"Someone brought food to the door. Natsu looked surprised.

Carey asked in a low voice, "Brother Natsu, are we going to attack the navy?"

"Nonsense, we're pirates now, otherwise would you like to go up and chat with them?" Natsu had a look of hatred "Today is your first battle, and all the navies above will be handed over to you, and I will assist you." "

Tezzolo was very excited, and looked eager to try, "Brother Natsu, look at me." "

Kerry looked nervous, "Brother Natsu, you must protect me, they look so fierce." "

"Don't worry, you've been able to dodge seven or eight times now, can't you still run if you can't beat it? Natsu was a good follower.

Seeing that there had been no movement for so long, the navy threatened in a loud voice: "Listen to the people above, if you don't come out for inspection, you will open fire!"

"Pretend to surrender first, go up and then do it. "

"Understood. "

The three of them walked out of the deck with their heads in their hands, and Natsu said in a loud voice, "Sir, don't open fire, we are great citizens." "

"Go, take them all up and slaughter them all. "

"Yes, Major. "

Natsu and they were taken to the ship, and the Lieutenant Commander walked up to Natsu and said, "Who are you?".

Natsu smiled and said calmly, "We are pirates, the Fairy Tail Pirates, and I am Captain Doragnir Brown. D. Natsu, you have to remember the name. "

Natsu spoke so quickly that the Lieutenant Commander had lost consciousness before he could react. Natsu shook his hand, "You two get started." "

The navy was in a state of confusion, and Carey and Tezzolo had already made a move. Tezzo threw all the rings in his hand, and the rings turned into apple-sized golden balls that smashed into the enemy under Tezzolo's control. Natsu sighed a little, Tezzolo was simply a natural ability, and he could control so much gold at one time and still be handy.

Kerry's performance also began, only to see him disappear in an instant with a snort, and then returned to Natsu's side with a thud again, with an extra money bag in his hand, "Brother Natsu, I succeeded." "


The navy has come to their senses and has begun to fight back, "It's a pirate, attack!"

Tezzolo continued to control the golden ball to attack, and Kerry finally got serious, drawing his knife and flashing it behind the navy, specifically slitting their wrists and thighs.

Natsu found a chair to sit and watch the battle, and the navy cooperated very well not to attack him.

"Shots, shoot!".

A bullet hit Tezzolo, and Natsu's domineering saw it for the first time, and quickly flashed to Tezzolo's side, and his palm used the armed color domineering to catch all the bullets for him. After catching the bullet, Natsu rushed directly at the Navy's gun team, who had lost consciousness before they could reload. Natsu threw away the bullet in his hand and said to Tezzolo: "You have too little experience, you must see six ways when fighting, both offensive and defensive." Don't just attack, defense is also important. "

Kerry flashed back to Natsu as well, sweating and panting. There were also quite a few navies at the scene, and Natsu was afraid that they would be injured but still took action. Defenseless in the face of Natsu, the Navy soldiers were unilaterally crushed, and the battle ended in three minutes.

"It's been a long time since I've hit anyone, cool!" Natsu clapped his hands, looking relaxed.

"Awesome!" Kerry and Tezzolo looked impressed.

"Don't be emotional, go to their kitchen and see if there's anything good, I still have something to ask them. "

"Yes, Captain!" the two saluted Natsu.

Natsu smiled slightly, what a familiar name, seeing their appearance, Natsu remembered Shanks and Bucky, remembered the three of them in the Roger Pirates, and didn't know how they were now.

Natsu grabbed the major by the collar and slapped him awake, "Hey, ask you something." "


"There's no one anymore. Natsu said lightly.

"The sea... Big Pirate Brother, no, Grandpa Pirate, don't kill me, I'm old and young, and my whole family is a dozen or so people waiting for me to feed..."The Pirate Major hugged Natsu's leg and cried.

"Damn, how did you become a major in the Navy like a bear?".

"My dad is the colonel of this area, the supreme commander. "

"Understood. "

"If you hurt me, my father—" The cowardly major actually threatened Natsu.

Natsu would be afraid of a mere colonel? He's faced two vice admirals, a navy general, and had a fight with the admiral.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll ask you a question, or don't talk about your father, even if your grandfather comes, it's useless. "

"Ming... Got it. "

"Are there islands around here?".

"Yes, there's a small island nearby, and that's where we're stationed. With that, he took out a record pointer and handed it to Natsu, "Follow the direction it is pointing to find it." "

Natsu took the pointer and said, "Okay, you can go back to sleep." "The poor naval major lost consciousness again.

"Brother Natsu, here's something delicious, broth and roast chicken!".

"I'm coming. "

The three of them, who had eaten canned fish and meat for seven or eight days, finally ate a hot and fresh meal, and after eating and drinking enough, all the rest was carried onto the ship.

The voyage began again, and the well-fed people were radiant and full of energy, and Natsu sighed: "Sure enough, the most important thing in sailing on the sea is to eat, there is a small island near here, and after we go to the island, we must not only find navigators, but also find a good chef is the most important thing." "

"Agreed. "

According to the pointer of the record, Natsu and the others sailed for a short time and really saw the island. Tezzolo and Kerry exclaimed, "Finally see land!".

Natsu smiled, "What is this, sea voyages are like this, you can't see the island for ten days and half a month." "

The three of them stopped their boats in the harbor, and Natsu said to the two, "Now let's go our separate ways, Kerry and I will go to find the navigator and the cook, Tezzolo will go to buy supplies and help find them by the way, and last but not least, don't buy canned fish." "

"Understood. "

An hour later, Natsu realizes that he was wrong, so wrong that he shouldn't have gone out on the street with Carrey.

"Wow, what a cute little brother, come here, sister, please have candy. "

"Thank you, sister. Kerry took the candy and licked it gently.

"It's so cute, I'm about to melt by him!".


Natsu suddenly thought of something, and the ghost asked Kerry in a strange way, "Little ghost, are you also reborn or crossed?".

Kerry was confused, and Natsu waved his hand, "I didn't say it." "

In order to disperse this group of crazy young ladies, Natsu used extraordinary means on Kerry, which got rid of the crazy crowd and continued to look for a target.

"What is a navigator, can you eat it?".

"Chef at sea, can't go home, can't go, can't go. "


The two were a little devastated, and they looked for a lot of people and asked a lot of questions, but they found nothing. There were navigators on the island, generally over sixty years old, who were probably on board with them, and the three Natsu had to die for him. There are a lot of cooks, but as soon as I hear about their conditions, I am scared away, with low wages, no insurance, no vacations, and life is in danger ... Who will go?

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