"I know...but do we have the right to say no?"

With a wry smile, Escuba said helplessly, he also wanted to reject Jack, but after seeing the threat in Jack's eyes, he had to bite the bullet and take it.

Escuba had a hunch that if he really dared to refuse, the other party might really destroy Tom Shipbuilding Company.

"By the way, I warn you, don't go out and tell the navy stupid things. Once the other party finds out, I will all die."

(Zhao's) Ais Cuba stared at the crowd, and warned with some solemnity.

"Formidable pirates like the other party are the most unscrupulous, killing the city is just a blink of an eye for them."

Escuela was really afraid that these people would be stupid, and it would be miserable if they went to inform the Navy.

"Got it, we're not that stupid!"

"His murderous aura was so terrifying just now, who would dare to inform!"

"We still want to live enough!"

Several people shook their heads one after another, swearing that they knew the details of Jack and the others, but they didn't have the guts to tell the truth. If they were not careful, they would die.

"That's good."

Escuela breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up the blueprint and instructed Barry and the others.

"Barry, hurry up and prepare the materials, you may start construction at any time!"



The fifty-ninth chapter will attack (the third)

The third update is over, please subscribe_(:з」∠)_

At night, the brilliance of the full moon shone down, and the Rock Tavern in the west district of the Seven Waters.

The fiery cheers echoed, and the group of Jack Pirates, together with hundreds of pirates, were revelling.

As for the other drinkers?He was chased away as soon as possible, and in front of Jack and other pirates and criminals who offered a reward of over [-] million, how dare he be presumptuous.

Even the boss here is also cowering and hiding on the counter, praying that Jack and the others don't make trouble.


On the large table filled with all kinds of meat, Jack and Fan gathered together, drinking and chatting.

"Jack, what are we going to do next?"

Holding the wine glass, Fan, who had been expressionless, looked at Jack and asked suddenly.

"Huh? Next?"

Jack, who was tearing and biting with a big piece of meat in his hand, was stunned for a moment, then threw the whole piece of meat into his mouth, chewed it twice, swallowed it in one bite, looked at Fan, and said lightly.

"Until Boss Kaido comes to find us!"

Jack waved his hands indifferently, then picked up a glass full of wine, and drank it all in three or two.

"Boss Kaido didn't explain anything else, so of course he stayed in the Seven Waters!"

For the one-strand Jack, if Kaido is more than 650, it is everything. After several months, Jack has long regarded Kaido as his boss.


Rubbing the glass of wine, Fan said with a flat face. He couldn't see any expressions, and he was noncommittal about Jack's words.

"Okay, okay, now is the time to drink, don't put on a bad face!"

With a wave of his hand, Jack said loudly, raising the entire barrel of wine on one side.

"It's time for a drink."

After speaking, Jack raised the wine barrel, and the wine was like a spring, and Jack drank it all in one gulp.

"Wow, as expected of Captain Jack, this kind of alcohol is simply not covered!"

"That's amazing, Captain Jack!"

"Hahaha, let's toast together!!"

Seeing Jack drinking so much, a group of pirates cheered excitedly, all raised their wine glasses and kept drinking, the atmosphere was extremely warm.


Looking at Jack who was not nervous, Fan sighed and raised his glass to drink.

As for Horton on the side, he was already eating meat and drinking.

The night passed unknowingly in the carnival of pirates (bbaf).


after one day.

The cloudless sky is spotless, and the comfortable and warm spring breeze blows past, making the sea ripples.

On the calm sea, a huge warship was advancing at a high speed, heading towards its destination at high speed.

"Instructor Zefa, I have seen the Seven Waters!"

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