One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 330 I can’t hold myself any longer

The sky was gloomy, with terrible wind and rain, and thunder raging like dragons and snakes.

The terrifying eddies on the sea were spinning crazily, and the stormy waves were everywhere trying to swallow up everything around them.

Occasionally, you can see broken wooden boards, masts, etc. Needless to say, these are pirate ships that have been torn into pieces.

The horrific inclement weather is awe-inspiring.

Fortunately, they were in the air and such harsh conditions on the sea could not affect them for the time being.

The giant dragon shuttles through the sky, even if it avoids the troublesome waves on the sea, but the constant storms in the sky are really uncomfortable.

"This weather is so damned!"

Charlotte spoke in an indifferent tone, and the three of them allowed themselves to be washed away by the rain. Fortunately, the special clothes of the Silberfeller family were all rain-proof, which was not a big problem.

But the hazy rain really caused a lot of trouble.

"Mr. Charlotte, the waters near Wano Country are so bad, the Beast Pirates have a unique advantage here!"

Mitis said with feeling.

This can avoid the entry of most pirate ships and greatly reduce the risk of invasion.

Charlotte nodded secretly. What Mitis said made sense. He didn't know whether Wano was like this because of its isolation or if it was always like this.


Huge giant white and red ornamental carp jumped up on the sea surface, and the terrifying fast waves and eddies on the sea had no impact on them.

Yes, that big carp full of energy and stamina is the [offshore carp] that pulls the boat to the Wano Falls.

And seeing this kind of creature also shows that they have begun to approach the outer wall of Wano Country.

Not long after, a towering waterfall falling from the sky came into view.

Charlotte sat on the back of the giant dragon and looked upwards and couldn't help but marvel, it was really towering into the clouds!

Is this his first time coming to this magical and famous place?

"This is really risking your life!" Mitis couldn't help exclaiming. The rapid and huge waterfall flowing straight upstream from below can be imagined to be a huge danger.

Charlotte smiled, this is why pirates always have something that people cannot understand.

There is no need to cover Newton's coffin board here, because it cannot be covered at all.

"Forward, Wano Country!"

After Charlotte finished speaking, the dragon received the order and rushed upward along the huge waterfall as fast as lightning.

Not long after, the giant dragon waved its wings and jumped high into the sky to the top of the waterfall, accelerating high into the sky.

Then set off from Wano Country land.

The calm environment here at this moment is in stark contrast to the terrifying environment just now.

Gleaming golden sands can be seen in the distance.

Naturally, Charlotte and others will not land on the beach. After all, in order to prevent foreign enemies from invading, the place is guarded by members of the Beasts Pirates.

Today's giant dragon is soaring high in the sky, cleverly hidden among the white clouds, making it undetectable.

I have to say that I never tire of trying this trick! A flexible one.

Not long after, under the guidance of the life drawing, Charlotte and others came to a dense mountainous area. After observing that everything was fine, they quickly landed.

"Charlotte, you're here."

Qiqiya, who had been waiting for a long time, opened her mouth with joy, especially wearing the Wano costumes that resembled the local customs, which felt very special in her heart.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Charlotte smiled and said, Qiqiya has been in Wano Country for several years, so you can imagine the difficulty.

"Quick, come in!"

As he spoke, he led several people towards the hidden cave.

As for the dragon, it was directly absorbed by Metis into his book world.

The moment you step into the cave.

There are mirrors all over the cave.


Charlotte looked confused and puzzled.

Qiqiya smiled, "Just in case, it's hard to use my fruit ability without a mirror."

Charlotte glanced at Qiqiya and gave a thumbs up and said, "It's so... rigorous!"

Looking at Charlotte's appearance, Qiqiya couldn't help but laugh. This was the person in his image.

Then he said calmly, "Okay, let's go into the mirror world and talk in detail!"

Not long after, Qiqiya controlled a mirror through her ability and turned it into a mirror, and the four of them walked in one after another.

Mirror World - Qiqiya's fantasy castle.

"You really know how to enjoy it!"

Charlotte couldn't help but said, the decoration here is extremely luxurious, and it can be seen at a glance that a lot of money was spent on this thing.

A large amount of science and technology from the Heberfeller family is also used here.

"Humph, you just let me stay here for a while, and I can't wrong myself!"

When Xia Luo heard Qiqiya's tone, he immediately scratched his head in embarrassment. Wasn't there anything wrong with what he said? He really couldn't refute it?

"Ahem... let's talk about something serious!"

Charlotte could only change the topic.

"Tch, man, you are so impatient as soon as you come here!"

Qiqiya had a look of resentment on her face, and Xia Luo's face was dull and she was sweating profusely.

Why does this make him sound like a heartless man and a scumbag?

Mitis on the side covered his mouth to control himself from laughing out loud.

Jhin also had a serious look on his face, and he looked like he couldn't hold his nerve any longer.

Charlotte has a black streak on her head, what is this and what!

Qiqiya looked at a few people and didn't talk nonsense.

"bring it on!"

As he spoke, he came directly to a mirror. As the Devil Fruit was activated, the conversation inside could be heard faintly.

"Is General Orochi ready to attack the Kozuki family?"

"It looks like it is. All the warriors in the Flower City have begun preparing for the Beast Legion, including Lord Kaido."


"Come on, some of the bait is ready to go."


A series of discussions continued, and Charlotte raised her eyebrows slightly, regarding this confidential work.

Anyone with a little bit of brains and no strategy would not let such a secret spread everywhere!

Although this is an internal communication among Black Carbon Orochi's subordinates.

You have to be cautious! Look, this is the terrifying thing about the special devil fruit, it makes people unable to guard against it.

Who would have thought that an ordinary mirror could be used as a monitoring device with the power of the superhuman mirror fruit?

Charlotte touched her chin, it seemed like they had arrived just in time.

The war in Wano is about to begin and the decisive battle between Kaido and Kozuki Oden is about to take place.

A battle that completely decided the fate of the Kozuki family, and caused great changes that would affect the country of Wano for more than ten years.

"Charlotte, what should we do next?"

Qiqiya asked. She wanted to know what Charlotte's specific plan was?

Is it to completely eradicate the control of Wano by both parties or some other plan.

"Just wait and see what happens and wait for the opportunity."

Charlotte said extremely calmly.

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