You must know that angels and demons are inherently opposite races. Since being captured, she has prepared for the worst. At critical moments, she will even blew herself up to preserve her own purity.

After all, once an angel has sex with a human, he will fall to the sky and become a first-level existence of a fallen angel. This is undoubtedly a scene that Gabriel absolutely does not want to see.

As for Sally, she is also very worried about this happening.

Regarding the integrity of the demons, Gabriel never hesitated to speculate on them with the greatest malice.

Suddenly, Gabriel's heart tightened, she raised her head, her pure golden eyes stared at the gate, and she heard a heavy footstep.

Different from the lightness of the maid, the footsteps this time were heavy and powerful, with an invisible heaviness, reminiscent of Mount Tai, exuding a heavy breath.

"Who will it be~¨!"

Gabriel whispered to himself in a very moving voice, like the most moving music, like the whisper of an angel.

"is it him!"

Gabriel thought of Kaido, the handsome man who had overwhelming power and easily defeated her, his heart tightened and became a little nervous.

Kaido's existence has almost become her shadow. That overwhelming gesture made her unforgettable and imprinted in her heart forever.

Even now, she often recalls Kaido's shadow, the scene that defeated her mercilessly.


In Gabriel's thinking, the door made a sound, and then slowly opened, a slender figure walked in from the outside and set foot in this spacious room.

'It was indeed him! '

Seeing the person coming, Gabriel's pupils shrank, and his slender hands subconsciously grasped: tight, and his heart became tense for a moment.

With long silver hair, a slender and straight body, beautiful cheeks, and a domineering temperament, this is a man she will never forget.

"I'm here to see you, Gabriel!"

As soon as he stepped in the door, Kaido saw Gabriel sitting on the sofa with his knees bent, with a nervous expression on his face, and a dazed look in his eyes. A smile could not help but evoke a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said happily.

Looking from this side, Kaido feels more and more that Gabriel's beauty is almost a treasure in the world, the most perfect creation, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ultimate beauty.

Especially the perfect body, which is completely the golden ratio, and the fair skin is extremely smooth, as if the water can be squeezed out with a light pinch.

Coupled with the identity of the other party, Kaido can be sure that he will search the whole world, and there are absolutely few women who can surpass her.

"What are you doing!"

Gabriel said in a calm tone. Compared with the enthusiastic Kaido, she was a lot colder. For Kaido, the enemy, she was completely indifferent.

"Although I don't know who you are, you are not a demon after all. There is absolutely no need to stand in the camp of demons. As long as you are willing to rely on us, I can intercede with the Lord and make you one of the Seraphs!"

Seeing that Kaido didn't seem to be angry because of his attitude, Gabriel let out a sigh of relief and admonished again.

Even if she knew the possibility was low, she still had to keep fighting.

Hearing this, Kaido's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't answer. Instead, he stepped forward and sat directly next to Gabriel. He immediately smelled a sweet smell, Kaido's eyes lit up slightly, he knew, This is Gabriel's body fragrance.

Looking at Gabriel's slightly stiff expression, with a somewhat uncomfortable expression, Kaido smiled slightly, "々' If you are willing to devote yourself to me and be my slave, I don't mind going to heaven!"

Kaido's words are somewhat ambiguous: ambiguous, that is, there is no explicit agreement, and no direct rejection.

However, Gabriel frowned, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, shook his head and said, "This is impossible, this body has already been dedicated to the Lord, it is impossible to give it to you!"

"That's a pity!"

Kaido reluctantly spread his hands and made a regretful expression, which made Gabriel anxious for a while.

"Then what do you think!"

There was a rare hint of annoyance in his tone, like a little girl, but Gabriel himself didn't notice it.

"Didn't I say, I want you!"

Kaido leaned on the sofa, staring at Gabriel with dark golden eyes, exuding a strong aggression, as if her (Li Lehao) clothes would be torn apart in the next instant.

"You know, Gabriel, from the first time I saw you, I had an urge to tear your clothes to pieces, and then crush you under my body!"

"Ravaged: ravages your body, tarnishes: stains your purity, distorts your beliefs, and makes you only an angel that belongs to me, and will follow me all your life!"

"Be mine!"

Kaido's voice was a little low, but there was a firmness in it, as if there was no doubt about it, which made Gabriel feel a little frightened.

Because she could feel that what Kaido said was sincere, and he really wanted to do it.

This made Gabriel panic a little. In this situation, she couldn't stop Kaido at all. If he was really strong, she couldn't resist at all.

"I want you, Gabriel!"

Kaido got close, leaning against Gabriel, leaning over and whispering in her ear.


Chapter [-] One day, I will make you willing

Gabriel's body was extremely stiff, and he didn't dare to move. Kaido's body was extremely close, and the heat he exhaled hit his ears, and a burst of masculine breath was used to make her blush and heartbeat.

As one of the pure and flawless blazing angels, when did she feel this kind of battle?

In the heavenly world, she is a high-altitude blazing angel, worshipped by thousands of people, and angels are not allowed to have selfish desires, otherwise they will fall.

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