One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 562: Children's Intelligence Network

"Haha! Look how my snowman is doing!"

Yamato pointed at the snowman she had built and shouted happily, "It's just this snowman she built. How should I put it?" For humans, this kind of art is too avant-garde and unacceptable. Of course, another way of speaking human language is, what a bunch of crap is this!

"Yamato, you just put carrots and buttons on a pile of snow. It's not a snowman at all."

Robin looked at Yamato's "snowman" and commented. In front of Robin at this moment, there was a strange, but very delicate snowman that was being modified by an unknown number of hands. Compared to Yamato's lump, It can be said to be art. Of course, we still have to ignore the weird shape.

"Um, Robin, I feel like your aesthetics are quite strange. Do you want to see a doctor?"

Maria also had no objections to Robin's "snowman". After all, this weird shape is really inconsistent with ordinary people's aesthetics. It belongs to the weird series in the dark series, the abstract series in the weird series, and the brother in the abstract series. The special style, the dark style in the Gothic style, in short, they have a bit of both, but they are not the same. While looking at it makes people feel uncomfortable, they can't help but think that this picture is quite interesting.

"Huh? Don't you think it's cute?"

Robin looked at Maria curiously. She didn't feel there was anything wrong with her work. She even thought her work was so cute!

"No, I don't think this thing has anything to do with cuteness."

Jack stood aside very sincerely, shook his head and said, he felt like he was Sans looking at this thing. He really didn't know how Robin put it together with cuteness.

"I also want to say, Sister Robin, this thing is too weird."

Hiyori was also watching. Although her feelings were not as serious as Jack's, she still felt like she didn't know what to say about Robin's aesthetic problem. After all, Hiyori's aesthetics was quite normal now.


This is the first time Robin has been criticized so bluntly by her friends. She has never felt that there is anything wrong with her aesthetics. Speaking of which, Robin's aesthetics is indeed very strange. It is not normal for her not to appreciate it. Art, she also likes those exquisite works of art, but once she sees those weird and strange "arts", Robin's aesthetics will change instantly.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this, let's talk about something else. By the way, Robin, what's going on with Uncle Barrett and Mother You now?"

At this moment, Yamato rarely used her emotional intelligence to change the topic in an instant. At the same time, the question she asked was also something that many people were curious about recently, including children like them. Therefore, as soon as Yamato said this, several other people were immediately surprised. The children also became energetic and looked at Robin with wide eyes.

"Don't mention it, I'm worried about them."

Robin didn't hide anything. She curled her lips and said helplessly. After all, Robin was too precocious. She had already seen some things clearly, even earlier than the two nagging parents-in-law. She just didn't want to bring it up in front of the two of them, hoping to let things take its course. The result was that she was looking at Barrett and Olbia with boredom, but there was no progress at all. Do it in a hurry.

"Huh? Not okay yet? I remember Robin, didn't you say there was a chance last time?"

Maria asked curiously. As the most girlish person among the people present, she was the most interested in this kind of love topic and the one who understood it best. How could Xia Ji and Taylor have a relationship? In this relationship, Maria's assist played an indispensable role, and even took a huge credit. As for whether Xia Ji wants this assist, that's a matter of two minds. Anyway, Maria assisted, right? It doesn’t matter whether you are happy or not, Maria is indeed happy anyway.

"There is a play, but it is just a play. The play is over as soon as it is sung, and nothing happens afterwards. Although Uncle Barrett comes to my house for dinner every day, it is just for dinner."

Robin spread her hands helplessly. She no longer cares about this matter. Although she can make a fuss, she is too lazy to assist anymore. After all, she has assisted so many times and it is of no use at all. It is easy for her to get used to it. Mom said to mind your own business, ahhhhh! You don’t know a good heart!

"Don't worry, Robin, the situation may be different from what we think. After all, this is an adult matter. It wouldn't be good if we interfered too much, wouldn't it?"

Yamato said carelessly on the side. She was actually just curious about this matter. Unlike Maria and Robin, Yamato didn't have any string in her mind to remind her what love was. Yamato would be interested in this matter. The only reason why I'm curious about this matter is because it's a matter of my friend's family, it's as simple as that.

"That's true, as are Uncle Taylor and Master Xia Ji. They've been dragging it on for so long, and there's still no movement at all. Obviously last time I watched Master Xia Ji come out of Uncle Taylor's room in the morning, but after me Nothing happened, really.”

Maria was also sighing beside her. She also had people she was crushing on, namely Xia Ji and Taylor. She and Yumu Ruoye followed them every day to conduct various observations and research, trying to find evidence of their love. As a result, That is, the two of them were beaten a lot, but they couldn't find any useful evidence. It can be said that they suffered a huge loss.

"Who says it's not the case? Kikinocheng was also secretive with Brother Luke. They were obviously in love at that time! And hasn't Kikinocheng become a woman now?"

In addition to Robin Hikaru and Maria, Hiyori is also very concerned about this matter. After all, Kikunojo is still nominally her retainer. Although Hiyori has never cared about this title, it does not prevent her from caring about Kikunojo. Of course, this kind of The concern mainly appears in certain aspects. For example, Kikunocheng's love affair may have been influenced by Lily. She is also very concerned about such things, even if she is still a little kid.

"Speaking of Brother Luke and Kikunoshi, I saw the two of them going out together this morning. I didn't know what they were doing. I wanted to follow them at first to have a look, but then Yamato came to me for a snowball fight, so I decided Forgot about it."

Jack suddenly spoke at this moment. He didn't care about love or anything like that. After all, he was a man! How can a man care about this?

"Oh! Really? Do you know where they went?" Hiyori, Maria and Robin suddenly became energetic and asked quickly.

"Then I don't know. I only know that the two of them left together in the morning."

Jack spread his hands and said. When these words came out, the three of them were instantly disappointed, but they did not blame Jack. After all, their last snowball fight in the morning almost cost them half their lives. To be honest, Yamato and Hiyori should be blamed for this. The operations of these two people directly caused them to endure pain that they should not have to endure.

"By the way, haven't Mom and Dad finished fighting yet?"

Yamato looked in another direction at the moment, where earth-shattering sounds could still be heard. It was the snowball fight that Kaido and Lily were having. To be honest, Yamato and the others felt that this was no longer a snowball fight, because no one knew how to have a snowball fight. With such a loud noise coming, it would be an understatement to call it a battle.

"Probably not yet, but can this really be called a snowball fight?"

Hiyori swallowed and looked at the huge snowballs flying wantonly in the distance. After waking up to the fact that Kaido and Lily had shown mercy to them before, she began to think about how long the snow there could last.

"I don't know, I just know that I will never participate in a snowball fight like this again. It's so scary."

Jack shivered. The clothes on his body were still wet. The feeling of being buried in the snow was so uncomfortable. Thinking about it now makes Jack feel uncomfortable all over.

"By the way, shouldn't we stay a little further away? Why do I feel like they are getting closer to us?"

Robin realized something was wrong at this moment, those flying snowballs were approaching them!

"It doesn't seem like it! It's getting closer and closer! Run!" Yamato gave the order, and the children no longer cared about their snowman and began to run away, trying to stay away from the battlefield.

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