The ground cracked, the dust flew up, and as Felia fell, a pothole was blasted out of the ground in an instant.

"Ahaha, just a lowly demon, kill them for me!" The eight-winged fallen angel laughed and made a big move, letting the morale-boosted fallen angel kill the demon, and then the whole person suddenly rushed out to Fei. Leah kills.

"Death to me!"

The eight-winged fallen angel's wings vibrated one after another, and the whole person turned into a stream of light, and continued to kill Felia.

"Don't think about it!"

Feliya's figure quickly avoided, and at the same time, red lightning was constantly blasting out of his hands, interfering with the other party.


Seeing this, the eight-winged fallen angel snorted coldly, and his figure flashed in the air, leaving behind afterimages, which he opened easily and casually many times.

"call out!"

The speed of the eight-winged fallen angel that was dodging at a high speed suddenly soared, and the whole person directly turned into a black light, which shot to Felia's side in an instant, and the long sword instantly slashed.

"not good!"

Felicia was shocked, the long sword subconsciously greeted him, and the powerful red magic power shone.


The terrifying collision resounded, and two powerful magical powers, red and black, shone, directly shattering the surrounding earth and tearing open cracks.


A figure flew out, spit out blood in the air, and fell heavily into the distance. It was Feria Gremory.

In this collision, it is clear that he fell into an absolute disadvantage.

"Hahaha, even a little superior demon, dare to fight against me!" The eight-winged fallen angel laughed, his face full of disdain.

The Eight-Winged Fallen Angel, even if placed in the entire Fallen Angels force, is second only to the ten-wing cadre-level powerhouse, and is the real backbone.

Although the number of wings does not [-]% represent the strength of a fallen angel, an eight-winged fallen angel is still much stronger than an ordinary superior demon.

Above, that is the ten-winged fallen angel that is comparable to the highest-level demon. A fallen angel of this level, even the entire fallen angel force, is a cadre-level existence.

"Death to me!"

The eight-winged fallen angel shouted, and the black long sword in his hand slashed out instantly, a terrifying black slash slashed the ground, and slashed heavily towards the fallen Felia.

"It's over!"

Feliya's face was extremely pale, looking at the slash at him, and said with some despair.


Chapter four hundred and fifty second all killed


A terrifying explosion appeared, and the black slash exploded, forming a terrifying air wave that swept away into the distance, and the earth kept cracking open.

"Humph, stupid!"

The eight-winged fallen angel sneered, with a contemptuous look on his face.

"grown ups!!"

"Damn fallen angel!"

A group of demons who were fighting against the fallen angels all had red eyes at this time, and couldn't help screaming out loud~.

However, no matter how angry they were, they couldn't make up for the gap in strength. In addition, the coach's life and death were unknown, and their morale plummeted, and they were killed by fallen angels.

"A group of despicable demons, kill you all in one go, and end this battle!"

The eight-winged fallen angel glanced at the battlefield, his eyes flickered with cruel light, and he released an astonishing magic power, which made many demons terrified.

The commander is dead, and the remaining soldiers, in the eyes of the eight-winged fallen angel, are naturally pigs and sheep to be slaughtered, and they can be killed at will.

"Hey, are you too happy too soon!"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded, with a majesty, like the arrival of an ancient dragon king, which made people feel a palpitation.


Hearing this, the eight-winged fallen angel's pupils shrank violently, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and he turned his head to look over.

It can be seen that the smoke-filled field has gradually dissipated at this time, revealing the scene in it. What is shocking is that Filia Gremory, who should have been killed by the attack of the eight-winged fallen angel, was unexpectedly nothing. He was still lying on the ground, not attacked.

Of course, this was not the reason why the Eight-Winged Fallen Angel was terrified. What really terrified him was a red-haired girl standing in front of Feria.

She has conspicuous red hair, which is exactly the same color as Felia's hair, but tied into double ponytails. Those golden eyes seem to contain terrifying majesty. There is a feeling of trembling.

The girl's age does not look very old, at most twelve or thirteen years old, her pretty face is delicate and lovely, like a delicate doll, but it exudes a strong majesty, like facing a great existence.

Even a powerhouse like the Eight-Winged Fallen Angel felt horrified when he saw each other, as if he had met a terrifying giant dragon, especially those golden eyes, which made him even more terrified.

Demon King?

In an instant, the idea of ​​the eight-winged fallen angel surged into his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a little terrified.

Demon king-level powerhouses are super powerhouses who can fight against gods. Looking at the entire three-way power, they are also the top-level existences. Only twelve-winged fallen angels can fight against them. Eight-winged fallen angels like him , If you face the Demon King, it's just a trashy fish that will be instantly killed.

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