years ago, in order to compete for the hegemony of the world, the three major forces are the angels led by the God of the Bible, the devils led by the four devil kings, and the fallen angels led by the governor of the fallen angels. long war.

This war that shocked the whole world was started by the three parties in the underworld. During the period, the three parties fought endlessly. I don’t know how much land was affected and destroyed, and it swept across many races. Countless demons, angels, and fallen angels fell in this war. , tragic to the extreme.

Even now, this war does not mean to stop, but has a tendency to intensify.

And just as this battle continued and the leaders of the three forces were fighting non-stop, a visitor from another world quietly set foot on this territory.


The sky in the underworld is a dim purple, completely different from the sky in the human world. The dim color has a depressing atmosphere.

At this moment, in the boundless purple sky, a crack suddenly ripped apart the space, forming a passage. Two figures, one big and one small, walked out of the passage and quietly appeared in this world. One of them was Kaido with silver hair flying.

As for the other little loli, she has a red double ponytail, a delicate and lovely face, wearing a white top and a red skirt, with the same dark golden eyes as Kaido, with an invisible majesty, and her chest is held high. The clothes show her good "people." heart.

"Is this the underworld?"

Standing in the sky of the underworld, Kaido looked down at the boundless land. Because the land of the underworld was too vast, and because of the war, the number of races had dropped sharply. Kaido looked over, even if it spread thousands of miles away. , and no people were seen.

Moreover, on the land in the distance, you can clearly see the place where the battle was fought. Thick cracks are intertwined. The ground is full of huge potholes. .

"Although it's not as bad as myths and legends say, this environment isn't that great!" That's what Kaido said, but Kaido didn't dislike it, and his face was extremely calm.

Having experienced the dark and depressing world of the virtual circle, Kaido has nothing to reject a world like the underworld, but if it really resembles the underworld in mythology, it is estimated that Kaido will really hate it.

"Hey, Xiaohong, what time is it now?" Kaido asked, looking at the girl beside him.

"Ugh, don't be called Xiaohong, I'm the great red, the real Chilong God Emperor... um..." Hearing Kaido's name, the girl's mouth suddenly bulged, forming a cute bun face, golden Staring at Kaido, he protested.

It's just that before she could finish speaking, Kaido gave her a light glance. Although he didn't say anything, the silent deterrence contained in it and the "training" that happened in the interdimensional gap made the great red directly wither. .

The dignified and great red, one of the strongest two dragon gods, looks at the whole world and is the top powerhouse. As a result, he was suppressed by Kaido, and he was forced to become a girl. He was ridden for more than a day, and She still couldn't resist, which made her feel extremely aggrieved.

However, no matter how wronged she was, it was useless. In the interdimensional gap, Kaido made her deeply understand what real "terror" is.

"Hmph, now the underworld seems to be fought by demons, fallen angels, and gods. It seems to be fighting for world hegemony!" Although he was humiliated in his heart, but due to the obscenity that came, Great Red still explained honestly.

Although the main body roams between dimensions, but she has the ability to "dream", it is not too easy to enter other people's dreams.

Therefore, even if her body lives in the interdimensional gap, she can easily know many things in the world.

By the way, she is only a power clone at this time, and her main body is still roaming in the interdimensional gap, and guarding the passage of this world.

"Hmph, it's just a bunch of frogs at the bottom of the well anyway, and a few trash-like strengths want to rule the world? Even the god of the Bible, strictly speaking, is worthy of entering the top level, and it is far from the peak, if it is not real The powerhouses disdain to intervene, they have already destroyed them!" Speaking of which, Great Red couldn't help but sneer, feeling disdain for the ambitions of the three parties.

If you really want to make a division of this recovery fusion world, then the level of Great Red is the peak level, and then there are top, first-class, second-class and so on.

Although the God of the Bible is powerful, it can only reach the top level if it is strictly divided, and it is not considered a top ten level in the world, let alone ruling the world.

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