No matter you are a peerless genius, peerless in style, and unparalleled in combat power, after all, you still have to bow down to the mighty power of time.

What about a man who is as strong as a white beard and is known as the strongest man in the world?

After only a few decades of hard work, he has grown into a dreadful aging, and his terrifying combat power can't release [-]% of the battle power, so that he was directly hit by Akainu in the war on the top.

Time is the greatest power in the world, and it is also the existence that Kaido fears the most.

Even if Kaido is not afraid, as long as he develops his blood to a certain extent, he can easily solve this problem, but his woman can't do it. After decades, when he is still young and his combat power is at its peak , When invincible in the world, the beautiful woman beside her has fluttering white hair and she is old, how can the arrogant and domineering Kaido accept it?

Even if the fruit of the operation is legendary, it can make people immortal, it is also a legend, so how can Kaido be sure?

Therefore, the existence of the system is necessary, and it is also the reason why Kaido values.

"Ding, the current transcendent point is 21000!"

The system quickly replied that the icy mechanical sound had no emotion, but Kaido didn't care about it, he was more concerned about his own extraordinaryness.

"21000? It seems that defeating Sakaski and Kuzan is the big one!"

The rubbed chin, Kaido quickly understood, after all, he is a top lieutenant general, and the extraordinary points obtained by defeating them are completely comparable to the other two lieutenant generals and the generals of the slaughtering demon command, which makes Kaido a little sigh, if there are too many Just a few.

"Well, if that's the case, it's time to see them!"

Thinking like this, Kaido stood up, walked out of the living room, and walked to another house,

After walking through the not-so-long corridor, Kaido pushed open the door and walked in. What caught his eye were Sakaski and Kuzan, who were still seriously injured and unconscious.

"I haven't woken up yet? No wonder!"

Looking at the two unconscious people, Kaido was slightly surprised, and then said clearly.

After all, they have endured his full-strength shots one after another. It is naturally impossible for the two top lieutenant generals to bear it. It is entirely thanks to their monster-like physique that they are still alive.

"...System, to restore their injuries, they don't need to be fully recovered, it's probably enough to wake them up."

Sitting at random in a chair not far away, Kaido looked at the two of them and said calmly.

"Yes, host!"

As the cold mechanic sounded, the 21000 extraordinary points quickly dropped by 100 points, and then the injuries of the two of Sakaski recovered to a degree that was visible to the naked eye.

Of course, just recovering to the level of being able to wake up is not a threat.


With two groans, the two of Sakaski opened their eyes and looked around in a dazed way.

'You are the best in this class! '

Subconsciously, Kaido wanted to say it, the infinite meme that was once extremely popular, but he swallowed it back in an instant, but looked at the two of them calmly and pondered.

"Wake up, you two!!"

(Li Nuozhao) The familiar voice brought Sakaski and the two back to their senses, and their eyes immediately focused on Kaido. They would think about the previous things, dripping cold sweat from the top of their heads, and couldn't help being a little scared.

Even Sakazki, who is ruthless and ruthless, regards pirates as the most evil, has a little fear of Kaido in his heart. The image that Gayin Kaido gave him before was too deep, and he still shivered a little.

"What do you want to do?!"

Kuzan suppressed the fear in his heart, and said coldly, he is the one with the ability of frozen fruit, he is much calmer than Sakaski, at least he can face Kaido head-on.

"Why didn't you kill us?"

This is also where Kuzan is puzzled. From Kaido's instant destruction of the Demon Slaughtering Order, and the merciless beheading of Weasel and Huoshaoshan Lieutenant General, it can be seen that Kaido is a ruthless person, and now he still stays Kuzan felt a little uneasy at the risk of their own lives. .

Chapter [-] Enslavement of Sakaski and Kuzan (fourth more)

"You who are alive are more useful than you who are dead!"

Supporting his chin with one hand, Kaido said indifferently, Kaido would not let go of the two of them.

That is a top-level combat power, second only to the existence of the Four Emperors, especially Sakaski, who is the future Admiral of the Navy.

If there are these two people as undercover agents, a stab at the World Government at a critical moment can definitely play a great role.

"You want to threaten the navy with this!!"

Kuzan thought of something in an instant, and looked at Kaido with a dignified expression, his heart was extremely heavy.

The importance of them, Kuzan is the most clear, the two top natural powerhouses, the potential is absolutely powerful, plus they are geniuses, the future will definitely be a general, or even a member of the marshal.

If Kaido threatened the navy with their lives, it might actually succeed.

Thinking of this, Kuzan was a little remorseful and helpless. After all, they were imprisoned and had no qualifications to resist.

"Don't think about it, even if you die, I won't let you and other sinners be used as props!"

Sakaski gritted his teeth and stared at Kaido fiercely. Sakaski was not an idiot. After the conversation between the two, 927 also understood Kaido's plan, which still made Sakaski even more angry.

For the sinful person, Sakaski had the attitude of killing one thousand wrong and not letting go of eight hundred, but now he has been reduced to being used as a tool by Kaido to threaten the navy, which made him extremely angry.


Sakasky suddenly cried out in pain, a big foot stepped directly on his face, and a powerful force stepped on him to the ground, Kaido looked down at him condescendingly, and said indifferently.

"You're a little more stupid than Kuzan, Sakaski!"

With sarcasm, Kaido sneered at Sakaski with contempt.

"Aren't you awake yet? Now you're a prisoner. It's my problem how you want to deal with it."

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