One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 543: EVA03·The Ninth Apostle·The Angel (two in one)

"That big brother asked me to give it to you."

Across the street, Shinji standing in front of the vending machine raised the mineral water in his hand and took a sip of salute.

On the other side of the street, wearing a black suit and black-framed sunglasses, the security guard who looked like a Matrix agent hesitated a little, and took a plastic bag of mineral water from the child.

"Shinji? What are you doing?"

Asuka called in front, and Shinji responded.

Going to school together, shopping for groceries together after school and then going home, this kind of life has become a daily life.

"Thanks to the heroic defenders who stick to their posts every day."

Asuka rolled her eyes, "Oh, for your comfort, his daily salary is more than your monthly pocket money, what a big wolf."


"Really? That's too unfair, right? I'm their hero? Is this putting the cart before the horse?"

"Then go out and ask."

Asuka is so sure that Shinji is very hurt.

Annoyed and stuffed artificial meat with 10% real meat content into the shopping cart.

"Then I will go back. I have to talk to Colonel Katsuragi. Although the honor of a hero is not measured by money, it shouldn't chill the hero's heart. There is a plainclothes in front of me. I will ask."

Asuka followed Shinji's footsteps and looked at it, an old man with the appearance of an aunt, seeing Shinji rushing towards her in stride, her eyes were dodging.

This is plain clothes?

Soon, Shinji, who was arrogant and arrogant when he left, came back like a frosted eggplant.

"Ask it out?"


"How? And how did you recognize her as plainclothes?"

Shinji sighed, "Don't talk to me yet, I want to be quiet..."

After shopping, Shinji Asuka went out of the mall one after another.

The agent who had not sent the water down saw Shinji walking towards him, and before he could speak, he was snatched back with a lift of water in his hand.

Agent:? ? ?


After the short episode, of course, what happened on this day was also written in the security work diary for a summary report on the second day.

With a kind face, Dongyue read the report twice with a smile.

Kindly gaze through Shinji's face as if he had seen a former student.


A few days later, NERV branch, Matsushiro.

EVA03 unit started the experiment.

Temporary headquarters for EVRV transport vehicles.

Ritsuko Akagi and Misato Katsuragi remotely gave orders to change their orders in the car and inserted the puppet bolts. "

"What? Puppet bolt? But... the puppet system hasn't yet..."

"Do as I say."


Standing on the side, Katsuragi was a little puzzled. He did not trust the puppet bolt, who had never been involved in the experiment.

"Isn't Asuka as the driver this time in the plan?"

"Asuka was injured in physical education class, and the official start of the experiment was postponed until tomorrow."

Katsuragi was a little speechless, "Injured in physical education? Asuka would be injured in physical education of that kind of junior high school student? What a wonder.

Akagi took a cup of coffee, "It is said that Shinji accidentally caused it."

Speaking of Shinji, Katsuragi thought of the more and more training equipment at home, and he couldn't help showing the appearance of being defeated. "That guy, it seems that his physique becomes surprisingly good after being inhaled with EVA. There are exaggerated training programs every day. It's just a little monster.

Oh, by the way, he also used various excuses to ask me for financial independence, asking me to apply to Commander Ikoji for him and pay him a salary. Children nowadays, children are really not cute at all in reality. "

Ritsuko Akagi had an ambiguous expression and joked: "You seem to enjoy this kind of life..."

Katsuragi snorted coldly, then suddenly thought of today's date: "School? Isn't it a holiday today?"

Ritsuko Akagi shrugged, "Maybe it's an extracurricular interest group activity."

On-site report: "The puppet plug has been replaced."

Ritsuko Akagi ordered: "Plug in the main power source and proceed to the first step."

The main power supply is connected.

"There is no abnormality in the insertion bolt sensor, and the error value is within the allowable range."

"Understood, start to move to the second step, the second connection begins."

The black fuselage EVA03 machine seemed to have awakened, and raised its head on the restraint.

"The insertion depth exceeds 100! The position of the puppet bolt exceeds the safe depth!"

Everyone's body looks slightly different.

On the main display, the EVA03 unit began to struggle.

What's wrong with the puppet system?

After all, it is not perfect, and it is reasonable to make mistakes.

"Stop the experiment immediately."

"No! There is a high-energy response in the body!"

How can there be a high-energy response in the body!

"Could it be... an apostle!"

The restraint was broken away, and a rash-like bulge appeared on the back of Unit EVA03. The puppet was inserted into the plug and ejected out of the body. Unit EVA03 stretched its hand to the back and shattered the puppet mountain in an angry roar.

"Aw! Aw!!! Aw!!!"

A huge amount of energy is released from the body of EVA03.

The huge impact flattened the entire Matsushiro into ruins.

