Chapter 144 Lei Ying Attacks

“Of course I know! Do you still have to say this?” Mike said coldly.

Mike didn’t dare to be careless, he quickly took off the Heaven-Swallowing Sword from his neck. With a thought, it turned into a long sword. He said to Enel, “You are a little trick that counts for me. What! You don’t know how good I am!”

At this moment, Mike suddenly felt that the nano-insulation suit that Enel had pierced with a golden trident in front of his chest had recovered quickly.

“Hey! It’s really nano-technology clothes! It can be restored automatically after damage! It’s really great!” Mike patted his chest and said, “Enel, have you seen it? This is really good clothes! You are shirtless, be careful to burn yourself!”

“You talk too much nonsense! I don’t like talkative people!” Enel said.

At this moment, Enel once again rushed towards Mike holding the hot gold trident.

Mike has suffered a loss once, knowing that dodge is no longer effective, and simply holds the Sky-Swallowing Sword in his hand to fight him.

Facing the golden trident poking towards his neck, Mike held his breath and narrowed his eyes slightly. A powerful mental force was formed in his brain, and the flaw in this trick was seen.

Mike clenched the Sky-Swallowing Sword in both hands, and when the golden trident was about to hit his neck, he swung it from the bottom up.


There was a piercing collision, and Mike used the Heaven-Swallowing Sword to force the golden trident away.

This time, because of Mike’s instinctive response to this trick, instead of passing the signal through the brain, Enel’s heart network could not perceive it at all.

After Mike lifted the golden trident upwards, he didn’t directly release it. Instead, he subconsciously pushed forward with the swallowing sword in front of the golden trident. The ultra-high temperature golden trident actually stuck to Enel’s chest. superior.


Mike took a closer look and found that the head of the golden trident was stuck on Enel’s chest, and a blood-red mountain-shaped brand was burned out.

Enel grinned in pain, and stepped back a few steps. He saw a glass device with water beside him. He couldn’t take care of that much in a hurry, so he broke the glass device and splashed water on himself.

“Oh! Cool!” Enel smiled bitterly.

Suddenly, Enel realized that this water-holding device was used to create thunderclouds. Now that it is broken, the thunderclouds will not be able to regenerate.

At this time, in the big chimney on the golden ship, the black fog is no longer coming out.

“Oh! Oops!” Enel was a little flustered, and immediately separated from Mike, and quickly jumped to the side to look at the Leiyun in the sky and laughed, “Hahaha, Leiyun is almost there! Enough!”

“Lei Ying strikes!”

Seeing Enel stretched out his hand to the sky, his arm turned into a thunder and lightning form, continuously accumulating electricity toward the black thundercloud in the sky.

The black thundercloud suddenly formed a huge black ball, and the thunder pillars released from the black ball became more powerful than ever.

The lightning pillar smashed the house on Sky Island, smashing the house in an instant.


Mike yelled, and struck Enel with the Heaven-Swallowing Sword in his hand.

However, Mike didn’t even hit Enel this time, and was avoided by his ability to use the heart net.

“Stop? Why stop!” Enel said, “This land shouldn’t belong here! I just let it return to where it should have been!”

“No matter where it is, it is the result of nature’s choice! You have no right to interfere!” Mike said angrily.

“I am a god! I can dominate every creature in this world, including the land! If it is a bird, it should fly in the sky, and if it is an island, it should stay in the blue ocean below. What is the truth above the sky! Today he It must go back where it should be!” Enel yelled.

“I won’t let you do this! Enel! Don’t think about it!” Mike shouted.

Suddenly, Mike just felt that the golden ship seemed to be changing its original direction. Originally, the golden ship was rising vertically along the vines of the double helix, but now it suddenly stopped rising, but flew toward the black ball of thunderclouds.

“Who moved my Ark Proverbs?” Enel looked flustered.

“Hahaha! Even the golden spaceship can’t understand what you do! If you don’t listen to you, you have become everyone’s public enemy!” Mike said.

At this moment, Enel quickly stopped, wanting to enter the cabin to see what was going on. However, Mike wouldn’t give him this opportunity at all. On one step, the Swallowing Sword in his hand had already hit Enel.

Enel fought in a panic, and fought Mike with the Heaven-Swallowing Sword and the Golden Trident for a while.

However, the golden ship the two were riding in seemed to be out of control and rushed into the huge black thundercloud ball.

The surroundings dimmed instantly, and Mike could only see everything around him with the help of the light of lightning.

However, when Mike and Enel were playing inextricably, the golden ship turned around in the thundercloud ball.

Mike swung a few swords at Enel, and saw that Enel was only blocking, and he was a little panicked.

I saw the golden ship spinning continuously in the thundercloud ball, absorbing all the lightning inside to the ship, and starting to discharge randomly toward the sky, no longer forming a thunder pillar that smashed downwards.

At this moment, Mike stood still and looked at the shrinking thundercloud ball, thinking in his heart: “Did Long Wei and Qiao Yunyi also board the ship? They both are manipulating the golden spacecraft?”

In fact, just as Mike had guessed in his heart, Long Wei and Qiao Yunyi were pressing buttons in the golden ship for a while.

In fact, just when the golden spaceship stopped rising vertically along the double spiral vines, Long Wei and Qiao Yunyi were already on the golden ship.

Since in the cave, Mike gave Long Wei and Qiao Yunyi the task of stopping the golden spaceship, the two of them struggled to find a way to get the best of both worlds, neither let the golden ship fly out of Sky Island, nor Let this priceless treasure be damaged.

After much deliberation, the two finally decided that while Mike and Enel were fighting, they sneaked aboard and found the wheelhouse of the golden ship. As long as Mike can kill Enel, they will re-drive the golden ship back to Apayado.

Long Wei and Qiao Yunyi followed the huge double spiral vines all the way up. When they heard the fighting sound of Mike and Enel from the golden ship, Qiao Yunyi quickly took out the Star Soul Crossbow from behind and shot it directly at the gold. The hook on the ship, the crossbow bolt just didn’t hook on the gunwale of the golden ship.

Qiao Yunyi stretched out his hand to pull Longwei, and the two swished into the golden boat. When the two saw Mike and Enel playing hard to separate, they slipped into the cabin quietly.

However, the two people who entered the cabin were dumbfounded. There was no rudder on this golden ship. It was full of mechanical equipment and buttons, and they didn’t know how to operate it.

Qiao Yunyi, who is somewhat familiar with machinery, was helpless, so he had to try one button at a time. Only then did the golden ship stop ascending and flew horizontally, and then kept spinning in the thundercloud black ball.

Thinking of this, Mike guarded the door of the cabin, resolutely not allowing Enel to enter the cabin.

At this time, the thunder and lightning in the thundercloud black ball had all been released, and the thundercloud had all dissipated. The sky has also been clear.

Enel looked at the black ball of thunderclouds that had dissipated, his face turned blue and purple, and his heart was extremely angry.

“Boy! Get out of me quickly!” Enel roared.

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