One Piece: Luffy's Big Brother.
Chapter 15 - 15: A lesson to be taught.
*Few days later*
We were in the house as we had gone hunting this morning, we decided to eat at the house since the trick to eat at every restaurant has already spread throughout the kingdom and so every restaurant were now wary to find a tall cloaked man with his "son" at the front of their doors.
So with no choice left we had to return to the old method.
We were roasting a lot of different meats in the house.
The delicious aroma that was flowing in the air was making every bandits in the house salivated and us four the first. And obviously they wouldn't dare to ȧssault the food as there were three monster guarding the foods, any of the three ten years old kids could beat the shit out of them while Luffy was still learning how to control his devil fruit powers.
I was the one who had prepared the meat's seasoning as none of the three knew how to cooked something good.
I had to thanks Makino-neechan as she was the one to teach me how to cook. I had already self learned how to cook but compared to Makino-neechan's cooking, I have to say that my cooking was really garbage next to it. It was then that I decide to learned.
Of course Makino-neechan has taught me happily.
She was the kindest teacher I had, since a um cough...grandpa cough...
Anyway, when they saw that I was cooking a little better than most, those three idiots declare that I would be the cook all the time from now on.
I couldn't complain as none of the three knew how to cook and if they were to ever cooked something, I think I don't even want to think about it. It's just that in this life none of them were meant to be cook.
So here I was, cooking, for my brothers.
While I was cooking I suddenly heard five different footsteps coming from outside the house.
I knew that Dadan & co were complaining about us outside as these few days we were really giving a hard time to them.
Well it was mostly Luffy & co, as it seems that everytime they would do some crap, it is always Dadan who would pay the cost.
The other day, when Luffy has finally caught his first shittycrappy fish this idiot forgot to extract the poison out, and as it happen when it was time to eat Dadan chose this particular fish. She end up being a close friend to the toilette for a whole week.
Anyway as Dadan & co were walking here I heard two other footsteps coming along with them.
I then said " Hey guys, look out for the foods, don't let it burn." I don't know but I felt that they were people I knew.
Curious I walked to the door and opened it.
I then saw Makino-neechan and grandpa Hoop standing in front of the door.
Surprised I said " Makino-neechan!" I then run happily to her and gave her a hug. She hug me back happily.
"How have you been Edam ?" She said gently.
" I've been fine." I replied smiling
" And your brother ?" She asked curiously.
" He too is fine, he's inside, wait a bit I'll go call him over."
However I didn't need to as Luffy who had maybe heard me, run to the door and shouted too " Makino!" he run to her and gaver her a hug too.
We were always happy to see her anytime and anywhere. She would always spoiled us behind grandpa's back as he never wanted us to be spoiled rotten. Even during those months she would send us some cake or other thing that she prepared to us. She was truly the big sister that everyone would loved to have.
" What are you doing here, Makino-neechan ?"
I asked curiously.
" Oh I just came to see you and your brother and to give you some new clothes." She said that with a beautiful smile on her face.
Ace and Sabo were at the back, too shy to show themselves.
"Hey come Ace, Sabo this is Makino-neechan the one who taught me how to cook." I said happily.
Makino who then noticed them then said with her ever gentle smile "Come you two, I have some clothes for you too."
When I saw that, I thought.
' Fool ! Nobody can resist Makino-neechan smile, not even a savage beast like me.'
I smiled while recalling a certain memory.
Anyway Ace who was foolishly resisting in vain, finally understood that all attempts to resist was foolish, started to walked toward us while grumbling under his breath.
And then our day continued like that as Makino-neechan took our measurements to give us fitting new clothes.
Ace was always the most shy among us. It was really new to see him blush. That made us all laughed hard meanwhile Ace said while sulking " You ! just you wait..."
"Oy don't move so much." Makino said to him making stand up like a perfect soldier.
We then burst into laughing again.
Of course we didn't just do that, we also talked about what us brothers have done here.
But obviously we didn't talked about our behaviors in the Gray Terminal as we didn't want to made her worried.
Although I say "we" it was mostly I as our stupide little brother really had a big mouth, I had to shut him down at least a dozen of time to make sure that he didn't released some "confidential secret."
I suddenly really felt bad for his future companions.
"Oh right !" Luffy exclaimed suddenly.
When I heard him, I was already on my guard to shut him down, if need arise.
"Makino, We became brothers with Ace and Sabo, Nihihihi..." A wide smile was on his face.
"Oh, you did ?" Makino asked surprised at what she heard.
