Chapter 233 Mo Leah Appears

However, Longwei’s double knives cut out, only to draw two white marks on Oz’s leg. The sword that Brook stabbed, did not penetrate at all, only a small dimple-like mark was pierced.

However, Long Wei and Brook were not surprised at all. The result was as they expected, and the two continued to follow their original positions and continue to stab.

The two swordsmen, Long Wei and Brook, coincided with each other and thought that if Oz could not be injured by a single stab, then grab the medicine according to the prescription and give a few more shots.

While Long Wei and Brook were repeating their actions, Bai Sheng had already sent a white ray toward Oz’s heart.

“Be obedient!”

However, after this white ray came out, Oz didn’t react at all.

Bai Sheng thought to himself: “No! Is it because Oz’s skin is too thick? It seems that the rays did not touch Dao’s heart at all!”

Bai Sheng does not repeatedly eject like Long Wei and Brook. Although the skill of flicking fingers looks very light to others and seems to be effortless at all, only he himself knows that every ejection consumes Bai. Mental power.

According to the current spiritual power of Bai Sheng’s cultivation, if he uses the strongest ejection ability every time, he may faint if he ejects ten times in a row.

Jana doesn’t care so much. She only listens to Mike. She will complete the task given to her by Mike. She releases two whirlwinds by herself and heads towards Oz’s shoulder, wanting Overthrow Oz.

“Qiao Yunyi, why are you lazy?” Bai Sheng saw Qiao Yunyi hiding aside playing with his heart-piercing arrow, so he asked quickly.

Seeing Bai Sheng calling him, Qiao Yunyi immediately raised his head and asked, “Bai Sheng! Give me the bag of salt on your body!”


“You give it to me! Don’t ask so much!”

Seeing Qiao Yunyi’s anxiety, Bai Sheng quickly took out his salt from his body and threw it to Qiao Yunyi.

At this time, Bai Sheng could see that Qiao Yunyi was putting salt into the arrow and shaft of the Piercing Arrow.

“Oh! I understand! Qiao Yunyi, you want to take advantage of Oz’s unpreparedness and shoot a heart-piercing arrow with salt into his mouth when Oz is unprepared!” Bai Sheng exclaimed.

Qiao Yunyi hurriedly made a hissing motion and said, “Be quiet! Don’t let that big fool of Oz hear it! If you hear it, he will definitely not open his mouth!”

Bai Sheng nodded and said: “Got it!”

“That’s right! Bai Sheng! You quickly control Oz’s mind and let him open his mouth!” Qiao Yunyi has already completed three salt-piercing arrows.

“Okay! Fight it!”

As Bai Sheng said, his hands simultaneously squeezed into the shape of orchid fingers, and two white rays were ejected at the same time.

“Open your mouth and two fingers!”

At the same time, Mike swallowed the Sky Sword in his hand and slammed it towards the fangs on Oz’s mouth.

Mike’s sword used Sweep Thousand Army in Promise Swordsmanship, that is to say, you don’t need to touch the Heaven Swallowing Sword, you only need sword energy to knock down thousands of soldiers.

Such a powerful move hit Oz’s fangs, and only a small crack appeared in his fangs.

However, although this small crack is relatively small, it is really painful.

In addition, Dreaming burned Oz’s lips with fire, and Oz suffered a lot.

Oz wanted to swing the scalpel in his hand to slash Mike and Dream, but his movements were too slow, they were not as flexible as Mike and Dream in the air.

I don’t know which one really played the key role, but also the three strokes played a role. At this moment, Oz actually opened his mouth and yelled.

Qiao Yunyi spotted this rare opportunity on the big stone pillar, opened his bow and set an arrow, and shot the salt-piercing arrow directly into Oz’s mouth.


The small shell on the Piercing Arrow exploded directly in the innermost part of Oz, exploding the fangs that Mike had already smashed into the cracks.

The most important thing is that the salt grains on this piercing arrow were impacted by the explosion and went directly along the esophagus into Oz’s belly.

Oz’s mouth was numb at this time, and he didn’t taste the salty taste of the bomb explosion.

While the Heart Piercing Arrow exploded in Oz’s mouth, Long Wei didn’t know how many knives he had already chopped, and finally cut out two holes in Oz’s left leg, and blood spurted out. Brook didn’t know how many arrows he stabbed, and finally a blood hole the size of a thumb was pierced in Oz’s right leg, and blood was sprayed from the hole continuously, like a faucet spraying water.

At this time, the dream also exerted all the strength, and pushed it towards Oz’s shoulders with a horizontal whirlwind.



Oz finally fell, as if he had fallen down a mountain!

At this time, Mijiavin was already ready, and poured the bag of salt he was carrying directly into Oz’s open mouth.

This series of actions, the eight-person teamwork is seamless!

A black shadow floated out of Oz’s body and drifted towards the distant building.

At this time, the eight people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Finally knocked down this monster! It’s so cool!” Qiao Yunyi shouted standing on the stone pillar.

“Yeah! That’s great! Yo ha ha ha!” Brook said.

Mike, Dream and Jana fell from the sky, and everyone got together again.

“Captain Mike! I didn’t ashamed you! I pushed Oz here at once!” Jana said.

“Hahaha! Yes! Jana pinned Oz’s two arms alone! Qiao Yunyi, what are you doing this time? Hidden secretly!” Mike said.

Qiao Yunyi said with a confused expression: “Mike! You can’t erase my record! I used a heart-piercing arrow to blow up one of Oz’s fangs!”

“That’s how I smashed the crack with the Heaven-Swallowing Sword! Just touch it again and it will fall off!” Mike said.

“My piercing arrow contains salt! It blows into Oz’s mouth!” Qiao Yunyi continued.

“That was when Mijiavin poured the whole bag of salt into Oz’s mouth!” Mike continued to retort.

“Eh! Mike! Why are you doing this? Bai Sheng saw it! Bai Sheng can testify for me, I still use his salt in my heart-piercing arrow!” Qiao Yunyi said in a desperate heart.

Bai Sheng smiled and said, “I don’t know if the arrow you shot into Oz’s mouth has salt or no eye!”

As soon as Bai Sheng said these words, it made Qiao Yunyi angry, not to mention how uncomfortable he was, feeling that he was being targeted!

Suddenly he drooped his head and said angrily: “Okay! I’m a trash! I didn’t help! I’m lazy! Let’s drop it! I’m a big fool!”

“Ha ha ha ha……”

After hearing Qiao Yunyi’s words, everyone burst into laughter.

Fantasy dream said: “Mike! You are the captain! Don’t talk about the first and last things in the future. Oz’s record is shared by everyone, regardless of the merits!”

“Yes! The cook is right! Mike, you are a big fool! Hahaha” Qiao Yunyi said and laughed.

But no one laughed.

Qiao Yunyi looked at everyone with a sullen face and a serious face, and asked: “What? It’s not funny? Why don’t you laugh?”

“Qiao San silly! What are you laughing at! Look behind you!” Gana said.

Qiao Yunyi turned around and took a look. He was immediately taken aback, and quickly drew a heart-piercing arrow from his back on the bow.

“This is Shichibukai Mo Leah!” Mike said.

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