The NERV headquarters received the report as soon as possible.

Dongyue and Ikogentang came forward to preside over the overall situation.

"How is the damage?"

"I don't know, the center of the explosion seems to be in a temporary storage box. The collapse of the ground management facility has been confirmed!"

"The rescue will be carried out immediately, and the third unit will be dispatched. It must be handled before the Strategic Self-Defense Force intervenes."


"An unknown moving object was found in the southwest of the accident site. The signal is orange, and it is impossible to confirm whether it is an apostle!"

Ikage Gendo looked at the big screen.

Ordered: "The first level of combat preparation."

Dongyue was shocked, "Ikura?"

Ikogentang calmly said: "All members, first-level combat preparation."

Soon, Shinji and Asuka, who were walking on their way home, received instructions to play.

The agent responsible for secretly protecting the two was transformed into a driver and sent the two to NERV headquarters.

"Unfortunately, if my second machine is still there, this kind of trivial matter can be solved in minutes."

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Asuka glared at Shinji angrily while sitting next to Shinji.

The start-up experiment of Asuka's first machine has been done.

Ikari's mother, who is not emotional, greatly made Asuka start successfully.

However, the current pilot of the first aircraft was still Shinji, and Asuka was only included in the reserve pilot.

"Yes, yes, your second unit is invincible."

"What's your tone! It's a good one at first."

Shinji wanted to tell Asuka that after this battle, your second machine will be back.

But this sentence cannot be said. God knows if there is a monitoring device in this car. Even if it doesn't, if the secret agents around you report every sentence, they don't know what it will lead to.

Amid the roar of the engine, an agent who was not inferior to Katsuragi's car skills stepped on the accelerator to the extreme, and the black sports car flickered like a black lightning on the main road of the emergency road closure.

The armored buildings in the third Tokyo city shrank into the bunker.

Before the battle started, the smoke of gunpowder had already begun to permeate the city.


EVA headquarters, boarding area of ​​EVA's first flight.

Asuka and Shinji changed into combat uniforms together.

"You come to me?"




"Is there a problem? I also passed the experiment on the first machine. Although the synchronization rate is not as abnormal as yours, it is as high as 53%!"

There is no problem numerically.

But isn't Shinji and Asuka riding on the EVA with the TV version of the plot? And it's on the second machine.

Is it possible that this matter still has historical inertia?

"No problem, it's an honor."

The two entered the cockpit.

The first EVA machine started.

The operator still had some complaints about the two entering the insertion plug.

Driving an EVA is not a trifling matter, and the driver should not be allowed to go crazy.

But after seeing all the normal values ​​on the startup panel, I closed my mouth.

When two people ride together, the synchronization rate can reach as high as 50%! This is beyond the scope of theory.


Matsuyo is some distance away from the third city of Tokyo.

The No. 1 aircraft waited between the two places until the sun set, and the sky was burning with fire, and the two men received the order to prepare for the battle.

"The target is close! Prepare for ground-to-ground combat!"

"The attack of the blocking force begins!"

An apostle appeared at the end of the mountain on the panoramic screen of the EVA No. 1 unit.

The black EVA03 machine!

Asuka's eyes widened in disbelief, and she yelled, "Isn't this EVA!"

The firepower net of the blocking forces enveloped the EVA03.

The AT position of the EVA03 unit easily blocked all the attacks, and walked over here without any haste.

Ikogendo's voice came from the communication.

"The goal is approaching, you come to destroy it."


Asuka looked at Shinji uncertainly.

Shinji smiled and said, "The apostle is really getting more and more cunning. I guess it is a controlling apostle this time, secretly occupying EVA03."

Hearing this explanation, Asuka felt relieved, "Really?"

In the channel of the communication, Ikogen Gentang replied: "Yeah."

Asuka looked in a trance, lingering in her heart. "The apostle is hiding in the EVA03? It's so risky..."

The first machine stood up from the top of the mountain.

"Asuka, the battle is about to begin. You have to cheer up, and you can't affect my operation."

Asuka instantly licked the blood and replied: "Huh? Am I the kind of unprofessional person? Don't be scared. If you don't go and replace me, but who is in it now?"

Ikogentang's voice replied: "EVA03 has no driver on it."

Asuka was completely relieved.

Shinji was not surprised at this result, because he arranged it.

Ritsuko Akagi suggested that the root cause of the test with the insertion plug was not that Asuka was injured.

It was Nirvana who used the memory fruit ability to rewrite Akagi Ritsuko's consciousness.

"Aw! Aw!!! Aw!!!"

The Ninth Apostle, Unit EVA03 was as agile as a monkey, leaped forward and rushed towards Unit No. 1.

Left jab!

The fist of the No. 1 machine is in the middle of the No. EVA03 machine.

