Tichy's series of self-defilement behaviors have made Steel Bone Kong's vigilance against him a lot.

Now there is a big opportunity, he can go to sea, as the emperor of the West Sea, coming to the navy will naturally be suspected, if Tiqi consciously applies to go to sea, then he will be supervised.

For example, what is the purpose of your coming to the Navy? Shouldn't the emperor of the West Sea come to the sea to do a mission? Stop kidding, there are definitely sound hairs.

It would be different if he was sent out to sea, and if he was sent out of Heitiqi, he could pretend to be willful and not fulfill the order of the marshal, and run around himself as a scenic tour.

Where is this opportunity, Tikimo tugged on his beard and looked at Peach Rabbit's villa.

Because Peach Rabbit repented the day before yesterday and let Titch go out to find someone, she began to fight with Titch, and as a result, she was not Titch's opponent at all, and she was taught a bedridden.

Because this time was too serious, Tichy used a little trick to make Peach Rabbit injured.

Her sister Tsuru learned the news, cursed Tiki angrily, and then came to visit her at Peach Rabbit Villa with concern.

As soon as she entered the house, Tsuru frowned and put her hand in front of her nose, a smell that made her uncomfortable and almost gagged.

Forcibly walked to Peach Rabbit's room, and the two sisters exchanged pleasantries.

Originally, Tsuru still wanted to leave, but the peach rabbit ghost made the god stop her and asked her sister to accompany her for one night.

Tsuru agreed.

Dinner was sent by Titch with a shy face, and Tsuru was still angry with Titch, but his sister saw Titch and reconciled, which made Tsuki feel that he was not a person inside and out, so he had to eat the dinner brought by Titch in Peach Rabbit's mansion.

After the meal, Tsuru looked at Tiki and Peach Rabbit, who were about to rise to Mars, and was embarrassed, "Ahem, since Gion has reconciled with Lieutenant General Darklash, then I won't bother you either, the staff still has work for me to do."

"Okay, Sister Tsuru, go slowly. Slow. Walking. "

Peach Rabbit, who was originally addicted to food, wanted to let the crane leave better than to be addicted, but before he finished speaking, his head became dizzy, and he fell on the bed and lost consciousness.

"Hey, Gion! What happened to you? Secretly, go and call the medical staff! Gion! Eh, huh? There is in the meal...

Tsuru also fainted and didn't last long before losing consciousness.

This is all Tiki's masterpiece, he has the world's top Devil Fruit ability, the poison of the Dragon Horn Chapter combined with the dark matter and negative emotions of the Dark Fruit, and has developed a variety of useful abilities.

This toxin from the mouth is naturally also available.

Titch quietly turned off the lights in the living room.

For this magnificent crane, that is, the desire to conquer by virtue of identity is worth investigating, well, it is unexpectedly good.

The next day, Tsuru wakes up in Peach Rabbit's room.

The first thing she did when she got up was to look around, she didn't expect Tichy to be such a picky eater, the kind of thing that ten years ago someone would have thought about her.

Finding that there was no difference around, his sister Peach Rabbit was about to wake up.

"Sister He, what are you doing? Ha. The peach rabbit who got up recovered a lot and yawned lazily.

Tsuru frowned deeply, she remembered what seemed to have happened yesterday, why did she sleep here when she visited her sister?

Tsuru's smart brain was eroded a little by the toxin, and subconsciously ignored some problems, well, maybe he was too tired, "Alas, I have been working too much recently, and I am also tired, and I actually fell asleep by your bedside." Phew, the body is so sore, even if I sleep on my stomach all night, will my back ache?

"Sister He, come and lie down for a while, I'll go make you breakfast, rest and get out of bed."

Peach Rabbit pushed to let the crane rest for a while and went out by himself.


Tsuru feels a little pain when walking, is there a connection between sleeping on his stomach and leg pain? Tsuru began to doubt life, and he seemed to have more than cervical and low back pain.

"Hiccup----- Hiccup!"

After a long burp, Tsuru was a little strange, he hadn't eaten when he visited Peach Rabbit yesterday, how could he be so full now? Is it a stomach problem? This man has many problems as soon as he is older.

Tsuru sat up with his sore body, and the afterlight swept the mirror in Peach Rabbit's room.

There seems to be a little dry water stain on it, and through the water stain, his own face, how is it possible!

How could he be so young!

It's still red!

"Sister He, breakfast is ready, come out and eat." The sound of peach rabbits was heard outside.

Tsuru dragged his sore back and aching body to the restaurant, and during the dinner, Tsuru discussed his physical condition with Peach Rabbit.

Suddenly, the crane felt that something was wrong in his mouth, and the hair actually drank out of the porridge!

Chewing and chewing out his hair and throwing it away, although it was a little curly, his sister Tsuru did not dislike it.

Tiqi continued to disguise himself with a weak heart, setting off a lot of waves in the naval headquarters, and finally, after the white moonlight in the hearts of many navies was taken down by Titch, these male sailors couldn't help it, protested collectively, and submitted a request to the Air Marshal.

"Lieutenant General Dark, read this letter! The Navy is not your back garden! Abominable fellow, have you ever taken naval discipline into your eyes ?! Is this what you came to the Navy for! Steel

bone air rarely quarreled with Tichy, Tichy pretended to be weak-hearted, and secretly rejoiced that his plan had succeeded.

Seeing that Tichy did not speak, lowered his head as if admitting his mistake, Steel Bone Empty sighed, after all, this is the naval patron, and those female navies and him can be regarded as two lovers, Tichy did not use coercive means, it stands to reason that Tichy is not complained, that is the skill of others.

But as a naval marshal, Gang Bone Kong had to give an explanation to these lovelorn sailors, but he felt a little sorry for Tichy, and his tone softened, "You go to sea to do a mission, avoid the limelight, you also know that these sailors are not easy, don't worry about them."

"It's just a holiday tour, just see pirates on the road grabbing a few pretenses." The subordinates choose by yourself, and the itinerary is also your own choice, go. "

This is simply a holiday, Steely Void's attitude Tiqi felt, but he still had to pretend to be reluctant, how could he go outside to do tasks bitterly haha when he was used to enjoying it, "Alas, I know Air Marshal, I won't appear at the headquarters of the Navy in the next month, right?"

"You can understand, rest assured, the treatment conditions of the warships equipped for you are top-notch, you go first."

Tichy's expression was sad, but he bowed his head to accept his fate, but he had a cunning and sinister smile that was planned.

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