"Don't die, Zefa!".

Chapter [-] Four Emperors vs Generals

ps: I really got used to Feilu. Chapter 65 is still banned for me where I didn’t pass the line. Noon has passed once, and now it’s banned again!

In other words, are some people underestimating Zefa too much? He is only in his 50s now. When he was at his peak, he was equivalent to the three major generals in the war. He was not the old man in his 70s in the theater version. A mechanical arm, and he is a pure physique general, relying on his own strong body and strength. If he can't stop Jack, who is only a lieutenant general, then it will be a joke.

And the gap between the lieutenant generals is also very large. You can see the smoke man and Ming brother, and Kuzan and Saron, let alone the general and the lieutenant general.

By the way, the four emperors in the title refer to combat power, don't get me wrong.

"Hey, don't be too complacent!"

With a cold snort, Zefa reacted instantly, without any fear, the black fist directly greeted him, shaking the atmosphere.

In the end, it is the general, even if it is shocked because of Kaido's real appearance, but there is still no fear, because the general itself is synonymous with monsters.


Far more than before, the extremely terrifying collision sounded loudly, majestic air waves swept out, the ground quickly cracked in the shape of a spider web, violently vibrated within a range of hundreds of meters, pieces of gravel flew across the sky, and smoke and dust flew across the sky. Makes people unable to open their eyes.

"Boom! Boom, boom, boom..."

One was pounded back and forth, stepping heavily on the ground, stepping out of potholes, He 257 is Zefa.

"How is it possible? The power has become so much stronger?"

Zefa couldn't help changing color, and his tone couldn't hide the shock in his heart. Compared with before, Kaido's power has more than doubled, making him somewhat at a disadvantage.

"Huh? That's not enough?"

Kaido sneered, and his huge body rushed out, smashing the ground, like a violent titan, the huge fist brought a violent wave, and the violent hurricane tore the surrounding ground, making people terrified.

"Who do you think you are! I am the highest combat power in the Navy headquarters!!"

With a roar, Zefa's right hand was darker and darker, flashing a terrifying cold light, smashed the ground in an instant, and burst out.


The pitch-black fist, with astonishing speed, set off a violent hurricane, rubbing violently with the atmosphere, and its might was earth-shattering.


Unprecedented collision broke out, violent air waves swept hundreds of meters in an instant, the ground kept cracking, and the ground was torn apart by amazing cracks. In the end, the ground with a radius of more than [-] meters finally completely collapsed and collapsed, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust. Cover the sky.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

In the smoke and dust in the sky, two figures, one large and one small, were fighting fiercely (bafj), their fists and feet touching each other, causing a shocking weather wave, and a deafening sound resounded throughout the island, making people horrified.


The waves of chaotic rocks and sand, like waves, were swept out by the air waves and drowned all around.


"Wow ah ah!"

Aiscua and others, who were watching from a distance, were swayed by the violent turmoil and almost fell to the ground.

"what is that?!"

At this moment, a boatman suddenly said in horror, not far away, sand waves with countless rubble swept in, submerging the earth along the way, making people terrified.

"It's a rocky sand wave, and it's about to drown!"

"If you are submerged, you will die!!"


Everyone's face was extremely pale, and they screamed in panic, and ran out one after another, trying to stay away from the rocks and sand waves, but how does manpower compare with such natural disasters?After a while, he was caught up, the gravel fell, and the sand waves drowned.

"I can't escape!!"

Escuba and the others were extremely pale and looked extremely frightened.


Three cold voices sounded, and I saw Jack, Fan, and the others, who appeared beside them in an instant, grabbed them with a big hand, and picked them up, then flashed and disappeared in place.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

The gravel fell, creating potholes in the broken ground, and then the sand waves flooded in like waves, covering the ground.

"It's dangerous!"

"I almost died!"

Hundreds of meters away from the battlefield, Escua and others, who had already escaped the danger, were gasping for breath, feeling very fortunate in their hearts.

"Thank you!"

After finally calming down, Escuba looked at Jack and the others and said sincerely, with a tone full of gratitude.

"No, the reason for saving you is that we don't want the boat we want to be built."

Jack said calmly, ignoring them, but looking at the battlefield with a focused expression.

"Is it? lol!"

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