One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 449 I was cheated!

The Heberfil continent is now completely caught up in a hot construction.

Saga Lido measured the location in the area planned by Ivan.

"Ivan, this is OK. There is no problem designing a city, but this is the intersection of six islands. If it suffers a huge impact, I am afraid it will not be very stable!"

Ivan listened to Saga Lido's words and nodded silently, although he made a lot of efforts in the process of splicing the islands.

But as a member of the Heberfil family, it is extremely good to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

It is also because of this awareness and continuous development and progress that the Heberfil family has achieved what it has today.

Considering possible changes in the future and working hard for it, even if no terrible accident occurs, it is also a precautionary measure. This approach has many benefits.

Ivan has naturally considered this point, "Don't worry! Mr. Saga Lido."

After the voice fell, Ivan turned his head and looked at Talston, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Talston, use your ability to divide a large area according to my drawings."

Talston looked at the drawings handed over and nodded.

As a cube man, this job is undoubtedly the most suitable for him.

The next moment, Talston took his special hammer for boatmen and smashed it to the ground.

In an instant, neatly divided and densely distributed lights kept flashing, and square three-dimensional stones slowly floated up.

Talston was focused and kept adjusting the direction and depth through his devil fruit ability.

Not long after, a huge square area with a depth of 50 meters appeared.

As soon as this was done, the sky became gloomy. Looking up, it was Bruno, the superhuman floating fruit ability user, who was slowly descending with an island.

"Talston, continue to repair, the design must be perfectly matched with the foundation area below."

"Don't worry, Brother Ivan." Talston spoke generously. He was too good at this job and was already familiar with it. In addition, he was a highly skilled boatman and was very good at this kind of technical work.

An hour later, the floating deserted island was repaired neatly, and the next moment it was under Bruno's control.

The island is like a nail, perfectly stuck with the foundation below.

Yes, this is Ivan's plan.

Through this nail-like mosaic structure, no matter how the mainland is impacted by the sea, it is difficult to shake the stability here under the blessing of such shear force.

At the same time, the deserted island as a nail is used as the basic plate of the city, and it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Saga Liduo also had to admire Ivan for being the number one housekeeper beside Charlotte.

The idea in this brain is outrageous.

It has to be said that Ivan has given everything for this family!

"How is it?"

Ivan asked Saga Liduo beside him.

Saga Liduo admired and stretched out his thumbs, "It's worthy of you!"

The two looked at each other and laughed. As companions who have worked together for many years, they know each other too well.

"Then I will immediately arrange people and start building a new city."

Saga Liduo said, his eyes flashing with endless brilliance, and he couldn't wait to get to work immediately.

"That's easy. Hariri, Dal, and Little Oz are definitely the main force of the construction!" Ivan smiled and dialed the Den Den Mushi directly. A moment later, a huge space gate emerged, and a large number of people walked out of it. That's right, Hariri's superhuman space fruit ability has completely become a porter of manpower, material resources, and resources. "Thank you for your hard work, Hariri!" Ivan said lightly. "Brother Ivan, what are you talking about? This is a big construction of the Heberfil family. As a member of the family, I have a responsibility. I am honored!" Everyone smiled at each other. This is the united Heberfil family. As long as Charlotte issued a goal, all parties cooperated without complaint. Soon, Little Oz's huge figure walked out of the space gate, covering the sky and the sun, followed by the giant Dal. Countless people kept carrying various piles of materials. All kinds of materials are selected from the most solid, durable and good materials. This kind of thing cannot be sloppy. A large number of construction craftsmen also came through the portal. Tom, the fishman, also arrived here with his apprentices Iceberg and Franky.

"Mr. Tom!"

Ivan smiled and said.

"Mr. Ivan is too polite. I am also a member of the family."

Tom laughed loudly, and he looked indescribably happy.

"Then I'll have to trouble you to choose the site."

Ivan continued to speak. After all, the connection between cities is not only for the convenience of passengers, but also for the convenience of transportation of various materials...

You can't let Hariri, the leader of the Skeleton Knights, open the portal every day!

This is really a waste for the family's combat power.

Tom nodded.

They naturally need to choose a suitable location to build a land train station according to the city's planning.

The way to establish a line with a point is to build a station first, and then plan a route to connect the cities.

And the station specifications must be large.

Ivan will naturally not be used for the subsequent urban construction work here.

