One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 454 The Navy’s Mysterious Illusion

Dawn pierced the darkness, and the rising sun began to rise in the east, creating a red scene.

There is an indescribable halo on the sea, which is extremely beautiful.

Several warships appeared on the sea near Fas Island with a fiery red scene.

The navy soldiers on alert on the island thought that a navy warship had arrived here. After all, transport warships often appeared here.

However, when I saw the fluttering flag through the telescope, my eyes couldn't help but stagnate.

The white wings folded together a king's sword!

So strange!

So weird!

That is the unique symbol of the Heberfiler family in the new world.

The navy soldier's eyes were shocked, his breathing became rapid, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

" could it be the Four Emperors of the New World, the Silberfeller Pirate Family!!!"

But even if he was afraid, he did not forget his responsibility and tremblingly pulled the alarm device next to him.


The piercing sirens instantly resounded over the entire naval base, and the scarlet flashes of light swayed crazily, seeming to indicate the ferocity of the enemy.

"Damn, what happened?"

"There is actually a desperate pirate group attacking here?"

Many navy soldiers who didn't understand the reason yelled wildly. There are really not many pirate groups that are so bold and bold nowadays.

Nothing like this has happened in almost two years.

However, everyone soon became speechless.

"The New World Yonko Hibernian Pirates are attacking. Everyone is on alert. Everyone is on alert."

"The New World Yonko Hibernian Pirates are attacking. Everyone is on alert. Everyone is on alert."


The voice on the radio sounded and began to repeat crazily and continuously, reminding all the navy soldiers.

"What...what? The New World Yonko Silberfeller Pirates!!!"

For a time, fear arose in the hearts of countless navy soldiers, and panic appeared on their faces.

The name of the New World Yonko Silberfeller Pirates is quite explosive, and it is well-known throughout the world.

You must know that facing any of the Four Emperors, the Navy is unwilling to have a large-scale conflict with them, and the Silberfeller Pirate Family is undoubtedly the leader of the Four Emperors.

For many navy soldiers, it is like a nightmare, a real god of death.

"As a heroic naval soldier, we have the responsibility to protect the sea. We cannot retreat and prepare to fight!"

A naval commodore spoke impassionedly. Although he was also afraid, if he flinched before the battle, he would definitely end up in a doomed situation.


The panicked navy soldiers were encouraged to find the backbone and took action quickly.

I have to say that there is definitely a set of rules for naval training.

Deng Deng stared...

A large number of naval soldiers in the naval base quickly rushed to the fortress, fort, port and other locations from all directions and entered a fighting state.

Bursts of dull turning sounds sounded, and the naval base's cannon adjusted its angle and direction.


"Bang bang bang..."

The cannon located in the port fortress roared angrily and ejected black shells one after another, launching a fierce bombardment at the ship of the Silberfeller Pirate Family.


The steel fortress made a mechanical sound of rotation, and while it was rotating, it was struck by powerful artillery fire.

There are rows of forts on the coast, and the black cannons are lined up in neat rows, firing salvos in rows.

Black smoke billowed, artillery fire roared, and the momentum was overwhelming.

"What a ferocious fire!"

Charlotte stood quietly on the deck of Jhin's exclusive ship, the King-class Thunder King, and spoke slightly in surprise.

The firepower of the navy is enough to sink 99% of the pirate groups. The firepower is indeed ferocious yuppie.

His eyes were also slightly bright.

Those weird steel fortresses are quite interesting, both in terms of artillery fire and sturdiness.

We can learn from our experience and build some in some important places on the Silberfeller continent.

With artillery fire covering them, Charlotte had no desire to take action. He just watched the development of the situation indifferently.

Jin on the side raised his hand and endless thunder shot out of the air and turned into a thunder barrier.


Explosions continued to sound, and large exploding smoke and dust appeared directly above the entire Hiberfield family fleet, which looked very spectacular.

Many cannonballs fell into the sea because of their poor accuracy, causing huge waves.

The sea became a bit rough for a while.


Charlotte ordered in a low voice.

The next moment, a king-class battleship, a dragon-class knight ship, and five wolf-class battleships from the Hiberfield family quickly lined up.

The cannon hidden in the bow of the ship suddenly opened, and continued to shine with dazzling light, accumulating power.

At the same moment, five light cannons of different sizes shot out and penetrated the sea, leaving clearly visible trenches on the sea surface and causing huge waves.


A dazzling brilliance erupted on the forward position, and the astonishing power directly cleared the navy's forward defense position on Fas Island.

When the dust dispersed, five ravines were plowed out on the ground. The most terrifying thing was the power of the king-class battleship.

