One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 475: The Final Battle: Kurosaki Ichigo vs. the second-dan black wing big demon

ten minutes……

Machiki Hachiken and Kurosaki Ichigo have been treated.

Grimjoo held the family bucket contentedly and began to eat.

Liliette was holding the cone, her eyes kept looking at Grimjoo's family bucket, and then stark at Stark again, complaining for not helping herself.

Grimjoe has credited a total of 30 times, which is converted into Perona's training for one month.

Neutra was hit in the jaw without treatment, and was full of resentment and wanted to choose someone to eat.

"The last two, come on stage."

"The battle begins!"

Kurosaki Ichigo and Ulchiola come on.

Return to the edge-

"Block it, Blackwing Great Demon!"

"Moonlight Sword."

The spiritual pressure converged into a faint green lightsaber.

"Hulu! Hulu!" Xiang reposted his face!

"Ding! Ding Ding!"

The right hand swings the sword, the left hand reiki accumulates.

Black virtual flash!


"Hanglu! Ding!" The swords struck each other, and the spirit pressure wrestled.

"Crescent Moon·Cross Sky Chong!"

Toot u——

Wang Xu's flash!

"Rumble rumbling!" Rei pressure exploded, and the two of them bounced away.

Kurosaki Ichigo gathered his imaginary power and put on a mask with horns.

Ulchiola watched as Rei pressure increased again, Kurosaki Ichigo who had materialized the rain.

"You are indeed very strong. I have a move that even Master Lan Ran has never seen before."

With Ulquiola as the center, Reiatsu became restlessly restless.

A heavy rain of spiritual pressure glowing with green fluorescence slapped down like a pouring rain.

Under the moonlight, Ulchiola's double horns became longer in the heavy rain, and the broken-faced white uniform was torn apart by the swelling spiritual pressure, revealing a seemingly thin body.

The virtual hole at the collarbone flows out black liquid, flowing through the pale skin, to the abdomen.

A slender black demon's tail with an arrow grew from Urquiola's tailbone, and its length was twice as long as Urquiola's height.

"Er Duan Gui edge."

"This is an ability I have never used before."

"To repay the kindness of Ai Ran-sama with this today."

"The Gun of Thunder."

The spiritual pressure gathered in the hands of the second black wing great demon.

The black claws formed by the gathering of the spiritual pressure, and a bright green spear stretched between them.


The ringing disappeared, and there was no breath.

In the next instant, the terrifying Reiatsu climbed again.

A light arrow fell from a high altitude and directly pierced Kurosaki Ichigo.

Quiet blood outfit!

"Ding! giggle--"


Kurosaki Ichigo Tachi sword took the blow.

The body slammed into the rock that hadn't collapsed, and another piece of rock was collapsing.

"Hiss... Enough!"

"I took a shot from you, and you can lend me an arrow."

Raising his left hand, the black and red spiritual pressure converged into Quincy's bow and arrow, and the double-edged Zanpaku knife rested on the string, full of bow!


"Tingling, jingle—"

Zhanyue shot out.

The chain connecting the handle of the knife continued to extend in Kurosaki Ichigo's hand.


The ringing dodges and sticks to the face.

Kurosaki Ichigo's chain stopped Yantoi and was pulled directly and shot out.

At the next moment, Kurosaki Ichigo, standing in the void, moved the chain.

The chain "ring and ringing" shrank rapidly, but the spiritual pressure on the Zanpei Knife became stronger and stronger.

"Everyone else is careful!"

"Moon Wheel·Full Moon Slash!"

Rei pressure is connected end to end into a ring, pushing flat in all directions.

Group chat...

Luffy: Group skills?

Nirvana: If you have an idea, just try it, hahaha.

Luffy: But the people around you are covered in it. Kurosaki Ichigo can't do it, so don't be too proud of it.

Nirvana: Yes!

Virtual flash!

Reiatsu gathered at Kurosakiichi's handguard.

The Full Moon Slash, which had not been completely flattened out, collapsed and was swallowed in the Void Lightning Spirit Ball.

Stand a bow and arrow in the left hand.

The virtual flash ball stretched into an arrow.


The arrow that the spiritual pressure converged was extremely fast, nailing it to the body of the Great Black Wing Demon, nailing it to the ground.

"Jingle Bell……"

The chain retracted, the bow was bent and the arrow was set, aiming at the virtual hole in the collarbone of the Great Black Wing Demon.


The arrow pierced the virtual hole into the depths of the earth.

Kurosaki Ichigo pulled the chain and pressed against the black wing demon.

The ground rock formation collapsed, and the two fell to the bottom of the Great Void Forest.

