One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 556: Charlotte, the King of the New World

Chapter 556 King of the New World——Charlotte

The breeze blew, waves of sand flew across, and two figures faced each other on the ruined battlefield, a bleak scene.

"Mortal, you lost!"

Im panted for a moment and spoke. This battle was indeed quite dangerous, with risks that had never been seen since 800 years ago.

The man in front of him really had the capital to be proud.

The world was shocked, and the victory and defeat were decided. The king of the old era who rose at the speed of light was defeated after all.

Is the guy who has been in charge of the family behind the scenes since 800 years really invincible?

All the fighting on the battlefield stopped, and it was undeniable.

"Did the king lose?"

Barrett and others gritted their teeth, their eyes full of bloodshot.

"Warriors, sing and move forward, the king will not lose!"

Many powerful cadres of the empire shouted, with the most firm trust in Charlotte in their hearts.

They believed that Charlotte would never fall easily.

How could their supreme leader, spiritual belief, and king of the empire lose?

Even if we fail, we must take back the king's body.


The calm battlefield was once again filled with murderous intent.

Im looked at the members of the Heberfil Empire who were fighting with some surprise.

"They are really self-deceiving mortals."

The unstoppable firm will made the members of the Heberfil Empire, who were heavy in their hearts, launch a fierce attack.

On the battlefield, Charlotte was covered with scars and his breath was weak.

The special aura of despair and destruction entangled in his body was constantly blocking and suppressing his life energy.

Erasing everything, it indicated that his life energy was getting weaker and weaker.

"Is he going to lose?"

Charlotte only felt an unprecedented mental fatigue, and a strong sense of fatigue swept over him.

It was as if he would never get up again.

The aura of his life was as weak as an old man who was about to reach the end of his life.

Even his devil fruit ability "All Things Return to the Origin" was completely ineffective.

This was restrained by the strange power of the other party's devil fruit.

The once surging and vigorous vitality would one day be so weak.

His snow-white flowing hair faded to black.

The lively white flame cloud disappeared, and he looked like an old man.

Im looked at Charlotte without any fluctuations. His power represented despair and destruction.

And the reason why he was wary of the Nika fruit was because the other party's laughter would bring people the power of hope.

This power of "hope" was the key to restraining his ability, and it was obvious that Heberfil Charlotte did not have it.

"Mortal, although you lost, but your name, I remember it."

No matter what, this person brought "him" a different feeling.

It was like there was suddenly a kind of ups and downs in the eternal and calm life, which affected the mood.

The long years were filled with the loneliness and coldness of being high above. No one knew and could not tell the loneliness of "him".

Im slowly raised his hand, and an amazing light wave was brewing on his fingertips, ready to deal with the person who always stood firm.

Charlotte at this moment.

The splendid and glorious life was like a movie in his mind.

Starting from the weak Heberfil family, setting sail from the Battle of Edwo...

The great swordsman of gods and demons, the world's greatest swordsman, the Four Emperors of the Sea, the world's strongest man, the terminator of the old era...

This journey of hardships is full of countless memories.

The founder of the ideal hometown, the leader of the Heberfil will, the first generation of the extremely evil family, the legendary head of the family, the God of Heberfil...

He has experienced many tests of life and death along the way, and naturally there are also warm and happy scenes.

"I can't fall down yet..."

Once he falls down, the Heberfil Empire will never be spared.

He is the hope of the entire empire, the hope of all the people, and the spiritual hope of the family.

Once the seeds of hope are lost, everything will turn into nothingness.

He must not give up hope.

An unprecedented force began to burn wildly.

His faded hair color and flames began to emerge again.

Im showed a mocking look at the corner of his mouth. He liked to see the enemy struggling to survive.

This would give him an inexplicable satisfaction in his long and uneventful life.

"But let's end it here!"

With a tremor of "hum", the wave of despair and destruction shot out from the fingertips of Im.


Charlotte's body suddenly floated up at high speed and automatically avoided the attack.

The shocking change caused a burst of exclamations.

Im's expression became gloomy for the first time.

However, Charlotte's closed eyes looked extremely strange, and the white smoke began to change color.




The heartbeat sounded as exciting as an ancient war drum, and every time it sounded, it caused the sky and the earth to change color.

The exciting vibration rushed to a distant place.

Such a shocking change completely attracted the attention of the world.

"What happened again?"

"What happened?"

New world, Heberfil continent.

Hancock and Lina both had red eyes and clasped their hands tightly, staring at the scene in the picture, praying in their hearts.

"It's okay, it will be okay."

