One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 505: No worries about not achieving great things!

The Fishman Palace has returned to calm, but the ruins are indeed a bit eye-catching.

This sudden chaos did not cause any waves, facing Neptune who had a fiery gaze.

Charlotte coughed twice, this look was really hard to bear.

"Nipton, I think Bai Xing is still young right now. How about we wait until he becomes an adult in a few years before we get married?"

This is Charlotte's plan.

When Princess White Star becomes an adult, perhaps Neptune will look down on the matter of marrying him, and then she can naturally shirk it.

Moreover, he believed that under his rule, the huge kingdom of Heberphele in the ideal land might completely change Neptune's worries.

This is a good plan!

And with the guarantee of his words, the fishmen can live on the mainland with peace of mind for the time being.

After many years, humans, fishmen, and the mermaid clan intermarried, and a strong bond was formed between you and me, and you among me.

Why worry about failure!

Hmm...this should be stable!

Seeing this, Neptune could only temporarily give up his thoughts, but as Charlotte said, he felt much more at ease.

However, seeing as how he wanted to give up this plan, it seemed that it might be a bit difficult.

Charlotte also needs to prepare to set up a ministerial position for this purpose. The mermaid minister specializes in managing and mediating the issues between mermaids and fishmen.

It can also be regarded as a kind of compensation to the other party in terms of identity.

Neptune was naturally overjoyed about this.

Good things like this are rare.

"Oh, it would be great if you agreed to the marriage. My daughter Bai Xing... how beautiful she is!"

Neptune's eyes were filled with resentment, but he was ready to sacrifice his most cherished daughter.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Charlotte's mouth twitched slightly.

At this moment, the unconscious Mianjinjian opened his huge eyes and lay on the ground looking at the sky in confusion.

What is he doing lying here?

Then he recalled it and struggled to sit up. The thick chains fixed by the surrounding murloc soldiers broke apart.

It caused a huge movement, which was terrifying.

Charlotte has her own plans for how to deal with Mianjinmi.

"Hey, your companion abandoned you!"

Xia Luo spoke slowly. Mianjin, who was about to get angry, looked a little uncertain when he heard this.

The huge body made a baby sound.

"Really...really? It's impossible, how could it be possible?"

Facing Mian Jinjian, who was as innocent as a child, Xia Luo didn't show any flaws and spoke calmly.

"Of course, otherwise why would they disappear? It's obvious that those guys abandoned you."

Mianjin was stunned. He glanced around and saw no trace of his companions. He simply couldn't hold himself any longer.

He sat there and burst into tears, his tears like two waterfalls.

This scene really shocked a group of people's jaws.

Only Xia Luo was not surprised at all, because the other party had such a character, and Mianjinmi, who had an innocent heart, was indeed extremely easy to be deceived.

This guy didn't have many bad intentions at all, he was completely instigated.

"Ahem...How about I invite you to be my companion?"

Charlotte's voice was loud and accurately conveyed to Mianjin Mian.

Mianjin, who was crying like a child just now, stopped and looked at Charlotte suspiciously.

"I really like you and sincerely want to be friends with you."

The word "friend" is very special to this large and unusual fish-man Amatatsumi.

When he was young, he had few friends due to his huge size. Being lonely, he was very sensitive to these two words.

Suddenly hearing Charlotte's sincere words, she felt a little dazed for a moment.

Especially the sentence "I like you" made him even more excited.

"I...have a friend!"

Mianjin screamed when he heard a baby sound, and he was so excited that it was hard to express.

Charlotte smiled slightly when she saw this.

He naturally likes this kind of guy very much. He is very simple and affectionate. What a good person!

And it wouldn’t be too much to eat the superhuman Island Fruit to protect the Silberfeller Continent with someone of his size!

Even though Dahai has a restraint on Devil Fruit, the strength of the restraint also depends on race.

Just like Kaido...

There is also Drought Jack, this guy is an authentic fishman.