He was just about to follow Bruno, Talston and the other three to the next planned area, and repeat the same trick.

An unexpected figure walked out of the portal.

"What's the matter with Saga Yar?"

Ivan looked at each other unexpectedly.

Sakya Yar doesn't talk nonsense either.

"Ivan, the construction of a super-large electric weather station requires an island with a special environment. Can you ask Bruno to transport Thor Island back?"

New World Thunder Island?

Ivan was slightly surprised.

That is a famous island. As the island after Fishman Island, it is very strange that the island is surrounded by thunder all year round.

“Is that island needed to build a weather power station?”

Ivan was a little confused, after all, he really didn't know much about this.

"Yes, the construction of super-large weather power stations is not that simple and requires the support of special terrain. Otherwise, the converted energy will not be enough to supply the electricity consumption of the entire Heberfeld continent."

Faced with Sakya Yar's request, Ivan naturally had no reason to refuse. He and Tail Stone could just start with the foundation and take care of the rest.

But he was a little unsure and asked, "Are you sure that the island will still have electricity if it is separated from its original location?"

Saga Yaer nodded.

"Of course, there are special lightning ores and a large amount of metal ores on the island, as well as the peculiar terrain and other factors that caused such a scene. It will not be greatly affected."

And even if a small accident occurs, it won't be a big problem. She needs that special island to continue to support it with meteorological technology to maximize the transformation of its energy.

"Okay, that's no problem. Bruno, please go for a run!"

Ivan spoke directly.

Bruno nodded, floated up, and started heading to Thor Island.

Now the entire Hiberfield family has entered into a period of rapid development.

It is not only the infrastructure construction of the Heberfeld continent, but also the vigorous development in all aspects.

For example, various pharmaceuticals and weapons products that were previously restricted are also increasing their production and export volume.

At the same time, the Silberfeller family began to purchase a large amount of various ores, grains, timber... raw materials in the world.

Many important complete production plants are being established.

In terms of military affairs, Barrett is training 100,000 recruits, and the major knights, clones... are all expanding crazily.

The entire Hiberfiler family is going all out to improve crazily in terms of economy, military, infrastructure...

Charlotte stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window and looked at everything in the distance.

He is making the most adequate preparations for future wars, especially in terms of resources.

Once a world war begins, these resources will be a powerful support for the protracted war.

War always consumes population and resources.

The various resources on the Silberfeller Continent are also extremely rich, which is why he built the Silberfeller Continent at all costs.

Everything is making important plans for the future.

Fortunately, there is still time, and his plan is completely on track.

What he values ​​most is improving the strength of the Hiberfiler family, and combat effectiveness is fundamental.

He will never forget this.

The more prepared you are, the stronger your ability to resist risks will be. This is an eternal truth.

Lina, who was standing behind Charlotte, naturally noticed the extraordinary meaning of Charlotte's actions.

As the person closest to Charlotte, she understands Charlotte's character too well.

It is precisely because of Charlotte's precautions along the way that the Hiberfield family continues to forge ahead in battle after battle.

It is obvious that this big move is due to Charlotte's worries about the future. Such big moves are very rare.

Lina couldn't help but worry: "Charlotte, will the future really be dangerous?"

After listening to Lina's words, Charlotte turned around in surprise and smiled. Lina was getting better and better!

I actually noticed the unusual meaning behind him.

"Maybe! Who knows?"

Charlotte spoke in a relaxed tone, trying to comfort Lina.

Hearing Charlotte's answer, Lina's heart tightened, and she felt an indescribable feeling, which was very strange.

But after thinking about it, I didn't know what was wrong.

"Okay, don't think too much. It doesn't hurt to be prepared for a rainy day. The Hiberfield family will eventually develop."

Charlotte's tone was indescribably gentle and calm, which made the worried Lina feel a little more at ease.

"All right!"

Lina, who couldn't understand the result, nodded.

What she can do as a woman is actually very limited, but she can always support him silently and stay by his side, and that's fine.

Charlotte looked at Lina and smiled.

Sometimes he also laments his luck, and Lina's understanding and thoughtfulness make people feel heartbroken.

"Come on, sit down, I'll give you a good shoulder rub!"

Charlotte spoke calmly and pulled Lina to sit on the sofa.

"Then... how about that?"

Lina quickly retorted, how could such a thing be allowed?

However, the next moment, Lina’s face turned red.

"I was cheated!"

Lina helplessly ignored Charlotte.

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