In the new world, in the unknown sea, the giant creature elephant master, who was 10,000 meters tall, heard the strange fluctuations.

That sound? It gave it the illusion that Joyboy had returned.

This world actually has a person who is similar to Joy Boy, but he is not Joy Boy in the true sense.

On the Red Earth Continent...

The sky and earth suddenly began to be covered by dark clouds, and the waves full of exciting colors began to spread to the entire battlefield.

Many family cadres couldn't help crying with joy, even though they were extremely determined that the king would never fall.

Although it is unknown what happened in the middle, it can be seen that this scene also made the eyes red.


In the sky, the sound of thunder resounded endlessly, and bursts of black and red lightning struck from the sky, and the terrifying momentum was extremely shocking.

In the anxious and surprised eyes of countless people.

The white flame cloud surrounding Charlotte completely transformed into a red flame cloud.

Just like that, it floated high in the sky, with sparks and colorful colors.

Red flame cloud?

Countless people couldn't help but puzzled.

Only Im's expression was completely gloomy. This was the second awakening after the awakening of the animal-type devil fruit.

It can also be called "Second Awakening".

In the sky, Charlotte slowly opened his eyes, and endless pressure swept across the world.

His body was shrouded in oppressive red flames, standing between heaven and earth in the wind.

With the beating of his heart, the dancing of the red flames, and the diffusion of the halo.

The passionate sound was filled with the melody of hope.

The vast pressure poured down on the world, and the mighty power of God penetrated the universe.

A force of hope and vitality burst out, covering everything.

The despair and destruction that had eroded the body completely disappeared at this moment.

"Im, spring represents not only vitality but also hope!"

Charlotte spoke, his voice rolling like thunder, shaking the world, like a god.

The next second!

On the entire battlefield, countless people found clusters of white light spots in their bodies.

That was the light of hope.

The white light rose into the sky, gathering a brilliant galaxy that spanned the sky and earth, shining colorfully.

The galaxy poured back into Charlotte's body, like a bright moon in the sky, illuminating the darkness.

The sudden and shocking change made the Five Elders and others of the World Government feel uneasy.

That aura made their bodies extremely uncomfortable.

There was an idea to get away immediately, but could they really escape?

The Five Elders and the Knights of God remained silent!

"Mortal..." Im said coldly: "You are far from killing me!"

In just a moment, Im's endless power burst out, and he was drawing the power bestowed on the Five Elders and the Knights of God.

Neither the Five Elders nor the Knights of God could make any resistance.

The overwhelming pressure burst out, with a terrifying power of landslides and cracks.

Im's previous huge consumption was instantly restored, and he was going to fight for his life.

"God's Power·Shocking~"

The rolling sound was like thunder, and the powerful domineering attack broke through the air and flew towards Charlotte, and the black light ball moved at high speed as fast as lightning.

As Charlotte swung his sword, the amazing domineering slashes gathered frantically.

"God of Spring·Dawn·Hope~"

The brilliant sword of hope illuminates the whole world, penetrates the sky and tears the earth apart.

The thrilling supreme pressure makes people want to surrender from the bottom of their hearts.


The brilliant light blooms, the sky-high waves shake the air, the sky sounds, the thunder rolls...

Domineering, vicissitudes, destruction, rebirth...The aura continues to spread and covers the battlefield.

"Boom boom boom!"

The void thunder explodes, black and red lightning shoots wildly on the earth, blasting through the surface, and the violent aura melts everything.

On the battlefield.

Im's figure stood still, his original form returned to his body, and his black robe was tattered.

Very embarrassed.

Im suffered an unprecedented heavy blow, especially the attack of the light of hope that continued to melt the power in his body.

The color of pain is clearly visible, the hideous look is very embarrassed, and the aura continues to wilte.

If there is no miracle, Im will definitely die, and it is obvious that no miracle happened.

Charlotte looked at the other party's completely revealed true face and was slightly surprised.

"Queen Lily?"

Im heard this name that had not been mentioned for 800 years and looked at Charlotte.

"Lily? It's really a long-standing and familiar name."

Although the other party looked like Queen Lily, the tone of voice was strange.

"Mortal, you should have seen the letter. What name did she leave?"

Charlotte frowned slightly. The other party's rarely fluctuating emotions were obviously very abnormal after Lily's name appeared.

But he immediately realized that the other party was not Queen Lily.

"Nefertari D. Lily!"

Charlotte did not hide anything, and was direct and clear.

"No wonder the historical text of that year can be preserved and circulated around the world!"

Charlotte clearly sensed the other party's anger, the anger of being betrayed by someone he trusted.

