Under the astonished gazes of the others, Escuela's face was suddenly very respectful, and there was no longer a hint of panic, and the look in Kaido's eyes was extremely respectful.

"Well, get us a house ready!"

Kaido said indifferently, and ignored the others. Only Ace Cuba, the future mayor of the city of seven waters, was present to let him pay attention, and the others were nothing to worry about.

"Yes, Lord Kaido, please come with me!"

Escua responded respectfully, turned and walked towards a certain residential area, and the other boatmen could only follow if they didn't know the reason.

"Come on, Jack take Zepha with you."

Said to Zero and Olvia girls on the side, Kaido's huge body shrank rapidly, and in an instant it changed back to a posture of more than two meters, as always, with a strong upper body naked, to Jack and others on the side commanded.

"It's Boss Kaido!"

Jack responded with 877, picked up Zefa and followed Kaido and the others. As for Spandyne and Sakaski, they were not resisted because they already had the ability to move.


A luxurious building complex in the Eastern District, Kaido and others, led by Ace Cuba, came to a luxurious house, which was Ace Cuba's private house.

"Ha, comfortable!"

Lying down on the extremely soft sofa, Kaido moaned comfortably, and Zero consciously stood behind Kaido, pinching his shoulders for him, his soft little hands with a dark energy, making Kaido comfortable Incomparable, as for 2b, it is like a kitten, nesting in Kaido's arms, more than one meter of sex: feeling the body brings Kaido great enjoyment.

The mother and daughter Olvia were sitting on the sofa next to them. As for Jack and the others, they went to the room to rest wisely and did not dare to disturb Kaido's rest.

"Spandyne, connect me to the Five Old Stars!"

With his eyes slightly closed, Kaido said to Spandyne standing in front of him in a lazy tone.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

Responding with a respectful expression, Spandyne quickly dialed the phone bug, handed it to Kaido, and then consciously exited the room.

"Bolu Bolu..."


As the phone worm dialed, an old voice came, with a hidden anger, it was the five old stars last time. .

Chapter [-] Threats?trade?

ps: I apologize once again for the 70 chapters, but I have suffered more losses than you. This time I will be deducted from the manuscript. Although I don’t know how much, Ifei Lu’s urine is definitely not low.

The blank space is my intention, otherwise it is estimated that it will be pending, please forgive me.

"Yo, Your Excellency Five Old Stars, how have you been recently!"

With a hint of teasing, Kaido said.


After a moment of silence, the old voice that suppressed the deep anger came from the phone bug.

"Well, it's me!"

Like talking to an old friend, Kaido said playfully.

"What happened to Zefa!"

Without the intention of talking nonsense with Kaido, the bearded five old star said coldly, with a deep chill in his tone.

"Don't you already know? There should be no need to ask me!"

With a hint of playfulness, Kaido asked back with interest. Kaido had already noticed that the man in the black suit appeared as early as the appearance of the man in the black suit. The reason why he let him go was just to let him report to the World Government.

"...It really is you!!"

With an indescribable shock, the bearded Wu Lao Xing said that when the man in the black suit informed the World Government, he and the other Wu Lao Xing had guesses. After all, Zefa is a general and the highest combat power of the navy. It is impossible to deal with Jack and others at the level of a few lieutenant generals.

Although it is difficult to imagine that Kaido will travel thousands of miles in a short period of time, from O'Hara to the capital of the Seven Waters, but I have to admit that only Kaido, who is still mysterious to this day, has that kind of monster. like strength.

Even so, the five old stars with long beards are still shocked by the strength shown by Kaido, and they suppressed a general in just a few hours, and this level of strength is not weaker than that of Whitebeard.

"What do you want?"

The bearded five old star asked in a deep voice, wondering about Kaido's purpose.

"Do you want them back?"

Kaido said lightly, which surprised the bearded five old stars.

"What do you want~ˇ?"

The bearded five old star asked in a deep voice, he would not believe that Kaido would be so kind, he definitely had a plan.

"One phantom beast, one natural type, ten superhuman type, and twenty animal type devil fruits!"

Holding the microphone, Kaido said in a lazy tone, his right hand swam around 2b's attractive body, making the girl's face slightly red, but she did not resist.

"It's in exchange for them, how about it? It's a good deal!"

This is blatant extortion, and it is also Kaido's plan at the beginning. After all, Kaido will build a huge force in the future to replace the world government. Powerful subordinates are necessary, so naturally a lot of Devil Fruits are needed.

And what power can be compared to the world government?Who else can take out so many Devil Fruits in one go?And only a world government can do that.

As a world government that has ruled the entire world for more than [-] years, some devil fruits can still be taken out. Of course, it is not so easy to be the most powerful and rarest natural type and phantom beast species. After all, these two types of devil fruits are not easy. They are extremely rare and powerful, and once obtained, they will be used soon to cultivate top-level powerhouses.

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