"Yes, we did, not too long ago the four of us each drank a cup of saké to become real brothers."
"Ace, Sabo and I wanted to become pirates and because we didn't wanted to fight Edam niichan when we grew up we decided to become brothers forever."
Makino who heard that burst into laughter as she found this reason to be really cute.
"Haha, then you will have to hide this from your grandpa, if he heard that you three want to become pirates he will give you three a hard time you know." She said that while laughing a bit and giving him an advice.
"Humm." Luffy nodded at her words happily.
'I bet that he didn't really listen.' I thought.
And like that we continued to discuss about everything that could be discussed about.
Night quickly fell as it was soon time to eat.
On the table to eat, a lot of delicious foods was waiting to be eaten. Just one looked and you see that it was heavenly good. We all had the urge to ȧssault the food right away, but for respect purpose we all wait a bit.
For bandits to respect something was really a rare things but Makino-neechan could conquered nearly anything with her noble and gentle demeanor.
I had helped a little to prepared the foods. But she didn't really need my helped, she could cooked all of that herself. With me or without me, her cooking skill held the promises of a delicious food to eat.
And so after wishing a good appetite we ȧssult the food like hungry and famished wolfs.
The dinner was going well even though there would be some drunk idiots who would try to flirt with Makino but their ȧss would be kicked off almost as soon as they tried to talked to her by the four mythical monster kids.
Overall this dinner continued to go well until a certain event, when Luffy, Ace and Sabo were talking about pirates stuff, I heard some heavy steps coming from outside. At first I didn't recalled to who those step's sound belong to.
However, as I was recalling, my face was changing from white to blue.
Sabo who was savouring the meals said "When I will be a pirate I'll have the best cook in the world."
Ace then replied " I'm gonna become a pirate first so good luck with that."
Hearing them I began to sweat a bit and stutter a bit " O...Oy Luff-..." however before I finished Luffy had already shouted " I will become a pirate before either of you."
From behind of them was the the entrance hall and at the same entrance a huge and terrifying shadow could be seen.
As I was in front of Luffy and Ace, I directly saw the outline of the most dreadful existence I've seen till this day.
His eyes shining a very dangerous light and even though he didn't say a thing, everyone who saw him were frightened and spitting what they drank.
Even Luffy and Ace who didn't saw him were frightened, their faces immediatedly go blue from fear as they heard a cough sounding in their back.
Obviously there was only Garp, their own grandfather who could make them shake like that.
Garp then said " You guys are still going on about that
When they saw and heard him clearly, they spit out what they drank and ate earlier from fright, as if they had seen a ghost.
"What part of becoming marines you two didn't understand ?" Garp said while lifting his fist and sending those unstoppable weapon on Luffy and Ace head giving them big bump on their heads.
Even Dadan got her own bump as Garp called her " Dadan !"
"Hi Garp-sa-..." He gave her a free bump on her head.
" Why did I got one too ?" She said pitifuly while she fell beside Ace and Luffy.
Sabo who saw for the first time Garp was completely frightened like a little rabbit.
"Garp ? So this geezer is Ace, Luffy and Edam's grandfather ? " He said sweating a lot from fear.
Garp who seemed to hear him turn around and eyed him with his menacing eyes.
" Kid, I heard that you want to sail the seas too?"
"His name isn't "kid" he's Sabo. We became brothers by exchanging a cup of saké and promising to become great pirates !"
And then Luffy in his entire innocence and naivety tried to defend Sabo by unknowingly making him fall with him too. It was truly sad for Sabo.
Even Ace who was on the ground was despairing. " That big mouth of his..."
"Baka... I knew it he didn't listen to a single thing of what Makino said..." I said with my hand on my face.
"Oh, so the number of idiots who need to be taught a lesson has increased to four ?" Garp said that while smiling like a demon and cracking his hands.
It took me a whole minutes to understand that something was wrong with what grandpa said
"What ! f...four but grandpa they are only three !" I exclaimed in fear. I really had a bad feeling about it and it seemed that I was correct.
" Oy Edam didn't I told you to watch over your brother ?"
"But that's not my fault, they are three now and I'm only one person..." I tried to defend myself to the best of my capability... in vain.
"Oh ? then forget it." He said while smiling.
"I don't get to be beaten ?" I asked as I regain hope in humanity.
"Oh, no you do." his smile turned evil in an instant while his eyes shined an similar evil light.
"But why ?!" I exclaimed outrage by what was going on and then he replied me.
" Because I feel like it." with a demon like smile.
