One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 494 Follow me to see my king

Mr. 1, Daz Bonis looked at the eager disciple of death, Hariri, who was unswervingly preparing to attack even though he was afraid.

"Bonis, stand down!"

Crocodile spoke slowly. He knew very well that if Daz Bones really wanted to take action, he would be killed instantly. The gap between the two sides was too big.

Listening to his BOSS's instructions, Mr. 1, Daz Bonis did not persist, but retreated to one side to guard him.

Harry's eyes lit up. Not to mention being a loyal and courageous person, he was very much appreciated by the Hiberfield family.

Knowing that you can't do something but doing it is not only a great courage but also an excellent quality.

When Crocodile stood up.

As he raised his hand, huge desert knives gathered out of thin air, and shot out of the air with sharp energy in the next moment.

Hariri was calm and calm in the face of attacks. He did not know how many times he had experienced such battles.

What big scenes have I never seen before, including the invasion of Impel Down City, the attack on Mariejoia, and several crazy battles with the navy...

Compared with these, it is as ridiculous as a child playing house.

Hariri waved one hand, and with a soft "tearing" sound, a huge space crack appeared instantly.

The unstoppable desert knife slash was swallowed directly.

The next moment, the same space crack opened behind Crocodile, and the desert knife slashed directly at his body.


With a soft sound, the desert knife cut off his body, and the severed part directly turned into flowing yellow sand, which was the natural ability of sand transformation.

Normal attacks are of no use to the natural system.

"What a troublesome ability!"

Hariri grinned, his ferocious look clearly visible.

Crocodile narrowed his eyes slightly. The other party's Devil Fruit development level was ridiculously strong.

It's really tricky to devour attacks through space, transfer attacks at will, and even return attacks to the enemy.

He was more angry, and it was unbearable to have such a result due to a little carelessness.

Crocodile shouted.

"Crescent-shaped dunes!"

Hariri lowered his eyes slightly, naturally he would not be careless, and the domineering aura of armed color instantly covered his body, hardening his whole body.

Such an astonishing and massive amount of armed domineering is one of the signs of a strong family.


There was a soft sound, and the meniscus sand knife drew a strange arc and tried to hit Hariri's body.

Hariri crooned.

"Air·any door!"

In an instant, a series of air doors emitting light-colored brilliance appeared near his body.

Crocodile's attack entered the air door and shuttled wildly between the various space doors, spinning in circles like a headless fly that had lost its navigation.

Hariri smiled evilly, waved his hand, and the air door was pointed forward.

The next moment, Crocodile's attack was directly reflected back from the original path.

Crocodile looked embarrassed. The move that could evaporate all water couldn't even touch anyone, so it naturally didn't work.

"This rare superhuman ability is so well developed that it is so weird that it gives people a headache!"

Crocodile's body instantly turned into sand and disappeared.


There was a loud noise, and the pieces of sand collapsed directly, erupting with ferocious impact force, destroying the room.

After the sand scattered, it then gathered on top of the ruins, and the grains of sand formed a complete body.

The space flashed with light, and an air door also appeared on the ruins. Hariri naturally appeared intact.

He clasped his hands together, stretched his body, and twisted his neck.

A series of "crack, bang, bang, bang" sounds were made.

"Krokdal, follow me to see my king!"

Crocodile's expression darkened, and the cigar he was biting became somewhat deformed.

His arms quickly surged into the shape of sand blades, and he raised his hands to attack.

"Desert sword!"

The sand moving at high speed formed an extremely sharp chopping knife in an instant.

After breaking out of the sky, a huge sand knife was formed that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Hariri was also helpless about this. One leg was covered with domineering force and he kicked out a powerful and heavy kick as fast as lightning.


The two forces collided together, and Hariri's eyes flashed crazily.

After a moment of stalemate, he shouted low and lifted it away with a kick. The desert sword then turned into a spiral and rushed high into the sky.

"He is indeed a veteran pirate, even though he is a loser!"

Hariri's words were unforgiving, and his movements with his hands were not slow at all.

Astonishing power fluctuations were boiling, and a milky white ball of light appeared on his palm.

"Space compression bomb!"

The pure white brilliance turned into a divine light and disappeared instantly with the help of the space door.

Crocodile's pupils shrank. Even though he had not been on the battlefield for a long time, his fighting will still felt the terrifying power of that force.


The dazzling light first shrank rapidly and then expanded rapidly. With a loud noise, everything nearby seemed to be completely wiped out by invisible force.

It was like a corner of the cake was cut off and a piece of it evaporated directly.


Yellow sand filled the air, and wisps of fine gravel were moving wildly around strangely. In the blink of an eye, countless sands gathered together and returned to their original state in an instant.

"The natural system is really strong!"

Hariri secretly scratched his head. His armed domineering force could not cover that terrifying attack.

That was a move he had thought about for a long time, and he had come up with it after watching many family members develop their devil fruit abilities in the family devil's house.

Crocodile raised one hand, and a small sandstorm like a model appeared on his palm!


The moment he swung his hand, the sandstorm instantly enlarged and extended, and a strong wind blew up and rolled towards Hariri.


Hariri's whole body was covered with armed color domineering, and dense air gates guarded his body tightly.

The fierce sandstorm completely surrounded Hariri.

The high-speed rotating sand grains hit Hariri's defense like a sharp knife, blurring his vision.

Unfortunately, even if the amount of sand was endless, it was constantly swallowed by Hariri's space gate like a bottomless pit.

Then several space gates appeared near Crocodile's body, spraying the swallowed gravel to attack,

Crocodile immediately turned into a broken sand man.

It looked terrifying, but unfortunately it did not hurt Crocodile at all.

"Desert Prison!"

Endless wild sand fell from his arms, gathering into flowing sand streams.


Wild sand crushed Hariri from all directions, and all the buildings and trees he touched faded and turned into ashes.

Extremely amazing!

But facing Hariri's unreasonable defense, it was also useless.

For a while, both sides could not do anything to each other.

"Crocodile, you should know very well, come with me to see my king."

He felt very embarrassed and a little discouraged. You know, he was once a Barrett who fought back and forth, and he also challenged Whitebeard and survived.

Now he can't do anything to a rising star, which is a great shame.

Hariri was also angry. You know, as the emperor of the new world, Charlotte invited a Shichibukai, which was considered to be giving enough face to the other party.

He was delayed here for so long, and made Boss Charlotte wait for a long time, which really made him look bad.

At the moment, he really couldn't do anything to the other party, which was really annoying.

"Crocodile, my king invites you sincerely. Have you really thought about the consequences? Do you refuse?"

Hariri spoke again, as a reminder.

If he really angered the emperor of the New World, even if he was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he would be nothing in front of the entire Heberfil family.

Even if the Seven Warlords of the Sea were eliminated by the Heberfil family, the navy would not dare to trouble them easily.

This is not bragging, it is entirely because the family is too strong.

Until this moment, Crocodile in the upper position finally calmed down.

There was a gleam in his eyes. As a guy who was good at planning, he wasted a lot of time in Alabasta and was about to succeed.

If he really failed because of this incident, his hard work would be completely wasted.

Although Crocodile was unwilling, he had no choice but to say with his teeth chattering.


Hariri was also relieved. He was not afraid of Crocodile. If he really had the chance, he would definitely ask for advice.

But it would be too rude to keep the head of the Heberfeller family, the emperor of the sea, the legendary pirate, the king of the world's top power... waiting for so long.

That would be a serious dereliction of duty.

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