One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 549 The true empire

In a world full of chaos, the sea seems particularly lively during this time.

The World Government's use of ancient weapons in an attempt to destroy the Kingdom of Heberfeld has become known to the world due to the overwhelming propaganda of the Heberfield family.

From newspapers to live broadcasts to concerts, the explosive publicity and powerful public opinion offensive aroused strong discussions.

"The world government actually possesses such terrifying weapons."

"Ancient weapons are so terrifying!"

"It's so disturbing!"

The crowd kept venting their fears about the World Government's use of ancient weapons. Those things were too inhumane.

A voice said following the uneasy thoughts of everyone.

"If this were targeted at any country, it would definitely be a tragedy that would cause loss of life!"

"How can it be?"

Someone subconsciously retorted, but the voice quickly disappeared.

Thinking of a huge kingdom with a population of nearly 30 million, the World Government did not hesitate to use ancient weapons that destroyed the entire country.

There are so many people, even if it is a kingdom established by pirates, at least millions of people should be innocent!

That's a living life, so what if it's on them?

If they were also coerced into becoming residents under pirate rule, the World Government would make the same choice!

And besides the Kingdom of Heberfeld, which country can withstand the attack of such a world-destroying weapon?

The heated discussion just now fell into a strange calm, and everyone was shocked by the well-known speculation.

"Is the World Government...really planning to destroy the world?"

A timid voice inadvertently broke the silence at the moment.

"What...destroy the world!"

Panic spread in an instant.

The person hiding inside disappeared completely and silently into the crowd. This person was a member of the "Root" organization of the Hiberfield family.

Creating public opinion and exaggerating the threat of world government, these common methods of world government are now used by the Hiberfield family to counter each other.

Charlotte has always been aware of the public opinion war, but some small incidents are not enough to shake the World Government.

This time it is completely different. The methods of destroying the country are obvious to the world, and the lives of tens of millions of people are not considered.

Soon the world government's annihilation talk became rampant.

This undoubtedly tore the hypocritical mask of the world government and caused huge panic in the world.

In another piece of news, the Kingdom of Silberfeller launched a strong counterattack and its attack on the Red Earth Continent could not be concealed either.

The world was shocked by the madness and power of the Kingdom of Heberfeld.

Only the Hiberfield family has done such crazy things as attacking the Red Earth Continent twice.

Despite this, the World Government is unable to do anything to the arrogant and cruel Heberfeller family.

There is no doubt that the Silberfeller family has the confidence and strength to face the revenge from the world government.

This also provides a clear direction for people in the world who are in panic.

That is to immediately enter the Heberphele continent, join the kingdom and settle down, and become one of them.

For a time, the theory of annihilation threat put the world government at the forefront.

In particular, various black materials about the world government have been exposed one after another.

The truth about O'Hara's destruction, the evil Valley of the Gods killing game, the lawless evil deeds of the Draco, various cruel and inhumane experiments, the underground slave organ trade, the scam to deceive giants...

This undoubtedly caused panic among people around the world and also caused strong anger.

The Hiberfield family used powerful news organizations to create a massive public opinion war.

As a result, the official Hiberfield News Agency became world-famous, and its new method of combining live broadcasts with newspapers swept the world.

The former president of the World News Agency, Morgans, served as the minister of press and speech of the Kingdom of Heberfeller.

The sudden blow caused the unprecedented destruction of the prestige of the world government and navy.

When the darkness of the past is exposed to the eyes of the world, under the clear guidance of public opinion, the personal experiences of those who have experienced it are revealed.

The world began to move towards an unknown situation, and the image that the world government had carefully woven for 800 years began to gradually collapse.

Faced with the accusations from the people of the world, the rare world government did not make any response.

Such abnormal behavior made the smart forces on all sides sense an unusual crisis.

It seemed that something terrible was about to happen, and an extremely strong and uneasy feeling lingered.

Are the world-destroying remarks true?

A bold idea popped into my mind involuntarily.

As the initiator, the Kingdom of Heberfiler did not care about this but instead seized the time to start full preparations for war.

Charlotte is very satisfied with the current situation. The image that the World Government has spent so much effort to create has collapsed.

In order to make the world more chaotic, Charlotte sent Robin, and Franky joined the Straw Hat Pirates through the Revolutionary Army.

On the one hand, Charlotte hopes to realize their wishes.

Robin hopes to explore the last secret hidden in the world, Raff Drew, and Franky hopes to build his own ship.

The Straw Hat Pirates are the best choice, as the two of them have little effect in the Kingdom of Silberfeller.

On the other hand, joining the Straw Hat Pirates for adventure can make the world more chaotic.

Providing a better time for the Kingdom of Heberphele.

A chaotic and turbulent world is most beneficial to the current Kingdom of Heberfeld.

