Chapter 281 Feeding Whitebeard’s Corpse To The Dog

Whitebeard, who was hesitating, suddenly involuntarily lifted his feet off the ground, following the whirlwind and starting to head towards the golden spaceship.

“Let me down! Let me down!”

Whitebeard yelled while struggling, but no matter how hard he struggled he couldn’t escape the whirlwind claws of Jana’s whirlwind.

Jana didn’t stop until she took Whitebeard onto the golden spacecraft, and then she changed back to her original form.

Whitebeard said angrily: “Why did you bring me to your boat? I’m still going to break for my sons!”

“You old man! I don’t know how to praise! We are saving you!” Enel said.

“Don’t worry! Let’s make sure your crew members evacuate safely!” Gana said.

However, Whitebeard couldn’t listen to Enel and Jana’s persuasion. He walked quickly to the side of the ship with Cong Yunqie, trying to jump off the golden spaceship.

At the very moment, Enel reached out and pointed at Whitebeard, and a lightning bolt struck Whitebeard.

Whitebeard had been ill, severely injured, and was already weak, and then he was electrocuted by Enel’s high-voltage electricity, and his eyes went black, “puffed”, and fainted.

“Enel! What are you doing? I managed to save him!” Jana shouted at Enel, “Captain Mike is trying to save him, why are you killing him?”

“Don’t worry! I didn’t kill him! I just stunned him!” Enel said, “He is now at the end of the crossbow, and his body can’t be supported for long! If he just jumps like this, he will only fall to death! Let him rest!”

Jana quickly stepped forward and probed Whitebeard’s breath, as well as a weak breath, which made her feel relieved.

At the same time, Mike, who went to stop Akainu, stepped on Moonwalk and shouted to Akainu from standing in the air: “Akainu! I advise you not to chase you anymore! Otherwise, I will be rude to you!”

Akainu, who was chasing the Whitebeard pirates, had already got red eyes and didn’t put Mike in his eyes at all. He only saw Luffy and Ace who had escaped!

“Ace! You coward! Whitebeard died in order to let you escape! Don’t so many of you even want his body?”

Akainu said: “You leave the body of Whitebeard, and I will feed his body to the dog! Hahaha”

Ace heard that Akainu said to feed Whitebeard’s corpse to the dog, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Ace thought to himself that he is Roger’s son. Since he was born, he has been said to be the son of the devil. He is not accepted by the world. It was Daddy Whitebeard who accepted them and gave him the warmth of home.

Moreover, because of myself, this battle was triggered and many brothers of the past died.

If you just run away and live in this world, what face will you have to face your dead brother, and what face will you have to face Father Whitebeard!

Thinking of this, Ace decided not to run and stayed to fight Akainu to the death!

After the other pirates heard these words from Akainu, they stopped running.

Whitebeard is their father!

Even if he died in battle, how could he tolerate others trampling on his body at will!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

“It’s not good! Daddy is gone!”

“Yeah! Where did they get Daddy?”

“Fight with them! Don’t leave Dad alone! You must find Dad!”

“Yes! We swear to the death to bring Daddy back to the New World! Don’t leave Daddy alone in this doghouse!”

These words aroused the anger of the pirates even more, and no one was willing to escape.

The Pirate and Marine are once again in a melee.

Ace stopped to stand, turned his head, his body was burning with flames, and said angrily: “Akainu! Take back what you just said!”

“Hahaha! Flaming boy! Whitebeard is a complete loser! His body can be eaten by dogs, and it can be considered as a contribution to the dogs after death! I am afraid that his meat will not even be eaten by dogs. Hahaha!” Akainu laughed.

These words were deliberately said by Akainu in order to completely anger Ace.

It was also to completely keep these pirates and then wipe them all out, deliberately fabricating the news that Whitebeard was dead.

Ace is a quick-witted person, and a very affectionate person. How can he allow Akainu to insult Whitebeard like this, and immediately have the heart to kill Akainu.

“Old Red Dog! My Ace is not at odds with you!”

As Ace said, his clenched fist had turned into a flame fist.

Suddenly, Luffy standing beside Ace said, “Ace! I’ll help you too!”

“Okay! Luffy! Can you still fight?” Ace asked.

“No problem! My body is full of fighting power now!” Luffy said.

“Thank you! Luffy! I’m here for Akainu! You against other Marines!”

“Good!” Luffy agreed.

At this time, Akainu couldn’t bear it anymore, and his fist had turned into a magma form. The huge magma fist slammed towards Ace.

Ace was young and energetic, and saw the huge magma fist smashing at him. He didn’t even hide, but instead swung his own flame fist to greet him.


The collision of Akainu’s magma fist and Ace’s flame fist is the strongest trick of both parties. Without any reservation and temptation, it is a head-to-head confrontation.

With this blow, the fists of both sides collided together, splashing countless fragments of magma and flames, and falling on the floor of the square. The floor burned with countless holes, which fell on the person’s body and instantly burned. scar.

However, Akainu’s magma Devil Fruit is the upper level of Ace Burning Devil Fruit. In other words, Lava-Lava Fruit can suppress Mera-mera Fruit’s ability simply by using its own Devil Fruit ability.

Not only is the temperature of magma much higher than the temperature of the flame, but magma can also extinguish the flame.

Akainu is very aware of attribute suppression, but Ace has not paid attention to this at all!

In the duel with Blackbeard, Ace did not lose to the ability, but to the suppression of the Devil Fruit attribute.

At the beginning, Ace’s flames could still fight Akainu’s magma, but it didn’t take long for Akainu’s magma to take advantage.

“Go to hell! Flame boy!”

Akainu shouted, the magma fist suddenly enlarged, covering the flame fist.

The flames actually started to go out.

At this time, Ace realized that it was not good, but it was too late.

Akainu’s magma fist suddenly pushed forward, and the flame fist went out completely.


Ace let out a scream, the entire right arm was covered with magma.


Luffy on the side saw it and hurried to help Ace, but as soon as Luffy’s body touched Ace, he noticed that magma had splashed on his body, and a fire instantly ignited.

“Oh! It hurts!” Luffy shouted.

“Hahaha! Two devil sons, everyone else can go, but you two must die here!”

Akainu shouted, another magma punch was about to hit Luffy.

It’s too late and it’s fast, and this series of battles only happened in an instant.

Mike, who flew down from the golden spaceship on Moonwalk, saw this scene, and he immediately fought a cold war on him. He thought that he must shoot immediately, otherwise Ace would die and his mission would not be completed!

“My second Olympics! Old Akainu! Don’t be too smug! You, Grandpa Mike, don’t want to be reckless!”

Mike yelled and took the Heaven-Swallowing Sword from his neck. With a movement of his mind, it was more than one meter long, covered by Intermediate Armament Haki, shaving teleported, and smashed towards Akainu.


At this time, Mike gave his full strength and slammed Akainu’s magma arm firmly, making a loud noise.

“Ah—! Black ruler! You hurt me!” Akainu screamed and shouted.

Akainu suffered a lot of pain, and quickly withdrew the magma punch.

“You know that Grandpa Mike is amazing!” Mike said, “The Swallowing Sword hasn’t opened the front yet, otherwise, I will cut off your arm with one sword!”

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