All the navies were assembled to face the attack of the golden lion, and they were overjoyed to see Tichy's arrival.

With the arrival of the Navy's strongest combat power, Tichy, they have the backbone, and as a general, each of them is a natural disaster.

Before Roger's death, the Warring States, Steel Bone Sky and Red, Yellow and Blue were all promoted, only Tichy went out to the Magnetic Drum Country and was summoned by the Elilith Palace later, and the position recorded in his file is already a general, but it has not been officially awarded, and it is not officially considered a general at present, only a title.

As the highest combat power of the navy, each of them is like a natural disaster, the strength of the general level and the others are a watershed, a general can hold several pirates of the Seven Wuhai level, except for the two that exceed the standard of Hawkeye Bear.

And Tichy, as the best of the four new generals, although he has not yet been awarded, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is the strongest one.

"Lieutenant General Darklash!"

The heralds on the side of the Sengoku received the order and began to raise the Sengoku shouting to communicate with Titch.

Tichy was angry with fake scars all over his body, and with the head of Draco in his hand, he quickly reached the square of Marin Fandor.

"Marshal of the Warring States!"

"Fellow Navy officers! I am a vice admiral of the Navy headquarters, and I have not yet received the title of general, as a representative of the Navy, I wonder if I can say something here?

Tichy's words looked flat, but with a strange sense of demagogy.

Sengoku frowned above, and he felt a bad breath.

From the moment those highest combat powers were transferred by the Draco, this wise general had a strong sense of unease, and the Golden Lion escape from prison behind made this feeling even heavier.

This time Tiqi came angrily, although he didn't know what his purpose was, but it was probably inseparable from the arrangement of Draco.

Look closely, the human head he is holding in his hand, is it?!

His eyes slid under the bridge of his nose and he couldn't care about holding up, watching Tichy's actions with a complicated heart, so he had to pray that Tichy would not be so crazy and kill Draco.

"Oooo Lieutenant General Darklash! Say it!

"Yes! We support you! "

There were people in the Navy crowd who were leading the rhythm and helping Tichy speak.

"This garbage dregs in my hand is a Draco! Do you know what I did?

"I'm going to push into the city to fight the escaped golden lion!"

"Look at the injuries on my body! Look at the miserable situation in Advance City! Do you know how many people escaped this time the escape? Tichy had already asked the Economic News Agency to expedite the photo, print and then send it to him, took out a large pile of photos, and dispersed to the Navy crowd below.

"Stop! Dark lash! I order you to shut up! "

The Warring States finally reacted, Tiki was called away by the Draco and appeared near the advance city, the news of the golden lion's escape from prison he learned not long after, Tiqi came, combined with him sending his woman Peach Rabbit to Lidinos, this matter must have a lot of connection with him, but it is impossible to say it directly in front of so many people, otherwise the navy's military heart will be wasted.

"Stop? I'm going to say! How many heroes are there in our naval headquarters? They are all called by their Draco as ridiculous guards! There is not the slightest concern for the feelings of the Navy! The navy is not a house slave of the Draco, who will fight the pirates with the highest combat power? Ridiculous! What are you here for? Is it a Golden Lion Jailbreak? Lao Tzu killed him! Tiqi

paused, and the crowd below was in an uproar, not only because Tiqi killed Draco, but also because he killed the golden lion, the scene of the previous Kapu Warring States Tiki fighting the golden lion in the naval headquarters is still vivid, such a perverted and tough pirate was killed by Vice Admiral Dark?

So the crowd is a little boiling, and they are not aware of the other consequences of this.

"Hmph, happy to do so? Is it worth rejoicing? Look at those photos in your hands! Although I killed the golden lion, my subordinates! Advance the jailer of the city! The director of the advancing city and all the cadres died in this battle! Is this how it should be? Why is the Golden Lion arrogant escape and kill so many people by advancing the city so close to our headquarters? What is the purpose of the establishment of our naval headquarters?

