
Chapter [-] Kaido's Evil

The holy light lingers, the light is universal.

Under the leadership of Gabriel, a dozen or so eight-winged angels exuding a powerful aura headed towards Gremory's mansion.

Their purpose is only one, and that is to sweep away any resistance forces of the demon camp and destroy the Gremory family.

Before that, more than three pure-blooded demon families had been destroyed by them, and all the resistance forces had been beheaded, completely becoming history.

"This is holy war!"

Gabriel said this, with a chilling expression on his flawless face, even a beautiful and gentle angel would have no compassion for demons.

It's a mere distance, but it's only a few miles away. For an eight-winged angel-level existence, it can be crossed in just over a minute.

Soon, under the leadership of Gabriel, many eight-winged angels descended on the Gremory family, terrifying holy light shrouded, and the whole world was shrouded in a holy breath.


Gabriel handed over, she made a slack move, infinite light shone, and a magic circle emitting holy light appeared.

The terrifying holy light blooms, and the power of the infinite holy light surges. Different from the magic power of the devil, this is the power of holy light full of holy breath.

A terrifying beam of light was blasted out from the sky, like the sun, illuminating the entire earth and making everything pale. This is to destroy the entire Gremory Mansion in one breath.

As one of the Four Seraphim, with a strength comparable to that of a Demon King, destroying the Gremory family with one blow is nothing to Gabriel.

"Mr. Kaido...you...you're too close!"

In the living room, Kaido smiled and sat on the sofa, his body tightly next to Carris, which made her a little embarrassed and whispered.

I have to say that a young woman like Jiaris has a unique aura compared to an unmanned girl, especially when she is blushing and a little shy, her index finger is even more moving.

Especially with Kaido's bold behavior, even a young woman like Garis couldn't resist.

"Is it close?"

Kaido was puzzled, but his body went a step further, and his big hands passed around, grabbed the other party's waist, and pulled her into his arms.


The sudden attack made her cry out in surprise, and her body was already embraced by Kaido.

The strong masculine breath rushed towards her face, making Caris feel a little dizzy. As the sovereign wife of the Gremory family, when has she ever been done this by a man other than her husband?

Not to mention hugging him directly, even holding hands, he never expected to be hugged so roughly by Kaido today.

"Master Kaido, please don't do this!"

Carris's voice became a little indifferent. As a woman with a family and even two children, Kaido's actions have made her a little angry.

If it weren't for Kaido's terrifying strength, so she didn't dare to offend, I'm afraid that she would have been unable to resist and drive people away.

Fortunately, there were no extra servants in the living room at this time, and they were all sent back before, otherwise, if this scene was seen, it would be bad.


Kaido's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth. When was he rejected?

Or, who can refuse him?


The indifferent Garris instantly widened her eyes and stared at the face in front of her in astonishment. Her whole body was stunned, she didn't react at all, and passively endured Kaido's attack.

By the time she reacted, she was already lying on the sofa, and a pair of soft things had already changed hands and were controlled by others.

"Kai... Lord Kaido... Please don't do this!"

Jiaris' face was full of panic, and she couldn't help but said timidly, facing Kaido's attack, she didn't even have the strength to resist.

"Oh, but that's not what your body said!" Hearing this, Kaido smiled playfully, his hands like dragons, palming the sky and controlling the earth, swiping across the delicate skin, and easily grasped everything.

Hearing this, Jiaris was immediately ashamed, her soft face was flushed with blush, and she was so embarrassed and anxious that she almost cried.

Just as Kaido stretched his hand down, poked into the skirt, and wanted to go further, a powerful breath rushed in, shaking the entire Gremory family, causing him to raise his brows.

Seraph! !

The incomparable holy power enveloped the entire castle, and the holy aura as vast as the sun made a group of demons pale.

Jiaris felt even more deeply. As a superior demon, she immediately sensed the horror of this breath, and her beautiful face couldn't help turning pale.

Seraph, that is equivalent to the existence of the demon king. For today's Gremory family, it is definitely a disaster.

"Master Kaido!"

Garris grabbed Kaido's arms with both hands, and there was hope in her eyes. At this time, only Kaido could help Gremory.

"Please! Save Gremory!"

She couldn't help begging, her delicate body trembled uncontrollably, under the terrifying power and the ravages of Kaido, she felt an alternative feeling, almost reaching its peak, and even her voice became unnatural. stand up.

If she hadn't felt the threat of Seraph, she would have been speechless, and she would have almost screamed.

Kaido smiled, and Garris' panicked appearance made him feel a sense of joy from the bottom of his heart, and the warmth and tightness between his fingers made him even happier.

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