Tears were already coming out my eyes as he charge toward us and beat the shit out of us.
We were in the house as we had gone hunting this morning, we decided to eat at the house since the trick to eat at every restaurant has already spread throughout the kingdom and so every restaurant were now wary to find a tall cloaked man with his "son" at the front of their doors.
So with no choice left we had to return to the old method.
We were roasting a lot of different meats in the house.
The delicious aroma that was flowing in the air was making every bandits in the house salivated and us four the first. And obviously they wouldn't dare to ȧssault the food as there were three monster guarding the foods, any of the three ten years old kids could beat the shit out of them while Luffy was still learning how to control his devil fruit powers.
I was the one who had prepared the meat's seasoning as none of the three knew how to cooked something good.
I had to thanks Makino-neechan as she was the one to teach me how to cook. I had already self learned how to cook but compared to Makino-neechan's cooking, I have to say that my cooking was really garbage next to it. It was then that I decide to learned.
Of course Makino-neechan has taught me happily.
She was the kindest teacher I had, since a um cough...grandpa cough...
Anyway, when they saw that I was cooking a little better than most, those three idiots declare that I would be the cook all the time from now on.
I couldn't complain as none of the three knew how to cook and if they were to ever cooked something, I think I don't even want to think about it. It's just that in this life none of them were meant to be cook.
So here I was, cooking, for my brothers.
While I was cooking I suddenly heard five different footsteps coming from outside the house.
I knew that Dadan & co were complaining about us outside as these few days we were really giving a hard time to them.
Well it was mostly Luffy & co, as it seems that everytime they would do some crap, it is always Dadan who would pay the cost.
The other day, when Luffy has finally caught his first shittycrappy fish this idiot forgot to extract the poison out, and as it happen when it was time to eat Dadan chose this particular fish. She end up being a close friend to the toilette for a whole week.
Anyway as Dadan & co were walking here I heard two other footsteps coming along with them.
I then said " Hey guys, look out for the foods, don't let it burn." I don't know but I felt that they were people I knew.
Curious I walked to the door and opened it.
I then saw Makino-neechan and grandpa Hoop standing in front of the door.
Surprised I said " Makino-neechan!" I then run happily to her and gave her a hug. She hug me back happily.
"How have you been Edam ?" She said gently.
" I've been fine." I replied smiling
" And your brother ?" She asked curiously.
" He too is fine, he's inside, wait a bit I'll go call him over."
However I didn't need to as Luffy who had maybe heard me, run to the door and shouted too " Makino!" he run to her and gaver her a hug too.
We were always happy to see her anytime and anywhere. She would always spoiled us behind grandpa's back as he never wanted us to be spoiled rotten. Even during those months she would send us some cake or other thing that she prepared to us. She was truly the big sister that everyone would loved to have.
" What are you doing here, Makino-neechan ?"
I asked curiously.
" Oh I just came to see you and your brother and to give you some new clothes." She said that with a beautiful smile on her face.
Ace and Sabo were at the back, too shy to show themselves.
"Hey come Ace, Sabo this is Makino-neechan the one who taught me how to cook." I said happily.
Makino who then noticed them then said with her ever gentle smile "Come you two, I have some clothes for you too."
When I saw that, I thought.
' Fool ! Nobody can resist Makino-neechan smile, not even a savage beast like me.'
I smiled while recalling a certain memory.
Anyway Ace who was foolishly resisting in vain, finally understood that all attempts to resist was foolish, started to walked toward us while grumbling under his breath.
And then our day continued like that as Makino-neechan took our measurements to give us fitting new clothes.
Ace was always the most shy among us. It was really new to see him blush. That made us all laughed hard meanwhile Ace said while sulking " You ! just you wait..."
"Oy don't move so much." Makino said to him making stand up like a perfect soldier.
We then burst into laughing again.
Of course we didn't just do that, we also talked about what us brothers have done here.
But obviously we didn't talked about our behaviors in the Gray Terminal as we didn't want to made her worried.
Although I say "we" it was mostly I as our stupide little brother really had a big mouth, I had to shut him down at least a dozen of time to make sure that he didn't released some "confidential secret."
I suddenly really felt bad for his future companions.
"Oh right !" Luffy exclaimed suddenly.
When I heard him, I was already on my guard to shut him down, if need arise.
"Makino, We became brothers with Ace and Sabo, Nihihihi..." A wide smile was on his face.
"Oh, you did ?" Makino asked surprised at what she heard.
"Yes, we did, not too long ago the four of us each drank a cup of saké to become real brothers."