It even directly evaporated a dozen heavy artillery steel fortresses, clearing out a large blank area.

This kind of firepower is really terrifying. This is the powerful battleship gunfire of the Silberfeller family.

Tom's shipbuilding skills will undoubtedly create an invincible maritime fleet for the Silberfeller family.

The others were overjoyed when they saw this, and an indescribable sense of pride arose spontaneously.

Soon, in the excitement, the Hiberfield family immediately started taking action.

As the warship approached, Kuaixin and the Dragon Blood Knights landed directly and launched the most violent attack.

Charlotte set off slowly towards the front.

The surrounding navies who tried to attack were easily defeated by members of the Hiberfield family.

A commodore appeared on the way forward and looked at Charlotte, who was wearing a mask. There was indescribable shock in his eyes.

Although he didn't know who that person was, his body instinctively felt an indescribable fear.

The Commodore gritted his teeth and launched an attack directly, and Mitis dodged out of the way.


A violent shock broke out between the two.

"Navy, don't get carried away."

Mitis' armed and domineering fist shook, directly deflecting the opponent's attack.

Then he arrived in front of the other party in an instant.


The Commodore roared angrily, and the muscles all over his body bulged and looked hard.

Mitis' fist blew up a strong wind and punched the opponent's abdomen mercilessly.


The crisp impact was extremely pleasant, and a clear depression appeared on the body.

The Commodore, who had used iron blocks to strengthen his body, suffered a heavy blow, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Suddenly, his eyes bulged, his saliva spattered, his body straightened up, he instantly lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

Mitis shook his head and clapped his hands easily. How stupid is this person to stand still and let others beat him.

Mostly useless.

Charlotte almost wanted to laugh when she saw it. She didn't even need a piece of iron, she was just a living target to be beaten.

It’s really the navy’s delusion that iron is invincible~

Well... of course Garp may be an exception.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider in the distance saw the raging Dragon Blood Knights and launched an attack directly, but unfortunately, he was directly intercepted by Gu Leiya.

Ghost Spider had a gloomy look on his face, and he could only be dragged in place in the face of Gu Leiya's powerful strength.

He didn't know when the navy would arrive for support. After all, he knew the strength of the Hiberfield family and had already sent out a distress message.

Especially since Jhin, the Thunder King, one of the four kings of the Silberfeller family, personally led the team, the famous warship in the New World was too eye-catching.

You must know that in addition to the ship of the head of the family, Charlotte, the Hiberfield family, the king-class warships of the four kings and the dragon-class knight warships are all very prestigious.

As for the Silberfil family, which is full of masters, he cannot deal with the powerful men at the level of the Four Kings.

Not long after, Charlotte arrived inside the naval fortress unimpeded.

On the steel corridor, a group of naval soldiers looked at Charlotte and others cautiously with their weapons.


With a nervous shout, the navy soldiers launched a charge.

The Fanatic Knights around Charlotte attacked quickly, at an alarming speed.

Facing the elite knights of the Silberfeller family, this group of soldiers had no power to resist.

Easily dispose of the navy minions without causing any impact.

Charlotte came to the steel gate, her fists instantly armed with domineering energy.

During the swing, he brought up strong winds and punched the steel door.


There was a loud noise and a strong explosion, followed by blazing fire. The steel door twisted and deformed, and was directly penetrated.

Charlotte stepped slowly into the huge steel space.

Rows of [Dynamite Rocks] are neatly arranged, emitting pink light and looking quite shocking.

He came to the shelf and directly pulled out an [Explosive Rock].

The interior of the special long-tube glass cover is filled with an unknown pink liquid and there is a special thing in the center.

Yes, this is the core of [Explosive Rock]. It can be called a prime mover or explosive rock. Once the outer glass cover is destroyed and exposed to the air, a strong explosion will occur.

Such a large-scale murderous weapon has to be amazing. Its special features may allow the scientists of the Heberfeller family to obtain more powerful weapons through research.

"Mitis, do it."

Mitis, who had been waiting for a long time, naturally said without hesitation, "Don't worry, Mr. Charlotte."

The book in his hand quickly enlarged, and the boys around him carefully carried the [Explosive Rock] in the room and put it into the book.

After all, if this thing really breaks into pieces, all the [Explosive Rocks] inside will explode together, enough to destroy the entire island.

And Charlotte has to pay a huge price for that kind of power. This is the horror of [Explosive Rock].

Charlotte looked at all this with a smile on her lips, and the Hiberfield family's trump card increased again.

It's definitely a great thing to be happy about.

I just don’t know if the scientists of the Silberfeller family can use the strategic weapon [Explosive Rock] in more ways?

He was looking forward to it.

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