Although Fish-Man Jack ate the Devil Fruit, he was restrained by the sea due to his own special fish-man characteristics, coupled with his strong strength, physique... factors.

Even if he falls into the sea, he can still survive. This kind of weird racial talent is rare.

Mianjin saw that this special kind of fish-men had innate strength and talent. If they ate the Devil Fruit, they would definitely be quite powerful, and they would not really be restrained to death even if they fell into the sea.

Mianjin was so excited that he danced and the earth roared.

"See you in Mianjin, don't get excited and calm down. This will cause trouble to others."

Hearing Charlotte's words, Mianjin stopped decisively. He didn't want to lose the person who was finally willing to be friends with him.

His well-behaved attitude was completely opposite to his huge size, and his cautious appearance looked somewhat timid.

"Don't worry, I'll see you in Mianjin. There will be many friends waiting for you to meet when you return to the Silberfil continent."

Sure enough, the pure Mianjinjian's eyes showed joy, but keeping in mind Xia Luo's words, Mianjinjian tried his best to restrain his actions.

"Charlotte, are you sure?"

Neptune was a little worried. Although he looked good now, who knows if he was just pretending?

This body should not look like this.

"It's okay, he's fine, it's just a misunderstanding."

Charlotte said kindly. If he didn't know the other person's character, he wouldn't trust him easily.

It can only be said that it is wrong to judge people by appearance.

Just like what happened in front of him.

Especially the ancient giants Little Oz and Giant Dal should be very compatible with Watatsumi.

It is quite suitable for a large body to be a companion!

"Then Neptune, let's meet again on the Heberfil continent!"

Charlotte said goodbye. After dealing with the matter of Fishman Island, there was no need to waste time to stay.

And this time the harvest was not small, there was also a superhuman target fruit that was beyond the plan.

You know, this thing is temporarily enough to serve as a navigation system for the Heberfil family to study missile positioning.

As long as the palm of the ability user touches the target, the ability to bless the auxiliary autonomous jet device on the missile can completely attack the target from a long distance.

It can be regarded as a temporary solution to the problem of accurate missile locking.

On the sea, these magical devil fruit abilities can always give people an unexpected surprise.

Of course, this person is very important, because one hand can only store and locate one target.

Reasonable arrangements must be more hands to be cost-effective!

"No problem, as you wish, my majesty."

Neptune spoke solemnly and greeted with the etiquette of worshiping the king. This is a gesture of voluntary submission and a signal to the outside world.

Charlotte shook his head and said nothing more, ready to continue.

The Fishman City on the Heberfil continent has been prepared for a long time. After Neptune goes there, he will not only become a minister of the kingdom but also the lord of the city there.

This is extremely beneficial to the unification of the entire Heberfil Kingdom.

Neptune and others watched Charlotte and others leave, and Neptune, who will no longer be the king, was a little melancholy.

Such a decision is quite bold, but he does not regret it, because he is optimistic about Charlotte's potential from the bottom of his heart.

Charlotte once predicted that the fate of Fishman Island would open up a new and different situation under Charlotte's leadership.

Although he didn't say it specifically, Neptune never doubted the accuracy of Shirley's divination.

"Shirahoshi, do you hate your father's arrangement?"

Neptune spoke heavily. His decision would undoubtedly hurt his daughter greatly.

But he is not only a father but also the king of countless people in the Fishman Kingdom.

Although the Fishman tribe is strong, they are facing the land people with the largest population, the widest distribution, and countless strong people in the world.

Such strength is not enough to preserve the entire Fishman Kingdom, otherwise there would be no need for the protection of the Four Emperors.

"I don't blame my father, I just blame myself for being too young and unable to share the pressure to marry Lord Charlotte."

The kind-hearted Princess Shirahoshi comforted her old father in turn without any complaints.

She is actually looking forward to meeting Charlotte in the future.

This man, whose life is full of legends, has a strange charm that people can't describe.

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