Obviously, there was an inexplicable and complicated relationship between the two.

Charlotte thought frantically in his mind, judging from the historical text obtained by the family.

The missing Queen Lily, the legend of Im Saint...

Obviously, this guy used the power of a certain devil fruit to perform a soul-body swap.

Many devil fruits can do this.

A male soul and a female body, really perverted!

Before Charlotte could continue.

"Boom!" With a sound, Im fell down, raising a cloud of dust.

Her body finally reached its limit, and the battlefield was completely quiet.

The moment the King of the World fell, the world exploded.

This super battle between the two kings finally came to an end.

"The real king of the world has finally appeared!"


The outside world was in turmoil, but the battlefield was surprisingly calm.

This sudden failure made Im calmer than ever before.

He was tired and exhausted from 800 years of loneliness, and perhaps this was also a kind of relief.

"One day you will become a cold and ruthless god!"

Charlotte looked at him.

"Not everyone is like you!"

Listening to Charlotte's answer, Im laughed the first time in 800 years.

"Boy... What is a devil fruit? When you use it to awaken, you have no way to go."

Then Charlotte said unwaveringly.

"That's just a means to improve your strength. If you control it, you are indeed not qualified to be a king or a god."

Im, who was still laughing, stopped abruptly and turned his eyes to look at Charlotte with difficulty.

"People fight against heaven, win the earth, defeat demons, and become gods... all because I am me!"

Im was stunned.

At this moment, the king who owns 800 of the world's top 800 seemed to truly understand the man in front of him.

"Hahaha!" Im laughed heartily, "What an amazing guy!"

Then Im changed his tone.

"But don't be too happy too soon."

Charlotte was slightly unhappy, and Im was completely out of breath at this time.

"What a disgusting guy."

With the death of Im, the huge war, this war full of blood and killing will finally come to an end.

Without the blessing of Im's ability, neither the Five Elders nor the Knights of God can make any waves.

The wind roared without warning between heaven and earth, and the storms continued, as if announcing the end of everything.

The world that reacted afterwards was completely boiling.

This huge war, which can be called the most terrible, can be called the decisive battle of the king of the peak world, is so shocking.

At this moment!

Charlotte is undoubtedly the final winner.

The sea is boiling.

The whole battle scene was broadcast live in front of the whole world.

Sweeping the whole world at the fastest and most powerful speed.

This is the shocking duel between Heberphile Charlotte and Celestial Dragon Imsheng.

It represents the great duel between the king of the new era and the king of the old era.

It finally came to an end.

Charlotte reached the top with an unrivaled attitude and determined the ownership of the king of the new world.

——Heberphile Charlotte.

The world looked at him sideways!

The name of Heberphile Charlotte in this era is destined to write his glory and legend.

The unprecedented and unparalleled attitude caused shock, awe and worship from the world.

This legendary figure who has dominated the sea for decades!

He is the well-deserved king of the world in this era.

In this world, he exudes his own glory and continues the legendary name of Heberphile Charlotte.

The king of the new era is reborn from the ashes in the new era and composes a legend that belongs only to him.

History has been divided into two parts from today because of the name of Heberfil Charlotte.

The legend of the king of the world in the new era began to slowly emerge on the sea.

The name of the king of the new world - Heberfil Charlotte resounded throughout the world.



One month later!

The world returned to peace!

The Revolutionary Army, the Navy and the World Government were completely incorporated, and the vicious king and the Celestial Dragons were publicly tried.

The fair practices of the Heberfil Empire and the glorious influence of defeating the corrupt World Government were recognized and praised by the world.

In order to maintain peace in the sea and reduce trouble, the world began to re-establish a new World Government.

Just like the previous mechanism, the world government will coordinate everything with the joint management proposal of various countries...

Among them, Dragon, Aokiji, Zephyr, Akainu, Kaido, Ivan, Lina and others formed the new supreme power.

In order to distinguish pirates, the pirates who like adventure were redefined and a special group of adventurers was established.

As long as they do not violate the designated laws, they can explore freely.

In order to further consolidate the stability of the sea, the devil fruits are specially collected and permanently sealed.

To prevent some extremely evil people from using the power of devil fruits to wantonly destroy world peace.

The Heberfell continent has also become the place where the king of the new world, Charlotte, lives in seclusion.

Charlotte even took a large island from the red earth continent and placed it on the Adam tree on the Heberfell continent, making it a beautiful residence.

Finally, the simple life was realized.

People call it - the forbidden land of God!

The whole world began to enter a scene of peace, development and prosperity.

——The whole book is finished!

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