Chapter 122 Going to Cloud Shinobi Village

“I know all this! You don’t have to blame yourself! Now all the residents on Sky Island hope to rely on Enel to rule!” Ganfor said, “I am just a sky knight now, not your god anymore!”

“Our God! You will always be the God in our hearts! We all want to look forward to your coming back!” Conis said.

“Yes! Our God, come back!” Uncle Paigeya said.

At this moment, the dream on the side was surprised and said: “You thin old man, are you a god? Do you have the power of a god? Then you can easily defeat Enel!”

“Old and shameful! The gods in their mouths are not like your understanding of the gods in the blue ocean. The god here is just an official name, which is equivalent to the meaning of the king of a country in the blue ocean!” Ganfor shook his head Said, “Six years ago, Enel came here. He defeated me, took my shrine, and proclaimed himself a god! He thought he was the master of all things, let the people of Sky Island call him the almighty god!”

Mike said while eating this dish, “Don’t panic! I came here to bring Enel back to the blue ocean!”

“Can you beat him?” Ganfor asked.

“How can you know if you don’t try it!” Mike said, “But we have to rely on one party’s strength!”

“My former magic soldiers are all imprisoned by Enel, except for us, there is no other power!” Ganfor said.

“No! Have you forgotten the Sandia people who have fought you for four hundred years?” Mike said.

Gan Fulton was surprised and asked, “Mike, you seem to know our Sky Island very well!”

“Yeah! Why would I come? Before I came, I had a thorough understanding of everything that happened here!” Mike said.

“But! We and the Sandia guerrillas have been enemies for four hundred years! I proposed a reconciliation method six years ago, but they refused!” Ganfor embarrassed.

“This is not what it used to be! You should put aside the civil war between the two of you and fight against foreign powers unanimously, Enel!” Mike said.

Gan Fuer was silent for a long time, and then said: “Okay! I listen to you! But, I’m afraid it is not easy to convince them!”

“Let me do it for persuading them!” Mike said.

“Good! If you can convince them, it is definitely a powerful force!” Ganfor said.

After everyone finished their meal, they didn’t stay too much, leaving Conis, Paiga and McKinley, Mike and Ganfor went to the small village where the Shandia people lived, Cloud Shinobi Village.

Four hundred years ago, when the other half of Gaya Island was rushed to the sky by a huge upward current, the mountain people and the local residents of Sky Island started a struggle for this land. Win or lose.

The original residents of Sky Island call this land “Sanctuary”! The Sandia people become this land for Apayado!

Until six years ago, Enel came here with his four god-tier officers, occupied Apayado and listed Apayado as a forbidden place. No one was allowed to enter, and those who entered without permission would be put to death.

Therefore, the Sundia talents live on a very small piece of the cloud, with almost no resources on it, which is a very inconspicuous place, forming the Cloud Shinobi Village.

Ganfor took the group of people, took a boat, and turned left and right along the Yunhe River. After going around for a long time, Mike had to lie down on the boat and fell asleep before reaching Cloud Shinobi Village.

Ganfor also introduced the situation of the Shandia to everyone on the boat.

However, as soon as everyone came to Cloud Shinobi Village, they were stopped by a man wearing a knit cap. The knit cap had already covered his eyes, and he was stopped by a man with a double gun on his waist. This person is Braham with a double gun. .

“Stop! Cloud Shinobi Village does not allow outsiders to enter!” Braham said.

Gan Fuer stepped forward and said, “Braham, it’s an old man, Gan Fuer! We are here to discuss important matters with Weber! Please let us in!”

Weber is the leader of the guerrillas formed by the Sandia. He has inherited the blood of the great warrior Kalgora and is extremely brave and good at fighting.

Suddenly, Braham pulled out a pair of guns from his waist, facing Ganfor’s head, angrily said: “Ganfor, hurry up and leave with these blue sea people, otherwise, I will be rude to you! ”

“We didn’t come here to fight! There is a very important thing for Webber to cooperate with! This matter is related to the fate of the entire Sky Island!” Ganfor explained with effort.

At this time, many Shandia fighters began to watch and talk continuously.

“Why did Ganfor bring the Blue Sea people over here?”

“Could it be his helper?”

“What about a helper! We are Shandia’s warriors! Let them come and go!”

After Mike heard their discussion, he didn’t expect that the Sandia hated Ganfor so deeply.

Suddenly, Mike saw Braham’s face change, and the hand holding the double gun wanted to pull the trigger unconsciously.

Seeing that the trigger was about to be pulled, Mike stepped forward and lifted Braham’s hands into the air.


Braham’s two guns sounded at the same time, and a dazzling light flashed around, and everyone’s eyes were instantly blinded.

However, Mike has long known that Braham’s double guns have flashing shells added to them. When the double guns are turned on, they will also instantly press the flashing shells’ switch, so when Mike lifts Braham’s hands , He closed his eyes.

Braham’s braid hat covers his eyes, so he himself did not blindness.

At this moment, Mike suddenly stretched out his hand and took off Braham’s knit hat from his head, and the two looked at each other.

Mike said: “Braham! You are too impulsive!”

Braham didn’t expect that the blue ocean man in front of him would stretch out his hand so quickly, he raised his hands all of a sudden, looked at Mike blankly, speechless.

After the flash was over, everyone rubbed their eyes, only to see that Mike had saved Ganfor.

“Mike! I didn’t expect your skill to be so agile!” Ganfor said.

“That is! I’m great!” Mike smiled.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: “Webber is here!”

I saw a man with a strange tattoo all over his body, a fierce look, braids tied behind his head, a cannon on his shoulders, and skates on his feet, coming towards the crowd.

“What are you doing?” Webber asked loudly.

“Weber! Ganfor came with a few people from Qinghai!” Braham shouted, “We are going to drive them away!”

The onlookers of Sandia separated a way from left to right, letting Webber a way out.

Weipa slid in front of Ganfor and pointed the cannon to Ganfor: “Apajado is ours! We will never accept your settlement plan! Get out of here quickly! We don’t welcome you. !”

“Yes! Get out! Old smelly man! We don’t welcome you!”

“You are not welcome!”

“Get out of our Cloud Shinobi Village!”

The other Shandia fighters also shouted.

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