That day is finally not far away, very close at hand.

Three months passed in the midst of a massive storm of public opinion.

The world has become more chaotic, and the pirates of the new era, known as the Worst Generation, are advancing triumphantly.

The Straw Hat Pirates broke into the Big Mom Pirates' territory and left safely, causing shock to the outside world.

Charlotte was not surprised at all.

The other party will go to Wano Country to start a war, which is very beneficial to the Heberfil family.

After all, Kaido and Big Mom are still not stable factors, and the Straw Hat Boy has dragged the other party's energy.

Then the stability of the Heberfil Kingdom's rear is well guaranteed.

With the support of the World Government's annihilation public opinion, dark public opinion, and the continuous efforts of the Revolutionary Army.

In three months, the population of the Heberfil Kingdom has rapidly expanded from 30 million to more than 80 million!

Compared with the huge population of the world, it is only a small part, but it is undoubtedly amazing to explode to this extent in a short period of time.

Among them, the long-legged tribe, the long-handed tribe, the snake-necked tribe, the mixed-blood three-eyed tribe, the four-handed tribe and other minority groups have also continuously joined the Heberfil Kingdom.

80 million people is still a situation of sparse population compared to the huge Heberfil continent.

This country has been accumulated and developed for countless years and is too vast.

The Heberfil continent is recognized by the world as the largest artificial continent except the Red Earth Continent.

Even today's Elbaf is slightly inferior.

It is known as the Miracle Continent!

A super kingdom with a vast territory, powerful armed forces, and nearly 100 million people appeared in the world.

The name of the kingdom is no longer enough to describe such a huge kingdom that embraces all rivers and seas. The pattern is not enough.

The name of the Heberfil Empire slowly appeared in the world.

This is a country that has never existed, and there has never been a country named after an empire.

The Heberfil Empire has created a history of national titles.

It is the only huge country in the history of pirates named after an empire.

A true empire!

The world is changing not only like this, but also the scam of Sister Carmelo and the World Government has been revealed.

As a result, a large number of naval giants and vice admirals withdrew from the navy, most of them returned to Elbaf, and a small number joined the Heberfil Kingdom.

The strength of the Navy Headquarters has once again suffered a significant reduction.

Of course, Charlotte also arranged other tasks. Due to the loss of the war weapons made by Vegapunk, the scientific forces are completely useless.

The Heberfil family took this opportunity to act in secret and continuously weaken the enemy's strength.

Hanafza, nicknamed "Lizard King" among the Seven Warlords, is a devil fruit user with the Dragon Dragon Fruit, Ancient Species, and Tyrannosaurus Rex form.

Now he has been directly captured by Fire Fist Ace and brought back to the Heberfil Empire.

This devil fruit naturally fell into his hands smoothly.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea, which were almost dead in name, were completely abandoned because of this incident.

No one is willing to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea. This system has huge loopholes and cannot play any role it should have.

The World Government decisively abandoned such a useless organization, even as the prestige of the World Government and the Navy declined.

The remaining few guys might even turn the tables, as can be seen from the war at the top.

It's too obvious.

It's just too much of a disadvantage.

What's more, the fact that three of the Shichibukai were undercover agents arranged by the Heberfil family has become a thorn in the heart of the World Government.

After two years of precipitation and improvement in the Battle of the Top, Ace, the Fire Fist, was successfully promoted to the seventh king of the Heberfil family.

The King of Fire Fist - Ace!

The most outrageous thing is that the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye chose to join the Heberfil Empire directly after losing the title of Shichibukai.

He successfully became the eighth king of Heberfil.

The King of Sword Saints - Mihawk!

The Heberfil Empire is expanding wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is so powerful that people are restless.

Because there are two powerful candidate kings, the devil's son Yamato and the death surgeon Luo.

Maybe in the near future, there will be a shocking scene of the Ten Kings.

The increasingly powerful Heberfil Empire and the increasingly decadent World Government make the world more turbulent.

The far-sighted leaders of all forces know that this world is probably about to usher in an unprecedented shocking change.

Just like Rocks' ambition to become the king of the world.

The Heberfil Empire, the most powerful and prosperous pirate family in history, also wants to reach the top.

Is the title of the King of the World really achievable?

People with discerning eyes know that with the current strength of the Heberfil Empire, such a dream is likely to come true.

It's just because this empire is incredibly powerful.

Except for the World Government, there is no other force that can suppress the Heberfil Empire.

Even the other three emperors plus the Navy Headquarters have no possibility of suppressing the Heberfil Empire.

An unprecedented super empire, so powerful that it is beyond words.

A battle that sweeps the world may break out at any time.

By then, it will be completely established who is the real king of the world and the protagonist of the era.

The power to dominate this world!

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