Chapter 187: You Are Not Hard enough

Blueno’s tavern looks like an ordinary tavern, but it is actually a secret contact point for CP9.

Before Mike came to the City of Seven Waters, Luki, Kaku, and Kalifa, who had been lurking in the City of Seven Waters, had all dressed up and came to the Blueno Tavern.

Blueno led the three into a secret room in the tavern, and contacted Spandam on the Enies Lobby with anti-monitoring phone bugs.

Spandam said to the four people in the anti-monitoring phone bug: “The situation has changed. Mike Pirates has almost reached the capital of the seven waters. At all costs, assassin them all!”

“Pluton’s design drawings are coming soon! Change the plan now, five years of potential will be wiped out!” Lu Qi said dissatisfiedly.

“This task is as important as the Pluton design drawing! Don’t question my arrangement! I’m smarter than your brains!” After Spandam finished speaking, he hung up the phone worm.

The four of them stood in front of the phone worm, frowning, and suddenly all a little confused.

“Lu Qi, what should we do next?” Kaku with a long nose and a square nose asked.

“The original plan is ahead of schedule! Take it as soon as possible! After these five years of secret investigation, Pluton’s design can only be in the hands of Bingberg or Franky!” Lu Qi said, “As for the Mike Pirates, just kill them easily. !”

“Kalifa, is there a reward for them?” Kaku said.

“Calling my name has already constituted a sexual/harassment to me! The consequences are serious!” Kalifa said, raising his foot as if Kaku kicked it.

Kaku flashed, Kalifa’s foot touched Blueno’s face.

“Sorry! Blueno! You kicked the wrong person!”

Blueno touched his face, did not make a sound, put his hand on a table, and a small square wooden door appeared on the table.

Blueno took out a few reward orders from the small wooden door and said: “These are the reward orders of Mike Pirates, you all know it!”

The four people read all the reward orders from Mike Pirates and remembered their looks and names.

However, these reward orders did not include Qiao Yunyi and Mi Jiawen, because they were not offered a reward by the World Palace at all.

Lu Qi took Mike’s reward order and said: “This guy’s bounty is as high as 600 million Baileys! There must be something extraordinary!”

“The bounties of these people add up to 743 million Baileys, and Mike alone is 600 million Baileys!” Kaku said.

“It seems that this Mike is the core of the entire pirate group. As long as you kill him, the others will be much easier!” Lu Qi said.

In this way, what Spandam originally said was to assassinate Mike the Pirates, but it became the assassination of Mike.

However, what I never thought was that Mike would come so fast.

When Mike came to the tavern, the four of them had just disbanded. Luchi, Kaku, and Kalifa returned to Dock No. 1 of the Guerrera Shipyard, wanting to attack the iceberg first.

Blueno is also preparing to do another look in the tavern, and then go to fight Franky.

However, all the plans have just begun. I didn’t expect Mike to come so fast, he has already arrived in Blueno’s tavern, and played Blueno a little bit.

Blueno looked at Mike, who had taken off his pig’s head mask, and was really taken aback.

“Hey! Stupid bull, what are you doing with me? You have been lurking here for five years, and you can’t even find a Pluton design. It’s really useless! Let your boss Lu Qi come over and see me!” Mike said.

When Blueno heard Mike’s words, he was even more surprised, wondering: “No wonder Mike’s bounty is so high, he even knows what we are lurking here!”

“I don’t need boss Lucky to take action, I can do it all by myself!” Blueno said.

Blueno is a person who has the ability to eat the fruits of the door, and is also a person who has mastered Marine Six Styles, and is an important member of CP9.

“Huh! Stupid! Just because you want to do me a waste, do you know what my bounty is?” Mike asked.

“Six hundred million Baileys!” It didn’t take long for Blueno to see Mike’s reward order just now, and he remembered it clearly.

When Mike heard it, he suddenly guessed it, knowing that CP9 is already watching him. It is very likely that Aokiji gave Spandam the order.

The fact is just as Mike had guessed, not bad at all.

At this time, the crowd watching the excitement outside the tavern was already stupid.

“The one who took the wine gourd turned out to be a pirate! The bounty turned out to be 600 million Baileys!”

“Why did Blueno say to catch him? Is he a pirate hunter?”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Didn’t you hear the man who took the wine gourd just now! Blueno is lurking here for the design of Ancient Weapon Pluton!”

“He just called Lu Qi the boss! It means that the ship master Lu Qi at Dock No. 1 is also with him!”

“We were deceived by them for five years!”

Hearing the hustle and bustle of the crowd, Mike got up and walked in front of those people and said, “Don’t guess! I’ll tell you the truth! Blueno also has Lucky, Kaku, and Kalifa at Dock One. They are all The secret spy of the world palace!”

Mike couldn’t hide something in his heart, so he said it all in front of everyone.

After everyone listened to Mike’s words, there was another discussion.

“I didn’t expect it! They turned out to be the secret spies of the world palace!”

“The secret spy is the most Damn it! Tom who built the sea train for us was killed by the secret spy!”

“We hurry up and tell Mr. Bingshan to drive away these secret spies! The running dogs of the world’s capital are not allowed here!”

As everyone said, they swarmed towards the Guerrera Shipyard.

Since the incident of Mr. Tom being murdered by the secret spy of the world palace, the people in the capital of Seven Waters no longer believe in the world palace, and even more hate those people in Enies Lobby.

“Since the identity has been exposed by you! It seems that there is no need to assassinate! It can only be killed!” Blueno said.

“Hahaha, stupid! You are so stupid! Did you practice Marine Six Styles? Do you need me to teach you?” Mike said.

“Boy! Hugh is crazy! Watch the punch!”

“Iron Body!”

Blueno said, the Iron Body skill has been activated, clenched his fists, stepped across the scattered bar and swung his fist towards Mike.

In the face of Blueno, who has only eight hundred and twenty power points, Mike is not afraid of him at all.

After Mike crossed over, the first skill he acquired was Marine Six Styles. After sailing all the way, Marine Six Styles has already been well-trained, and Mike has created his own fusion technique on the basis of Marine Six Styles, and has not used it yet.

Looking at the fist thrown by Blueno, Mike did not dodge, but activated the Iron Body skill, coupled with the protection of the junior Armament Haki, and punched directly to greet him.


Blueno’s iron fist hit Mike’s iron fist directly, and the two iron fists collided with a loud noise.

Afterwards, Blueno staggered back two steps, and the hand that collided with Mike just now began to tremble slightly.

Mike put his fist away, blew it to his mouth, and said, “Stupid! How do you feel? Your Iron Body skills need to be practiced again! Obviously not hard enough!”

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