"Ace, Sabo and I wanted to become pirates and because we didn't wanted to fight Edam niichan when we grew up we decided to become brothers forever."
Makino who heard that burst into laughter as she found this reason to be really cute.
"Haha, then you will have to hide this from your grandpa, if he heard that you three want to become pirates he will give you three a hard time you know." She said that while laughing a bit and giving him an advice.
"Humm." Luffy nodded at her words happily.
'I bet that he didn't really listen.' I thought.
And like that we continued to discuss about everything that could be discussed about.
Night quickly fell as it was soon time to eat.
On the table to eat, a lot of delicious foods was waiting to be eaten. Just one looked and you see that it was heavenly good. We all had the urge to ȧssault the food right away, but for respect purpose we all wait a bit.
For bandits to respect something was really a rare things but Makino-neechan could conquered nearly anything with her noble and gentle demeanor.
I had helped a little to prepared the foods. But she didn't really need my helped, she could cooked all of that herself. With me or without me, her cooking skill held the promises of a delicious food to eat.
And so after wishing a good appetite we ȧssult the food like hungry and famished wolfs.
The dinner was going well even though there would be some drunk idiots who would try to flirt with Makino but their ȧss would be kicked off almost as soon as they tried to talked to her by the four mythical monster kids.
Overall this dinner continued to go well until a certain event, when Luffy, Ace and Sabo were talking about pirates stuff, I heard some heavy steps coming from outside. At first I didn't recalled to who those step's sound belong to.
However, as I was recalling, my face was changing from white to blue.
Sabo who was savouring the meals said "When I will be a pirate I'll have the best cook in the world."
Ace then replied " I'm gonna become a pirate first so good luck with that."
Hearing them I began to sweat a bit and stutter a bit " O...Oy Luff-..." however before I finished Luffy had already shouted " I will become a pirate before either of you."
From behind of them was the the entrance hall and at the same entrance a huge and terrifying shadow could be seen.
As I was in front of Luffy and Ace, I directly saw the outline of the most dreadful existence I've seen till this day.
His eyes shining a very dangerous light and even though he didn't say a thing, everyone who saw him were frightened and spitting what they drank.
Even Luffy and Ace who didn't saw him were frightened, their faces immediatedly go blue from fear as they heard a cough sounding in their back.
Obviously there was only Garp, their own grandfather who could make them shake like that.
Garp then said " You guys are still going on about that
When they saw and heard him clearly, they spit out what they drank and ate earlier from fright, as if they had seen a ghost.
"What part of becoming marines you two didn't understand ?" Garp said while lifting his fist and sending those unstoppable weapon on Luffy and Ace head giving them big bump on their heads.
Even Dadan got her own bump as Garp called her " Dadan !"
"Hi Garp-sa-..." He gave her a free bump on her head.
" Why did I got one too ?" She said pitifuly while she fell beside Ace and Luffy.
Sabo who saw for the first time Garp was completely frightened like a little rabbit.
"Garp ? So this geezer is Ace, Luffy and Edam's grandfather ? " He said sweating a lot from fear.
Garp who seemed to hear him turn around and eyed him with his menacing eyes.
" Kid, I heard that you want to sail the seas too?"
"His name isn't "kid" he's Sabo. We became brothers by exchanging a cup of saké and promising to become great pirates !"
And then Luffy in his entire innocence and naivety tried to defend Sabo by unknowingly making him fall with him too. It was truly sad for Sabo.
Even Ace who was on the ground was despairing. " That big mouth of his..."
"Baka... I knew it he didn't listen to a single thing of what Makino said..." I said with my hand on my face.
"Oh, so the number of idiots who need to be taught a lesson has increased to four ?" Garp said that while smiling like a demon and cracking his hands.
It took me a whole minutes to understand that something was wrong with what grandpa said
"What ! f...four but grandpa they are only three !" I exclaimed in fear. I really had a bad feeling about it and it seemed that I was correct.
" Oy Edam didn't I told you to watch over your brother ?"
"But that's not my fault, they are three now and I'm only one person..." I tried to defend myself to the best of my capability... in vain.
"Oh ? then forget it." He said while smiling.
"I don't get to be beaten ?" I asked as I regain hope in humanity.
"Oh, no you do." his smile turned evil in an instant while his eyes shined an similar evil light.
"But why ?!" I exclaimed outrage by what was going on and then he replied me.
" Because I feel like it." with a demon like smile.
Tears were already coming out my eyes as he charge toward us and beat the shit out of us.
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