The Black Winged Demon coughed up blood under heavy pressure.

"You lost."

"The virtual circle has always talked about strength, and Lan Ran should abdicate after defeat."

"From today you will change your allegiance."

Ulchiola was paralyzed.

He doesn't know what happened, but it should be related to the previous arrow.



"Tingling, jingle..."

Kurosaki Ichigo shot an arrow towards Yuntian, and took the shot arrow and flew out from the crack in the ground while carrying Ulchiola's back neck.

This usage is also gorgeous.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, victory!"

"The throne race ended perfectly."

Kurosaki Ichigo put Ulchiola down.

"Shuangtian return to the shield!"

Kai Er Duan Gui edge is not dead yet.

Luffy's heart was finally let go.

He still likes this role.

It would be a shame to die like this.

"From today, the virtual circle and the corpse soul world will be led by me."

"Far face to listen to orders!"

The broken face and ten blades lowered their eyes and knelt down on one knee.

The rules of the virtual circle have always been simple, whoever is strong is the king.

Kurosaki Ichigo showed his strength, and it is understandable to sit in that position.

Kurosaki Ichigo patrolled the audience.

Except for Ulchiola, they were still paralyzed, and they all knelt on one knee to express surrender.

"Well, starting from today, you will teach the captains how to use virtual power."

"Ulquiola, don't hide your second-stage return to the blade, and organize it into notes for the ten blades to circulate."

Balegun raised his head and asked: "Let us teach the **** of death? Then you can guarantee that the **** of death will not use this power against us."

Kurosaki Ichigo replied: "Ah, as long as I am in one day, this kind of thing will not happen. From today onwards, Shinigami is not allowed to attack the already-faced Xu. Similarly, the already-faced Xu cannot attack the Shinigami."

"Whoever disobeys will shake the morale of the army in front of the battle, which is a capital crime."

Balegang lowered his head and said in a sincerely convincing manner: "Yes."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the death captains.

"Reaper listens to the order."

The **** of death did not kneel on one knee like the broken face.

The ordinary **** of death looked at the captain, and the captain exchanged their eyes.

Ukitake Shirirou opened his mouth and said: "When the captain was there, our captain did not have the etiquette to kneel on one knee."

Kurosaki Ichigo waved his hand, "I don't care if I kneel or not, but a team still needs a unified regulation. This will be discussed later. Don't worry."

"You just need to stand and listen to the order."

"Ten Blade teaches you how to master Xu's power, and you teach Xu the knowledge related to Zanpao Dao Shen Shen."

"Mutual benefit, no one takes advantage of others."

"If you have any objections, defeat me, then you have the final say."

"Any objection?"

The captains exchanged their gazes, Ukitake Shirirou took the lead and bowed and said, "There is no objection."

Kurosaki nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, in order to facilitate communication, always be ready to fight."

"From today onwards, except for the medical personnel in the fourth squadron and the technical personnel in the twelfth squadron, the original organization will be maintained, and all others will be dispersed and reorganized."

"Ordinary Reapers and Ordinary Reapers who have insufficient combat effectiveness should retreat from the front line, and unite as the combat power reserve logistics supply department."

"The rules of reorganization are one team of six people, two outputs, one main and one auxiliary, two combat aids, one intelligence liaison, and one medical soldier."

"Do you understand?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I will send the specific arrangements for the reorganization to everyone's hands."

"Simply put, only those who understand the 卍jie can participate in the war, and all the cannon fodder will retreat from the front line, concentrate on supplying supplies, and do what can be done."

Group chat...

Nirvana: It’s impossible for these people to have team spirit when they suddenly get together. I want to lengthen the battle with the Quincy as much as possible, drag it for three to five years, and manage it slowly. That way, completing the world mission is a matter of course, no Hidden to the end of the bow.

Sasuke: How do I feel that you are plagiarizing our Blade Village team system?

Nirvana: I was wronged. A group of six was negotiated with Luffy.

Luffy: It's also a reference.

Luffy: So the world mission of your world has been temporarily pushed to this place?

Nirvana: Well, work slowly and securely, so as not to overturn the boat and be taken by others as unjustifiable.

Riddle: It's also the time when the savior has to make a good appearance. If the bad guy hasn't done any evil, he will kill him and become a villain instead.

Alex: So, are you going to my world to push the world mission?

Nirvana: Well, you go first. When you need me, I will go there, just like Brother Tang.

Luffy: The **** of death has come to the world and was infected by T. If you want to push, you have to wear Inoue.

Nirvana: No problem.

Luffy: Then push it.

Alex: Thankful! ! !

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