One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 392 Is this really a unique opening?

Tap tap tap...

A series of footsteps came, and a large group of swordsmen in swordsman costumes and equipped with sophisticated swords came out.

That's right, that is the world-famous elite force of the Heberfiler family, the Knights of the Sword.

The leader at the front is the swordsman known as the Disciple of the Sword - Senzo, the leader of the Sword Knights who has a bounty of 870 million beli on his head.

Doflamingo couldn't help but feel shocked that he was playing so big.

Likewise, cold sweat broke out on Corazon's forehead. He knew that the navy had fallen into a trap. This was obviously a trap by the Hiberfield family.

But he couldn't do anything in front of everyone, and there were still many strong people there.

All I want is that the navy that comes must be strong.

On the sea, eight huge naval warships slowly approached.

The leading three vice-admiral ships are particularly obvious.

The three vice-admiral ships are Vice-Admiral Tsuru, Vice-Admiral Sakaski, and Vice-Admiral Porusalino.


Lieutenant General He only gave the order to attack. Doflamingo and the other Don Quixote family cadres were not easy to deal with.

What's more, there are experts from the Heberfiler family.

This group of extremely vicious guys are quite troublesome, and the World Government has also given orders to the navy to protect Freifans.


The navy's heavy artillery kept adjusting, and the next moment a dull bombardment sounded, and heavy black smoke came out of the barrel.

"Really impatient!"

Jhin looked calmly at the black cannonballs that appeared in the air.

Qianzang jumped up, the sword flashed across the space, and a huge slash flew into the air.


A series of dull explosions sounded, and a cloud of smoke formed by the explosion appeared in the sky.

Porusalino curled his lips in the distance.

"Hey, there's a swordsman from the Silberfeller family. It's really scary!"

Then he stood on top of the cannon barrel and stepped on it with his feet as a cannonball was fired.

A whooshing sound followed the cannonballs as they fell towards the trading location.

The bright yellow clothes were too eye-catching, and Charlotte couldn't help but chuckle.

"Isn't it really a fantastic opening?"

Before he landed, Porusalino's pupils trembled. He saw Jhin's figure and felt a little headache.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Two crosses of light flashed in the sky, and in just an instant, violent golden raindrops fell overwhelmingly.

Doflamingo and the others' mouths twitched when they saw it. The dominance of the natural type was really eye-opening.

"Fire Dragon Break!"

With a loud shout, flames rose up in Jhin's hand, wrapped around the long knife, and he swung a fire tornado that soared into the sky with one strike.

The sky and the earth change color, one side is golden, the other side is blazing, and the two forces are constantly intertwined.

"This is the powerful combat power of the Heberfiler family in the new world!"

Countless members of the Don Quixote family looked shocked, hearing it a thousand times was not as real as experiencing it once.

The astonishing momentum is depressing.

Doflamingo was also shocked. With his current strength, he couldn't defeat Jhin at all, and there were three such strong men in the Silberfeller family.

There is even a most powerful family head, and that is a suffocating existence.

Jin Thunder jumped into the sky in a flash.

The two opponents collided fiercely in the air, and bursts of flashes mixed with powerful destructive energy machines made people's scalp numb.

The changes in the battle immediately attracted the attention of the navy.

Lieutenant General He also had a gloomy expression on his face. She did not expect that the Thunder King of the Hiberfield family would also come.

"Attack with all your strength!"

After a second thought, He directly ordered to prepare to kill the remaining enemies in one fell swoop.

Sakaski stood on the bow, and after receiving the order, his ship began to sprint with all its strength.

Sakaski, who has zero tolerance for pirates, will never let any pirate go unpunished.

Charlotte observed the navy and found that this was the entire lineup dispatched by the navy.

A vice-admiral and two future admirals should be enough to make the navy feel distressed.

The next moment his figure appeared high in the sky.

The sea breeze blew slowly, the corners of his clothes rustled, and his expression was extremely peaceful.

Charlotte's appearance naturally attracted the attention of Doflamingo's navy and others.

However, everyone who saw it took a breath of cold air.

"How could it be? The emperor actually came in person."

Doflamingo couldn't help but cry out, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The same is true for everyone else. This legendary figure who was killed is an emperor with supreme prestige in this era.

The navy looked horrified. All members who had participated in the war with the Hiberfield family understood the horror of the other party far better than outsiders.

Because they have experienced the extremely depressing terror.


A soft sound came, and the void seemed to tremble.

"One Sword Style, Divine Flame, Heavenly Slash!"

Endless flames rose, and slashes as bright as rainbows swooped down from the sky, bursting out endless destructive power and distorting the void.

An unspeakable suffocating feeling swept across the world.

"It's... terrible~~~"

Countless people whispered, their voices trembling uncontrollably.

Sakaski roared angrily.

"Meteor volcano!"

Fireballs wrapped in magma soared into the sky.

Lieutenant General He also launched a counterattack, and the power of the washing fruit exploded.

"Wash, the power of changing your mind!"

The sparkling and crystal clear light beams surged out, and even a single glance gave people a feeling of spiritual silence.


There was a loud noise, and the brutal slashes instantly crushed all the enemy's attacks, and countless slashes poured down like hail.

The sword light exploded directly into the sea, and water columns rose up one after another.


The eight warships suffered unspeakable heavy damage in just the blink of an eye. A large number of naval warship fragments appeared on the sea, and large swaths of the navy were directly killed, staining the sea with blood.

Seeing that the situation was bad, Porusalino had already activated the golden flash and disappeared from the battlefield. He had no time to care about the others and picked up the scarred Sakaski and He one by one!

Porusalino did not hesitate and began to flee. He knew very well that if he stayed, he would definitely die.

There is another Jin who is watching with eager eyes.

"Still want to escape?"

Charlotte let out a low shout, and the deadly golden slash shot through the air and chased Porusalino.

Porusalino was sweating profusely, his eyes became skewed, and while moving at high speed, he fired several golden kicks from his toes.


There were violent explosions, and the other party had already lost sight of him.

What a great ability to escape!

"I'll chase him!"

A somewhat embarrassed Jin was about to take action.

"Forget it, don't chase the poor criminals."

Charlotte spoke calmly, it was already difficult to catch up with that speed.

Hearing Charlotte's words, Jhin was indignant. Porusalino's sudden full-force explosion in the battle just now caught him off guard.

Otherwise, it would never be possible to escape so easily.

Looking at Jhin's look, Charlotte knew exactly what he was thinking, and had to admit that Porusalino was a guy who would go to the extreme lengths to save his life.

Serious injuries, minor injuries, slightly dirty clothes, going to work, clocking in, and being the king of fishing, this area is considered to be pinched by Kizaru Sauna.

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