"Marshal of the Warring States! I'll ask you! What is the meaning of the existence of our Navy? Is it to be a slave to this pig? Titch said as he threw the Draco's head in the direction of the Marshal's stand.

Although the Warring States just judged that Tichy was definitely not acting like this, there was no way, what he said was true, even if the navy had Tichy's funding, it was still a dog of the Draco and the world government in the final analysis!

How does this make him refute? Saying no, all the highest combat forces were transferred is not explainable. Say yes, then Tich's words are officially recognized, and the Navy still can't do it?

He couldn't answer Tichy's words, whether he said it was a loss, so he had to be silent, and his intelligence probably deduced Tichy's purpose, that is, to disturb the military heart and defect with some navy, the same as that Monchi D dragon, except that Tichy took away no fewer people this time.

"It is nothing that there are criminals mutinies in the advancing city, and it has not been without in the past, and the highest combat power of our naval headquarters will suppress the rebellion as quickly as possible to minimize losses."

"But what about this time? Just because of those pig-like parasite Draco, they transferred all our highest combat power! Fortunately, I rushed over, otherwise what disaster would the escape of the golden lion bring? Just like that, my subordinates and my colleagues in Advance City were all killed and wounded!

I'm so guilty! My heart aches! I hate only hate, damn Draco don't take people from our Navy seriously! Think of us like dogs that are coming one by one! Tichy

said very sadly, as if those people really sacrificed for justice, and the art of language infected the navy below.

"If! One of our highest combat strength, who can garrison the naval headquarters and rush over, will not happen such a tragic situation! But what about our generals? Was he called away by the Draco, what shit guards went! This incident should not have happened! My soldiers died in Draco's fainting! Our naval soldiers can die in the rain of bullets protecting villages and towns, in the shelling of the motherland, under the sword of the pirates, in the counterattack of slave traders, in any battle to protect civilians, but they should not die under the foolish dispatch of such stupid Draco!

Tichy's tone became excited, making the navy below feel stuffy, as if he was depressed with a mouthful of blood that could not be vomited.

"Draco's rule! It is the bane of injustice in this world, our navy carries justice behind its back, but to treat these scum as dogs is the greatest blasphemy against justice, how many of our naval soldiers are suffering from heavenly gold in their homeland!

Has our family been captured as a slave by the Draco's slave hunting ship! For justice, for the words behind us! Rebel! Rebel! My naval soldiers! Our justice does not need the shackles of Draco!

I don't want any of you to die under the foolish rule of the Draco! Our purpose in the navy is to protect civilians, maintain peace and enforce justice, and we are by no means treating these pigs and draco as cattle and horses! "

Under this set of remarks, even the Warring States in the stands are a little moved, if he doesn't know that Tichy's plan is not simple, the mastermind behind all this is likely to be him, and he wants to join Tichy in rebelling against the world government.

"Enough! Dark lash! Justice in the Navy is by no means as simple as you think! Hurry up and shut your mouth, this is the order! He

couldn't refute Tichy's words, so he said riddles and commanded oppression with his position.

In addition, it is also to use Tichy's words to resist the world government, since he became a marshal, he feels that the navy is indeed too trapped by the government, so it is good to make a fuss, and in the future you can use it as an excuse to refuse some orders of the world government, otherwise he would have opened the big Buddha to stop Tichy. The famous quote of a great man can be used to explain the intentions of the Warring States, [After we leave, they will repair you schools and hospitals, and they will raise your salaries, not because they have found it in their conscience, nor because they have become good people, but because we have come. ] is the purpose of the idea that the Warring States are playing at the moment.

He just wants Titch to finish the trouble, so that the Navy can justifiably threaten the world government and make the world government compromise, which is also the best way for him as a wise general to stop the Navy.

No matter how much Tichy's words shake the hearts of the military, but his words are still inseparable from justice, that is enough.

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