The facial restraint armor of EVA03 was smashed and deformed.

But EVA06's arms suddenly stretched out like a lightning whip and shook and locked the neck of the first machine.

"Idiot Shinji! Avoid it!"

Both people who have locked their throats can feel it through nerve connections.

At this time, two bulging bulges bulged on the back of EVA03, and a pair of flesh-colored human-like arms stretched out to grab the throat of the first machine.

The power supply line is disconnected!

The umbilical cord power ejection is disconnected.

The five-minute countdown begins.

Forward stab!

Unit No. 1 grabbed Unit No. EVA03 with both hands and rushed to the opposite mountain and hit it straight up.

The pain of suffocation is real.

But it was too much pediatrics for Shinji to lose his fighting consciousness with this bit of pain.

Kow, smash!

Looked a little shamelessly like kowtow.

However, the EVA03 machine suffered a lot, and the two arms protruding from the back fractured from the roots.

The hand that stretched the throat could not take the head of the EVA No. 1 machine.

However, the No. 1 machine that was freed up after the impact grabbed and broke.


The EVA03 machine was madly talking to the first machine.

The No. 1 machine's mouth restraint opened and roared back with a louder voice, biting off the opponent's head and vomiting out.

The blood was gushing like a fountain, and the EVA03 unit was still silent.

The surging cells infiltrated the No.1 machine.

Viral apostle, you can't eat it this time.

Fortunately, the first EVA machine did not send out a hungry signal.

"Idiot Shinji, hit the S2 mechanism!"

"Looking for it."

The core of the halo angel in the original world development invades the injection plug.

But the EVA03 unit in front of me no longer has an insert pin.

Where is that?

Forget it, let it all be broken.

Starting from the neck, hammer down the fist along the cervical spine.

After 3 minutes, EVA03 was completely silent.

The corpse was as horrible as it was run over by a road roller.

Disconnect the power supply for 5 minutes.


The panoramic image is disconnected.

The first EVA unit ceased activity.

The injection plug pops out, and the LCL liquid is urgently thrown out.

Walking out of the cockpit and looking at the unrecognizable EVA03, Asuka was disgusted and turned away immediately, her mouth full of complaining words.

Shinji thoughtfully looked at the circle drawn on the ground under the number one finger, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising.

The helicopter landed overhead, and the two climbed up and down the boarding rope.


At the same time, secretly sneaked into the backup pilot of the Japanese EVA02 aircraft, and True Hippo Marie Elantrias received instructions from his superiors that the plan failed and to evacuate from Japan.


Putting down the folding phone, under the bright burning clouds, the girl who stood on the rooftop and looked into the distance couldn't help but smile.

"The layout that I worked hard for so long was cancelled so easily. I really want to meet the person who disturbed this plan. What kind of person is it?"

Her task is to replace the pilot of the second plane and stay in Japan to inquire about intelligence.

She didn't know the specific plan.

But the above will do everything possible to make the driver of the second machine unable to drive.

"I'm really reluctant to leave as soon as I arrive. Why don't you go and see the legendary pilot of the No. 1 pilot?"



The helicopter flew away and the dust was flying.

Suddenly a sneezing Shinji stared at the gold star.

"Idiot Shinji, don't point at me!"

"How can I be directed at the ground."

"Even if you are on the ground, don't be in my direction!"

"So domineering?"

"have opinions?"


Back at the headquarters, Ritsuko Akagi was wrapped in a bandage, and Katsuragi's arm was hung in a plaster cast on his chest, looking a little miserable.

"Just stay alive, welcome back."

Shinji's words stunned Katsuragi, who had brought the words to his lips.

Shaking his other hand, he hammered Shinji's head and was easily captured by Shinji.

"Don't be so irritable, if your other hand is also folded, no one will help you go to the toilet."


Katsuragi's cheeks were flushed.

"What kind of **** is this, who did you learn these from?"

Akagi Ritsuko laughed and said, "Living with you, if you fail to learn, then you can only learn from you."

Katsuragi is about to break out, and Ritsuko Akagi sternly said: "Shinji, do you and EVA03 have a grudge? Judging from the images returned by the on-site receipt, even if it is recycled, it can no longer be put into use. The repair price does not have to be much lower."

Shinji reluctantly shrugged his shoulders tactically: "Why, you are not here. The person in charge this time is extremely unprofessional. I didn't tell me where the S2 organ is.

Don't you know, this thing is going to invade the No. 1 machine, and I almost can't get back. "

Katsuragi was generous, "The things that were invaded by the apostles cannot be used even if they are recovered. If they are destroyed, they will be destroyed, and it will be fine if they come back."

Asuka thoughtfully, took a peek at Shinji, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

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