Off-site, this kind of filthy place Titch and his women will definitely not be there, but it will be done by Anilu and Bashas's command.

Tichy and the women watch a big screen inside the stadium, which shows what it looks like in front of the stadium.

Only Kikyoto kept his eyes closed, perceiving all the Lidinos Islands with a domineering look, scanning everyone here.


In the distance, the sea surface appeared to ride the wind and waves.

A raft carrying Becky who had eaten the devil's fruit arrived, and in addition to countless coconut shells filled with pure water, there was also a humanoid wild monkey as a reserve grain.

It has now been devoured by the hungry Becky.

Becky's eyes were red and he looked at the Lidinos Islands with boundless hatred.

Before he landed on the island, when he was in the nearby seas, he was completely perceived by Kirito's domineering appearance.

Then continue to monitor his every move.

At the door of the ring, the execution of Godfather Baden is about to begin.

The crane was lowering the rope little by little, and the huge maggot above felt the decline of the body and struggled more violently.

"Although after three days, it's really surprising that that Godfather Baden has become what he is now!"

"Yes, yes, Blackbeard is terrible, but fortunately he is very good to the people on our island, that is how Lord Blackbeard cares about us to his enemies." This is the godfather of the West Sea, a scene that is rare in a century.

"Yes, Lord Blackbeard is already very merciful and generous for us to let the people of us watch the execution of the godfather together."

"Support Lord Blackbeard!!"


A group of people are discussing today's big event, in which there are people who will come out to speak for Tichy no matter what it is.

Of course. This is arranged by Tichy, this kind of public opinion war only fools will ignore, as long as you casually bring the rhythm can become a saint in the eyes of this group of people, why not?

Anyway, there are so many fools in the world, and to be able to fool them is success.

Just as the rope of the crane fell, a bullet flew from a distance and shot accurately towards the rope.

It was Becky in the crowd that launched!

Unfortunately, it did not go as he wished, and a lightning bolt struck halfway through, melting his bullet and disappearing.

He didn't think too much, it was because he saw his father's appearance of maggots for a while, so he impulsively shot this bullet, and he didn't think that if he really hit, it would only speed up his father's landing speed and fall directly into the pool below.

Maybe he knew, but a moment was better than this slow insult, the last dignity he had given to his father of 50 years.

The crowd also rioted because of this gunshot, and the people around him quickly fled, directly surrounding Becky.

Originally, these underground forces still had the remnants of their own subordinates, firstly, because of the sudden attack in the boxing ring, except for a few people, the rest were sucked into the dark space by Tichy. Second, because Tichy not only has Camuel, the biggest inner ghost, but also has Tichy's subordinates in their respective forces, of course, the coercion and inducement do not need to be discussed in detail.

Therefore, the location and deployment of these people were fully understood by Tiqi, and when the leaders of the underground forces left, their respective base camps were surrounded and eliminated. Only the female families of those leaders remained, and there was not a single one left in order to cut the grass and remove the roots.

Those women are naturally Tichy will personally dispose of when he has time, after all, few of the women who can be leaders of these underground forces are ugly, and this cannot be wasted.

What Tiqi most agrees with is Genghis Khan's style, dealing with enemies is to kill their relatives, plunder their cattle and sheep, subdue their territory, and the rest is most important is to occupy their wives and daughters.

If nothing else, it's that sense of accomplishment, conquest, and conditioning revenge against the person who is against him, which is the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Besides, Becky, because he had no men, had to go here alone, and his new fruit ability thought that he had fully developed.

The pirate world is often like this, will challenge the enemies they can't deal with because of the momentary expansion, just like Becky at this time, especially if he remembers Tichy's promise that he will not personally attack!

"Hmph!" Becky, who felt that his strength had advanced, snorted coldly, rushed forward, and attacked Ainilu and Bashas.

This face, it is simply rookie pecking at each other, Anilu and Bashas, who were trained under Tichy, are indeed good, and they are already the maximum strength at their age, but it is a little insufficient to face Becky who is close to 20 years old and has grown up and eaten fruit.

And the main thing is that the combat styles of the two are too mismatched, one is the reckless Bashas, who relies on the force, and the other is the proficient Anilu.

It's strange that these two people can fight together, and the two have not practiced the combined attack technique in advance, so they are directly busy.

None of them will be able to do this alone.

After fighting for a long time, I saw that Baden was about to enter the digester.

Becky was anxious, regardless of her physical exertion.

Using most of the remaining physical strength to activate the fruit ability, he instantly turned into a large castle fortress man.

Of course, it is much worse than the original 80-meter-tall, 585-ton full-size "big boss" castleman model, and now he has just turned into a fortress of about 7 or 8 meters.

Swinging that huge fist, he began to bombard the two of Anilu.

In the back office, Titch watched Becky's fruit shine.

Sure enough, it was right to let this incompetent Becky out.

Phone Bug tells his men to remove Baden and the digester, and Tichy walks out on his own.

Then one jumped more than a hundred meters directly to the battlefield.

The right foot did not even use the armed color domineering, and he landed from the sky and kicked the body of Bayden's castle.

The huge castle man suddenly appeared like a crack in the wall, and a huge spider web crack appeared centered on Tichy's foot.

"Thief hahahahahaha, finally see you Cappenbeki, according to the agreement, I didn't make a move! This is the foot! Thief hahahaha! "

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